《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》Epilogue


"JERAIYA AND NARUKO GET YOUR BUTTS TO THE TABLE! YOU CAN PLAY NINJA LATER!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Jeraiya was 8 years old but he acts like he's 2 sometimes. Naruko does anything her big brother does. She's only five, so I'm praying it's just the imitation phase. I could hear a miniature stampede, so I quickly set the dishes on the table. Kashi and I have been married for 9 years now. My 21st birthday would be tomorrow. Since I marked Kashi as my mate when I was 13, he's still 23. It kind of bugs me that I'm still shorter than him. Kashi, Naruko, and Jeraiya all sat down. I kissed Kashi's cheek before sitting beside him. "I have some news for you three." I remarked. "What is it, Kaa-san?" Naruko asked. "There's going to be a baby in the house in about 8 months." I smirked. While the kids were excited, Kashi paled. He knew how violent my mood swings were. And how violent I could be. When I tortured Kabuto, his screaming could be heard miles away. "Kashi, I need you to run a few errands while I'm at work tomorrow. I know you don't have any missions so don't try to get out of it." Kashi was about to argue but obviously thought better of it. "Kids after dinner you can play for an hour then it's bath time." I said. "But Kaa-san, Sarina says her mom and dad let her stay out til 8." Naruka complained. I huffed. "I know for a fact neither Sasuke nor Sakura let Sarina-Chan out that late. No more excuses now go play." There was a bit of grumbling but they complied eventually. "Now that the kids are gone, why don't we play a bit ourselves?" Kakashi suggested. I blushed. "I don't see why not."

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