《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 6


"Hmn hn... 5 mins, please... " Naruto said groggily.

"Give me a break Kurama... and plus number 1: Why are you up, don't you like sleep all day? And 2: you sound like a mom." Naruto asked finally getting up.

"Well you do act like one." Naruto said trying to hold in a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, okay mom," Naruto chuckled.

"Hn, well as I said before, you sure do act like one." Naruto laughed, seeing the old lazy ass fox complain.

Naruto laughed.

Naruto was wearing the standard Anbu uniform/ outfit and put his Anbu mask on.

Just like the one below except with his mask directly on his face.

The boy opened the door and put a seal on his apartment to prevent any more house break-ins from the other villagers. Then he made his way to his personal training ground that was gifted to him when you was younger. The blondie then started warming up and began running around the village 200 times. Then doing 300 crunches, 300 push-ups, and plank for 20 minutes. Then he started practicing with shurikens and kunais.

"Kagebunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto shouted and made 200 clones, they then began to spar and work on various different new Justus

"Oh shit, yeah, fuck," Naruto remembered, startled.

"Yeah, yeah mom." Naruto laughed.

Naruto laughed out loud and then sealed everything into his scroll and shunshined back to his house.

"Ugg! Do I have to get into this hideous orange jumpsuit? Oh, my god, this is vulgar beyond words." Naruto remarked as he looked at the jumpsuit in disgust.

"Shut it Fox" Naruto growled.

"Why is this thing so freaking itchy?" Naruto asked irritated. By now, Kurama was already sound asleep, dreaming about beating his youngest brother into 100 trillion little pieces of sand and then building a very fine sandcastle out of it. I think you all know which one of the tailed beasts I'm talking about.

After changing, Naruto went outside and placed a seal on the house and then shunshined to a spot in the woods that was near the academy courtyard so nobody spotted him. It was 6:59 so he was early by a minute, although, there were a few people there already. Naruto saw a boy about his age with a gravity-defying pineapple hair that looked bored out of his mind. Naruto secretly named him pineapple head. Standing next to him was another boy who was quite round and chubby, eating a bag of chips while talking to pineapple head. Next to them was a girl with light blond hair scolding Chubby over there for eating too much. There was also a pinkette who was also there laughing at chubby, blondie, and pineapple head. There was also another weird girl with short dark blue hair with byakugan eyes who was hiding behind a tree. Weirdo. Naruto thought. Huh, interesting. It doesn't look like the Uchiha is here yet.

Hn, the Uchiha has arrived I see. Naruto thought as the Uchiha walking into the courtyard.

Blonde , and the Pinkette, or Pinky, as I named her,as well as a bunch of other girls started to run over to the Uchiha and fangirl over him. They also started squealing which made my extremely sensitive ears hurt. They also made Kurama's ears bleed since he has huge ears.

"Sorry Kurama, my ears are ringing too. Wait, YOU CAN CURSE BUT I CAN'T!!!???" Naruto complained.

"Hn. Whatever."

All the kids were there by now and they all started shuffling in the building. Naruto laid back a bit and waited for everyone to get in before shunshining into the building. After everyone got into the classroom and settled down, their sensei walked in and effectively shut their loud mouths up, especially Pinky and Blondie who were both fangirling over the Uchiha while he continued to ignore them.


"Everyone, good morning. We have a new student today, please treat him well." Iruka said.

Well, that's my cue. Hn. Lights, Camara, Action.

Naruto strode into the classroom and faced the group of children even though he too, was the same age as them.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Uzumaki Naruto. Nice to meet you." Naruto said as he put up a huge fake smile on his face as a cover-up of who he really was.

"I really fucking hate this right now Kurama, I would rather die than to be standing in front of these bunch of weaklings right now," Naruto said, annoyed.

"Oh, whatever," Naruto said.

He felt the chakra of every student and immediately recalled what the other villagers felt towards him. Hatred and annoyance. There were a few exceptions though. Pineapple head, Chubby, and the Uchiha, or as I named him, Duckbutt, didn't really feel anything. Pineapple Head was simply just too bored and on the verge of sleep to really feel anything. Chubby was too busy enjoying his chips to acknowledge anything around him and Duckbutt was... being an Uchiha, boring, emotionless, and annoyed.

Naruto then made his way to the only empty table and sat down.

"Okay everyone, today we are going to be learning about the history of Konoha and its founders. Today, we are only going to learning about the history of Hashirama Senju and his life." Iruka said.

"Really, they haven't learned about that shit yet. I learned all that like 7years ago." Naruto complained.

"You can curse and I can't? That's unfair." Naruto complained.

"NARUTO!!!" A voice rang out.

