《The ThickGirl and The Badboy》Chapter 17: Bottles
The strong smell of cigarettes, and alcohol led me to a trance inside the club.
Making my way through the sweaty bodys, I stumbled into the bar, and groaned.
"Sex God, is that you?" A familiar voice asked.
I looked up, and smiled, not trusting my voice right now.
"Hey, watcha doing around here? Haven't seen you in a while, watcha want?" The bartender asked.
How did he know me again?
"Give me your sstrongesst drink." I choked out, I was already drunk, but I wanted more.
I wanted something strong to clog up my sick mind.
The man slid me my drink, as I was about to pull out some cash he stopped me. "On the house." He replied.
I nodded my head thanks, and started chugging it, making eye contact with a girl.
Her black hair looked red under the colored, dim lights, She had on a tight short black leathered dress and big black chunky high heels.
She smiled at me, swaying her hips to the music, and grabbing her hair.
That didn't turn me on at all.
I mean that reaked of desperateness, but I had to keep my mind occupied some way.
I made my way towards her, grabbing her by the waist close to me.
Suddenly my phone vibrated.
I groaned, and took it, not looking who called. "What?!" I yelled.
"Damn moody much? It's Brian. Anyways you know that chick you brought to practice?"
The girl was then kissing my neck, making it hard for me to answer," Y-yeah Koleen Paris? What about her?" I asked confused.
"Yeah, I heard around she had an accident and now she's in the hospital."
My fist curled up as I thought about Sean, the sun of a bitch, putting his hands on her. "What the fuck happened?!"
The girl stopped kissing me and looked at me curiously, I quickly told her I'd be back, then walked away somewhere more private.
"What happened? " I asked again, filling my lungs up with cool, fresh air that the night provided.
"Shit, I don't know. Some people say she got ran over, others say she got in a fight. Shit like that, I thought you knew since you were so close."
I rolled my eyes," I don't. And I barely know her Brian, just because I bring some chick to fucking practice doesn't mean there's something going on."
Brian stayed quiet on the other line. "I guess."
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Hey, can you pick me up? "
"Uh, I don't know dude. It's already late, my parents will kill me if they found out. "
"Brian man, c'mon you owe me."
"From what?!" He yelled.
I smirked, "When I hooked you up with Alyssah G."
He groaned," But that doesn't count!"
"Yes it does. Now get your ass over here, before I beat you up."
"Fine tell me where you are."
I told him the address to the club and waited anxiously, tapping my foot on ground repeatingly.
'What could have happened?' I asked myself.
'Why do you care?'
I don't.
'Then why are you so worried?'
I pulled my hair frustrated and yelled, "I'm not!" Realizing that I said that outloud, I kicked the wall behind me groaning in pain afterwards.
"Hey, give me all your money punk." A grouchy voice demanded.
I pulled out my pocket knife, then turned around threatening the knife to the robber, only to see Brian in his fucking car.
"What the fuck man! You could've stabbed me!" He yelled backing away from the car window quickly, making his black curly hair fly with him.
"You're the one who was gonna fucking rob me!" I accused him.
He rolled his green eyes then said, "Get your ass in the car."
I grinned at him, and walked over to the front seat.
'Damn right I am.'
I got in with a groan not realizing how tired I was.
"How much did you drink?" He asked me, sniffing the air.
"Do I stink that bad?"
"Hell yeah. What's your father gonna think when he sees you?"
I rolled my eyes, and sneered, "He doesn't even give a fuck. He's probably still in his office..."
Brian shrugged, not wanting to continue the conversation.
I changed the subject by saying, "So you think we're gonna make it to state this year?" I asked.
He smiled, showing off his stupid dimples, and talked non stop about whether we had a chance or not. Whether our team players were even worth going in it.
My eyes kept getting heavier as he talked, but I didn't let myself sleep. Not now.
"We're here!" He shouted, startling me.
I rubbed my eyes and yawned, replying with a quick thank you and got out.
My legs shook violently as I made my way towards the house door.
Brian, like the good friend he is, waiting for me to get inside safely.
Once I finally stepped on my porch, I sticked out a big thumbs up to assure him I was fine.
