《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 5


"Hokage-sama, what do you need?" Kitsune asked as he kneeled in front of the Hokage's desk.

"Ahh, Kitsune, yes."

"I just finished my mission, do you have another one for me?" Kitsune asked.

"Yes, Naruto."

"Then what is it?"

"Naruto I am going to send you on a long-term S rank mission," Hiruzen said.

"Huh, ok? Long term? Meaning? More details please Old man." Naruto inquired.

"You know Uchiha Sasuke?" Asked the Hokage.

"You mean Itachi's little brother?" Naruto asked, "What about him?"

"I want you to protect him. He may be a target of enemies in the future. As we know from the information from Itachi, the Akatsuki are planning on taking the tailed beasts. My mission for you is to attend the academy and guard Uchiha Sasuke. I also want you to make some friends, you know, children your age and not just other Anbu members." The third Hokage said.

"But Jiji, I don't want any friends, well my age that is. I have Kakashi-nii and Itachi-nii, well even though he isn't in the village. Plus I also have Anko, Ibiki, and Tenzo." Naruto exclaimed.

"I understand Naruto, you are unlike other children your age, you've had a rough childhood and you became and Anbu very suddenly but I want you to just try to put some trust in other people your age as well. Aside from the mission of protecting the Uchiha, Making some friends is the other half of my mission for you." Hiruzen replied.

"Uggg... fine, whatever..." Naruto sulked. "Only for you Jiji."

Hiruzen smiled.

"One more thing, as for the fact that you will obviously be able to pass the genin exams and make it into a 4 man squad like the rest of the genin, I will be placing you in a 4 man squad where Kakashi is your "sensei". As you already know, Kakashi is not in the Anbu anymore and is a genin squad leader, and since you both know each other and have a good relationship as friends, you will be in a squad with him and the Uchiha, as well as some other person that is very irrelevant." Hiruzen explained.


"Yep, yep, got it," Naruto answered annoyed,

I have to freaking become an academy student and protect a pathetic Uchiha, how irritating.

"You will be attending the academy starting tomorrow. You will be reporting to the academy courtyard at 7 and you will be allowed in at 7:10, understood?" Hiruzen inquired.


"Understood." said an annoyed Naruto.

Hiruzen smiled.

"You are dismissed."

Stupid old man, making me attend the academy to protect a freaking Uchiha, well to be fair, he is Itachi-nii's little brother. To think about it, I never met him huh, well first time in forever I guess.

"Hn, well, I'm expecting a lot anyway, he is Itachi's brother, and Itachi is one of the strongest shinobi I know. Wait, don't I need to meet him tomorrow?"

"Uggg, no one cares if I sound like a stupid Uchiha. And plus, have to meet him late because of some stupid academy business... I'll send him a messenger bird later," Naruto sighed.

"Hey Itachi-nii, sorry but I will be arriving late at the meeting spot tomorrow, I got sent on a long term S rank mission so I have to babysit your little brother... Yeah... But in more formal terms, I will be joining the academy and put on the same team as your little brother. Apparently, I need to protect him because he's the 'last Uchiha'. It's going to be troublesome and I know I might sound like a Nara right now but I really do not care (More emphasis on the I don't care part). I hope you're well, hmm, I never say that huh... well, whatever, we're meeting tomorrow anyway. I hope the other Akatsuki members aren't bothering you because from what you tell me, Deidara blows the whole base up. How many times was that again? By the way, I will be resupplying you with your medicine again. See you tomorrow.


From, your un-biological little brother.

Naruto folded up the note and put it inside a little container which then was strapped to Karasu, who was Naruto's special messenger bird specifically meant for Itachi.

"Now go Karasu, bring it to Itachi," Naruto said softly.

The bird crowed and took off out of the open window.

"Yeah I do but at least I get to see him once a month, it doesn't make it as bad, he was the first person I could really put my trust in. He was the first one that really cared for me, aside from Jiji." Naruto sad sadly.

"No no, it's alright. You were being controlled by the wretched Madara Uchiha. One of these days, I'm gonna kill that bastard." Naruto said in an angry tone.

"Hmmm... You still never told me about him though." Naruto inquired.

"Ha, you finally admit that you're lazy," Naruto smirked.

"Hn, you're right for once, you lazy ass fox."

"Yeah, yeah whatever, I don't really give a shit."

"I don't get Kurama, I can kill but I can't curse? Isn't that absurd?" Naruto questioned.

"Come on Kurama, you sleep like 24/7 don't you ever get tired of it?"

"Okay, okay. Got it, mom." Naruto laughed.

"Hn. Lazy old fox." Naruto said under his breath.

Naruto got dressed into his pjs and stumbled onto the bed stubbing his toe in the process.

"Oww! God damn it." Naruto shouted.

"Oh shut it fox, go back to sleep," Naruto said as he immediately recovered from the sudden pain since he extremely tolerant to pain given that he abused during his childhood. (I wanted to cry while writing this 😭😭).

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