《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 4


Chapter 4

The Anbu member knocked on the door. They then heard a faint "Come in," from the other side of the door.

The Anbu member opened the door and kneeled in front of the Hokage.

"Hokage-sama I brought him."

"So, you found out about the undercover Anbu huh Naruto." The Hokage said.

"Jiji, can you please tell me what's going on," Naruto asked confused.

"According to the reports from this Anbu over here, you have grown quite strong, haven't you?" The Hokage asked.

"Well, I guess, Kurama has been training me a lot this past year," Naruto answered hesitantly.

"Uzumaki Naruto, I ask you, do you want to become a part of the Anbu?" The Hokage questioned as he asked the child in a serious and formal manner.

Naruto was shocked. His mouth was hanging open. The bottom of his jaw was touching the ground in shock, (quite literally).

"Wait, ME???!!!" Naruto asked astonished and confused.

"Yes, I see you have gotten quite strong, maybe even stronger than me, the Hokage," Hiruzen said.

"I'm flattered Jiji but am I not too young?" Naruto asked skeptically.

The Hokage chuckled.

"Well your age might be young but your skill level counters that. No Naruto, I don't think you are too young considering how strong you are."

"Well then. Yes, Jiji, I accept the offer into a position in the Anbu." Naruto answered excitedly.

Kurama congratulated Naruto as he chuckled.

'Thanks, Kurama.' Naruto replied smiling.

"Tomorrow, go to the Anbu base to get your gear and mask. Weasel, please show him around."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," they both said in unison.

"You are both dismissed," Hiruzen said.

They both then left the office.

"Hey, Naruto."

"Yeah?" Naruto questioned.


"If you ever need me, I'll be there for you okay?"

Naruto chuckled.

"Thank you, Itachi."

"Wait, you knew it was me?" Itachi asked surprised.


"You sure got strong Naruto." Itachi said.

"Thanks Itachi-nii-can. Hey, wanna go get some ramen?"

"Sure why not." Itachi chuckled.

"I'll pay the bill but tomorrow, in exchange, you have to help me with my Anbu stuff, or whatever you crazy people do in the Anbu."

"Well you just called yourself crazy, you are also part of the Anbu now too."

"Ya, ya I know. Well some people definitely do think of me that way..." Naruto said as he looked around at the villagers."

They both saw them glaring at him and they both heard them call Naruto a demon, monster, and fox.

Naruto sighed.

"I wonder if it will ever stop." Naruto wondered aloud and sighed again.

"You'll be fine Naruto, don't worry, and besides, you won't have to deal with them as much since you'll probably be on a continuous streak of missions." Itachi said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Naruto replied as they both entered the ramen shop."

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