He hesitated, but still holded out a thumbs up in agreement, then drove off disappearing into the darkness.
I sighed and unlocked my door.
I tiptoed very carefully, trying not to wake up the monsters that were sleeping.
"And look who's finally home." A deep voice boombed throughout the house.
The bright lights blinded me as I squinted up and replied, "Don't start."
My vision cleared, and little by little I regretted what I saw.
My father stood a few feet away, his brown hair chaoticly sticking in different directions. His dark eyes red with loss of sleep, his body slouching, leaning forward with a glass of wine in his hand.
"There's no need to start, you already started." He spoke alarming, "Bryson, as my son I expect you to get your shit straight and start acting responsible around here."
"What's the point when you're never around to actually witness it!" I accused him.
I was tired of him yelling at me.
I was tired of him telling me what to do with my life when he's never in it.
He never was.
"If you weren't so childish as to stop doing those nasty drugs,and actually attended school for once, and make me the proudest father, then I would be around more! " He yelled back, taking deep breaths in, "You're my son Bryson."
My fists clenched in anger, I fucking had it with him,"That's bullshit!"
"What's going on down there?" StepMonster asked, making her way downstairs.
I glared at my dad one more time, before sprinting to my room and slamming the door.
I then layed in bed exhausted, but I wouldn't let myself to sleep. Not yet. Not after the argument I just had.
Lifting myself back up after a while, I made my way towards the bathroom and searched for sleeping pills under my sink.
"Aha." It read one pill per night, but who the fuck listens to the directions?
"Two would be preferred ." I told myself popping them into my mouth then drinking water from the sink.
I positioned myself back in bed, and hoped to the Lords the nightmares wouldn't come.
"When are you gonna understand that your family needs you here?!"
"Danielle, I have a buisness to run out of this house! My work has been piling up, I can't leave right now!"
"What about your son? " StepMonster tried to whisper, "What about Bryson? Henry he's been through alot as a kid, and you're the only family he has left. It's your responsibility to make him feel loved again. It's not too late to fix things between y'all..."
Silence was heard throughout the house ,a loud slam, which must've been my father, breaking it.
StepMonster, on the other hand, sighed in frustration.
I didn't want to get up.
I didn't want her to question me.
I didn't want StepMonster to feel pity for me and say good morning as if the whole argument with my father didn't even happen.
No, I'll just wait.
Shit, but I said I was gonna visit Koleen in the hospital. And it's not like I care about her, I don't. I just want to know if some douchè hurt her.
Yeah, that's it.
I sighed and got up, pain immediately surging through my head.
"Fuck!" I groaned.
My legs buckled as I walked towards my bathroom again to get some Advil.
"Two will do just fine." I told myself once more as I gulped them down.
My eyes traveled to the mirror, I looked like shit as always.
I thought, since I was most likely going to be the first one to see her, I might as well make a good first appearance.
Grinning at myself I said outloud, "She'll be looking at an angel when she wakes up."
I tore through my closet, trying to find something casual but not too casual.
A nice Tshirt and jeans will do, maybe even a hoodie.
I've heard girls love guys in hoddies.
She'll be cuddling with me by the end of the day.
Slipping on my Converse, I headed out the door discreetly, careful not to let StepMonster know i'm up.
Shit, I didn't even know what hospital she was in and I'm already planning things out.
"Call Brian." I told my car.
"Calling, Brian..."
"Hey bitch, whats up?" Brian's voice echoed through my car.
"Brian, what hospital is Koleen in?"
"Who wants to know?"
"I want to know, now tell me!"
"You're always in such a bad mood man...I heard it's St.Destiny's Hospital but I don know-"
"K, thanks man talk to you soon bye."
I hung up before he could say anything, and threw my phone carelessly to the seat next to me, speeding off.
'I wonder if it was bad?' I thought to myself curiously.
'Wait, but I can't just come in empty-handed..What will her parents think? Shit, what will her mom think ? That lady fucking scares me...'
I quickly stopped at a flower shop, and bought some roses.
