《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》25


It's finally the last part of the chunnin exams. Usually the exams would have me pumped, but I wanted them over before they began. During my match with Kiba, under cover of the cloud the stinkbomb made, I placed a seal that I could use against practically any opponent. This makes it so the exams will hurry up and be over. I idly started doodling on my hand. When my name was called I leapt down. I was up against Gaara since Sasuke never showed. Kakashi was in the stands looking more than a little worried about me going up against an obvious psycho. "Start." Coughed Hayate. As soon as he said that Gaara started attacking with sand. I applied chakra to the gravity seal beneath his feet to activate it. It started feeding off of the very chakra from the one it was restraining, which seemed to aggravate him further. Before the match was called, everyone heard a crash coming from the village wall. I guess that bad feeling I had was for good reason. Sand and Sound were attacking. I went over to Gaara. "Go with your siblings and get out of here. If you fight against me you'll lose. Kurama is the strongest of the tailed beasts after all." I said. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST KILL ME?!" Gaara said. I was taken aback. "You're like me as I was before. You can understand my pain better than anyone else. You said your purpose was to kill. I disagree. But until you find out what your purpose really is, why don't you share mine? It's to find as many people as I can who accept me for me. And I'll be one of the first who accepts you, along with your brother and sister." I smiled at him before running off to join the fight. Tsunade and Jeraiya were with Jiji so I wasn't worried about him. I saw Kashi run to help with the snakes. I decided I'd be better off putting reinforcement seals on the walls to prevent any other snakes from getting in. On the way to the wall I saw a sound nin attacking a civilian. I snapped his neck without stopping. There weren't many enemies at the wall. Either they weren't aware that the village had an accomplished sealmaster or they were overestimating their own abilities. I started working on a rather advanced seal that would repair the wall, reinforce the wall, and repel further invaders. I would need to put this on in all four cardinal directions. In the first three areas there was hardly any fighting. However in the fourth, there were two giant snakes and enemies streaming in. I went over to the largest patch of unbroken wall I could find and quickly but accurately started drawing the seal. About halfway through a group of sound shinobi realized what I was doing and tried to attack me. I wasn't able to do anything else while drawing the seal so I shifted my body. Rather than a kunai to the heart it hit my shoulder. I kept drawing, hoping I'd finish in time. I could see almost 20 snakes in the distance and I could see we were struggling with the two that were being fought now. The sound nin tried to hit my kidney, so I shifted again to avoid getting my vital organs hit. I was almost done but I was bleeding heavily and barely conscious. I could sense the nin getting ready for another strike but it never came. I didn't have time to worry about why I wasn't dead though. I pulsed my chakra into the seal. Just after that the noise of the battlefield and the smell of blood faded away as I fell into darkness. The last thing I saw as I was falling was Kakashi's face. He was crying.

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