《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》26


*Beep.* *Beep.* *Beep.* *Beep.*

I heard as I drifted. It was an incessant noise. So shrill and annoying. Before long I felt a sense of warmth. Someone's hand was in mine. I could smell flowers and antiseptic. Don't know who thought those two things together smelled good. I slowly opened my eyes. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the harsh light. I could see Kakashi sleeping with his head on the bed. He was so cute like that. It was him that was holding my hand. I lifted up my free hand to touch his hair. His eyes fluttered open. "You're awake!" Kakashi whisper-yelled. He threw himself at me in a hug, which was actually the last thing I was expecting from my usually stoic fiancee. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "About a week. Kurama was having difficulty purging the poison from your system. I was afraid you'd never wake up." Kakashi still didn't seem too sure that he wasn't just dreaming. He kept touching me, as if to make sure I wouldn't disappear. "What happened after I finished the seal?" I asked. "The wall repaired itself just in time to stop the other snakes from getting in. It seemed stronger than before and the snakes outside appeared to be in pain. If they had gotten in then Konaha wouldn't be standing right now." Kakashi answered. "Good. As long as there's chakra in those seals the walls will hold up." I said, relieved. "What about casualties from the two that were already in?" I asked. Kakashi hesitated. "There were almost 150 people with various injuries. There were only 2 casualties." I was worried. "Anyone we know?" "Hayate was one of them and the Third was injured. The second casualty was Jeraiya. I'm sorry Naru." I clenched the sheets in my fists. He was a pervert, but he was one of the first people to care about me. A traitorous tear slipped out, unbidden. Then another. And another. Soon I was sobbing silently, my shoulders shaking. Kashi held me close. It felt like a piece of my heart was torn off. It hurt like hell. After the tears subsided a little I turned to Kakashi. "How?" I croaked out. "It was that leaf genin you said smelled like snake. Tsunade knocked him out 5 minutes into the match. Once Orochimaru was defeated, Jeraiya and Tsunade headed back to where the Third was standing by the corpse of the Second. Kabuto must have just regained consciousness. He stabbed Jeraiya when his back was turned." Kakashi finished speaking. "Did Kabuto suffer for what he did?" I asked. "Ibiki put him in one of the T&I chambers. I believe they are waiting for you." Kakashi told me. "He has no idea the hell I'm about to create for him." I said. "How dare people die before our wedding. Now we'll have to put it off. I will torture Jeraiya's soul should I ever come across it." I said weakly. "Wouldn't you do that anyway?" Kakashi asked. "That's besides the point." I defended. "I love you, Kashi. I'm glad you're alright." I said. "I love you too. Now get some rest." Kakashi ordered.

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