The hospital was blinding once I got there, it must've been the hangover. Everything looked so blurry in my eyes, I almost bumped into a nearby nurse on my way into the entrance.
"Sorry." I replied.
"Aw, it's ok sweety. Here have a cookie." She voiced sweetly.
'She's nice ...' I thought.
"Excuse me. " I addressed someone , rubbing the cookie crumbs off myself.
"Yes young man, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked with a taste of bitterness spritzing off.
"May I have Koleen..um..Koleen..."
'Shit, what was her last name again? Pair? '
"Koleen Pair's room number please ." I asked correctly this time. I think.
The receptionist typed into the computer searching for her name.
"There is no Pair, but there's a Pares?"
"Yes, that's it." I tell her.
"And who might you be?" She asked looking towards me under her glasses.
"Her brother.. ma'm. " I smiled at her reasuringly.
She eyed me wearily, but nonetheless gave me the room number and floor.
"Room 304, 3rd floor. There should be nurses there, and they may help you find the room."
"Ok thank you ma'm. " I walked off quickly into the elevator, almost tripping in air but quickly caught myself before anyone could see.
Once I pushed the third floor button, I made sure the roses looked right.
'Good,' I thought, 'I haven't fucked things up yet.'
Anxiety took over me then, as I grew weary of how much time I've been in this little box.
My foot kept tapping the floor, my hands then feeling clammy.
' Went the elevator, my destination finally arriving.
I walked away from the elevator and tried to find the 'helping nurses' as the receptionist promised.
"Excuse me miss." I approached one passing by with tools in her arms.
Her gray eyes looked wild, as if she's been here all night and didn't get any sleep at all.
"Voices." She said. "I'm hearing voices." She walked straight past me, not even giving me a glance.
"Fuck it, I'll just find her myself then."
I stomped into every room, trying to find room...
What was it again?
Fuck, I know it started with a three, I know that...
"Do you need help young man?" A breezy voice asked.
"Damn right I need help." I muttered turning around to the voice.
The doctor smiled, his white teeth glistening under the lights. He had his black hair styled back, and his eyes were as blue as the ocean.
"Uh, I'm looking for Koleen Pair's room."
His blue eyes sparkled with recognition, "Ah yes. She is my patient, I was just about to go check up on her, why don't you follow me young man." He politely replied.
We started walking down a long hallway, my feet were already aching.
'Fuck, how am I gonna play on monday?' Feeling like this?'
I didn't realized he stopped until I bumped into him.
I don't even know why I cam here in the first place, she probably doesn't even want to see me...
'My anxiety is taking over.'
The doctor's hand guided me inside the room, a huge gust of doctor stuff scent wafted through my nose.
I fucking hated that doctor smell.
Koleen's parents were tightly sitting on the end of a blue couch. Her mom looking frustrated, while her dad looking worried.
On the left stood a huge bed, taking up most of the space, and there she layed.
I would never admit this to her, but damn did she still look like a cute baby.
Her cheecks were this baby pink color and her lips were a soft pink, and her skin looked so soft...
"Fucking baby face." I muttered to myself, wanting to touch her face.
"Who are you?" A soft voice coming from Mr.Pair asked.
I looked at him alarmed not sure what to say...
Shit, do I say I'm a friend?
Her wonderful classmate?
"Rodrigo, he's one of Leeny's admirers. The one who took her on a date." Mrs.Pair filled in for me.
Way to go Mom!
Wait her admirer?
I don't even like her.
"Oh, how nice of you to come...."
"Bryson." I filled in. "Bryson Anderson."
"Ahem.." The doctor interrupted for attention.
"So, what happend to Thun-I mean Koleen Doc? " I asked him searching for his nametag.
He smiled politely and replied, "It's Disnew...Dr.Disnew."
'He was definitely a Disney prince in his past life.'
"As I told her parents, it's nothing serious. She only got a few minor injuries, but she'll be fine in no time.She just needs to rest for a bit."
Oh well, at least it wasn't fucking Sean who hurt her...
"Uh these are for her." I hold out the roses, her mom taking them.
I went over to look at Koleen, who suddenly moved, and slowly opened her eyes.
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