"Hmm?" Naruto asked as he lifted his head off the desk and looked at the origin of the voice.

"Who was Hashirama Senju?" Iruka questioned.


"Hashirama Senju was the first Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village," Naruto answered. "What else do you want me to clarify?"

"Who was Hashirama's rival and best friend?"

"Uchiha Madara."

"Who was the second Hokage?"

"Tobirama Senju, who was also one of Hashirama's younger brothers."

What was Hashirama best known for?"

"Well, a number of things, but I think the answer that you want is Wood style. Right?"

"Uhhh... Yeah... That's correct..."

"You done yet? Sensei?" Naruto smirked.

"Uhhh, y- yes..." Iruka stammered, shocked as he gawked at Naruto.

People started gawking at Naruto because they didn't even get to that part of the lesson yet.

"Naruto, how could you be so rude to our sensei!!!???" The Pink Banshee yelled.

"Tch," Naruto said, annoyed as he attempted to block out the sound of the screaming banshee.


"NO, HE'S MINE!!!" Blondie yelled with a little quieter voice than the screaming howler monkey but still pretty loud.

By now, everyone was gawking at Naruto as they saw the scene unfold.

"SILENCE!!!" Dolphin yelled being the first one to recover from the shock. (Iruka).

Everyone was startled, all except for Naruto of course. The students immediately shut up and turned to their sensei.

"Naruto, it looks like you already know the lesson, you can do whatever you want for now I guess. Now, everyone, back to the lesson." Iruka commanded.

"Hn..." Sasuke said for the first time in forever.

"Oh my god, it speaks!" Naruto pointed out.


Naruto put his head onto the table and fell asleep...

Naruto woke up and found that the class was just about to be over.





And the clock strikes 12

Naruto abruptly got up and calmly began walking to the front of the classroom.

"What are you doing Naruto?" Iruka asked confused.

"From the last time I checked Sensei, The clock has already struck 12" Naruto replied calmly.

"Oh, yes, you're right. Umm... Everyone that is a wrap for today, You are dismissed." Iruka told the class.

Naruto walked out the door and immediately shunshined to his personal training ground. (By the way, Naruto is now 11). Naruto made sure that no one saw him doing the body flicker technique or that would give his identity of not being a regular academy student away.

The fangirls started swarming around Sasuke as they tried to ask him out. Sasuke tried pushing past them to get to the door to look for his new classmate but, keyword: Tried.

"Hey Sasuke, that demon was trying to copy you, I bet you're mad right?" The screaming banshee asked with hearts in her eyes.

"He's a monster, right Sasuke."

"I bet he will never be as good as you, Sasuke."

"Shut up all of you," Sasuke growled.

"Awww, come on Sasuke. Don't be so cold." Sakura replied with hearts as well as flowers surrounding her. She also has hearts for eyes.

"I told you all to shut up and get away from me," Sasuke growled, this time, They got nervous and most of the girls started to back down, all except for one. Yep, you guessed it, it was the pink banshee.

"Sasuke, come on, you know all the things we said were true. By the way, I know you like me, and so how about we go out." Sakura suggested.

"I told you to get the FUCK away from me," Sasuke growled again. This time successfully making her back down and sending shivers down her spine.

Sasuke then ran out the door and headed outside to try to find his new classmate. But he was nowhere to be found.

"Hn, whatever. He's probably nothing special." Sasuke sighed as he tried to forget about him.

"Uggg, that was so boring!" Naruto complained to Kurama.


"Yeah, yeah." Naruto replied and shunshined back to his house, he broke the seal and went in. He then put his Anbu mask on and shunshined to the hospital to retrieve Itachi's medication for his disease. Because Naruto was basically famous in and out of the village, and people know him to be Kage level or more in skill, he received a ton of bows from the villagers, but only when his Anbu mask was on. If it was off, he received treatment that was the complete polar opposite of when he has his mask on. After collecting the medication, Naruto shunshined to the Hokage's office to let him know that he will be meeting Itachi.

I was finishing signing some paperwork that was left untouched in my desk for a few months that were due a long time ago when I suddenly heard a crash coming from behind me. I whipped my head around and saw Kitsune looking over my shoulders.

"Hn, Jiji, You know that that was due like 3 months ago right?" Naruto pointed out, disappointed.

"Kitsune, you scared the crap out of me and nearly sent me to the hospital with a heart attack!" The Hokage yelled.

"Aww, come on Jiji, I know you, you're a lot tougher than that. You can take a lot more than a little scare right?" Kitsune laughed.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, now because of you I have to get that window fixed, AGAIN!!!" Hiruzen complained.

"Hmmm, whatever, I was just trying to see if you were actually doing what you're supposed to do and not reading those stupid perverted books," Naruto smirked under his mask. "By the way, I'm on my way to meet Itachi, I'll be back to report in a few hours. We have a lot to catch up on. Kitsune whispered with a smile. The secret about Itachi was only known to The 3rd Hokage and Naruto himself, no one else knew who Itachi truly was.

"Understood. You are dismissed." Hiruzen said as he looked at his paperwork.

"M-kay, see you later Jiji." Naruto replied as he went out the window opposite of the one made a whole through earlier, so now, there are two holes in the glass.

"JUST YOU WAIT!!! I'LL MAKE THE WINDOWS BE COVERED IN METAL SO YOU WON'T SMASH THROUGH IT EVER AGAIN." The third Hokage yelled at Naruto through the window, looking angrily at him.

"Haha!! You know that doesn't work on me Jiji, I'm even stronger than Baa-chan!" Naruto yelled back, laughing his ass off as he jumped away.

"Tch, I swear, to him, that door is non-existent and useless. Even when he does use it, he still finds a way to piss me off and go through the window." I sighed. "I really don't know what I am going to do with him." I sighed again. I then called someone to come to repair the window and then went back to dealing with my worst enemy. This enemy just keeps coming in the bunches. All-day, every day, never letting me take a damn break. Guess what it is... yep, it's paperwork.

Naruto finally shunshined to the secret meeting spot and saw his un-biological older brother. Naruto was too lazy to surprise him so he walked up into the clearing and shot 15 kunais at him. One of them hit Itachi but instead, he turned to crows. Then Naruto felt a breath on his neck. He craned his neck and saw Itachi right behind him with a kunai at his throat. Naruto smirked and disappeared into a plume of smoke.

Kagebunshin? Hn. Itachi thought.

By now, Naruto has completely concealed his chakra so no Sharingan could possibly see him. Naruto silently crept up behind Itachi and leaped at him. An unguarded Itachi was toppled to the ground being bear-hugged by a smiling Naruto.

"Heh, I win," Naruto smirked

"Hn, well I wasn't very guarded. I just wanted to see my un-biological little brother." Itachi smiled.

"Well then, we have a lot to cover Itachi-nii. Did you get my note?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah. So, how's Sasuke?" Itachi asked.

"Well, he's, well, he's quite popular with the girls and he has tons of fangirls, kinda like you when you were younger Itachi-nii."Naruto laughed.

"God, don't remind me." Itachi sighed looking exasperated.

"Heh, so what did you tell Pein?" Naruto asked.

"I was sent on a solo mission just now so it was a perfect opportunity to meet you and get away from the base," Itachi explained.

"Oooh, how convenient,"

"Quite." Itachi chuckled. "So, tell me, is Sasuke alright, I did tell him after the massacre that I never really loved him..."

"Hmm, well, you see, Sasuke is always quiet and sulking, he acts cold, distant, and most of the time, he just ignores everyone that is near him. And to be completely honest, I can totally relate." Naruto replied with a sigh.

"Kurama, I told you it wasn't your fault, you weren't in control during the rampage, you were controlled by that stupid Madara Uchiha," Naruto angrily said aloud.

"Naruto?" Itachi questioned.

"Sorry, Itachi, I was talking to Kurama," Naruto replied.

"Oh. By the way, you were talking about someone named Madara Uchiha, didn't he die like many years ago?" Itachi asked confused.

"Well, I have thought of that and from what I believe, there are only three possible answers for this. Number 1: He is being impersonated. Number 2: He is alive right now but is only being sustained by some type of life force. Or 3: He is being impersonated and he is also being sustained by some life force and is waiting to be reanimated by the second Hokage's technique, the Reanimation Jutsu after he dies. That's my speculation. One more thing, I think that the impersonation of Madara Uchiha may or may not be in the Akatsuki, there is a very high chance of that happening. So Itachi-nii, I want you to keep an eye out for me, okay?" Naruto explained.

"I see, yeah, I'll keep an eye out."

"Thanks. By the way, here's your medication."


"Hey Itachi-nii, why won't you let me heal you. I mean I am quite good at medical ninjutsu and if that can't fix the problem, I also have a few tricks up my sleeve to help heal you." Naruto explained.

"Well... To be honest... I want Sasuke to kill me..." Itachi sighed.

"Wait, WHAT!!!!!??? WHY???" Naruto yelled.


"Look, Naruto. It's Sasuke, I want him to get strong by revenge and eventually defeat me. Then he will be able to be seen as a true hero." Itachi sighed.

Naruto slapped Itachi on the face, HARD.

"Naruto, why did y-" Itachi asked only to be cut off by Naruto.

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