《Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! Reader》|| Chapter Fifteen: Switch ||
"My, my! What's going on in here?"
At the sound of that voice, Sayaka let out a loud scream. Turning our gaze to the person who had just entered the room, our glances turned into an array of negative emotions. Monokuma, him being the person who had just entered the room, let out a laugh.
"Happy to see me?" he questions, holding up his hands in a peace sign. A giggle escaped from his parted lips as he stared at us with a smirk.
"I speak for both of us when I say we are far from happy to see you," I respond in a tone of annoyance. Monokuma pouts and walks over behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He rests his chin onto my shoulder, mumbling, "aww, you really hate me don't you?"
Almost immediately, I free myself from Monokuma's grasp and step away from him. "D-Don't do that!"
Monokuma lets out a long fit of laughter after I shout that. I cringe slightly and turn my gaze to Sayaka, who had completely frozen up and was staring at Monokuma blankly. I gulp and turn back to Monokuma, who still happened to be laughing.
"Hey! If you aren't going to leave us alone, then tell us what the hell those videos were about!" I yell at Monokuma. Slowly, he begins to bring his laughter to a stop.
"Huh? The videos? Oh, right! The motives!" Monokuma pounds his fist into the desk next to him, his grin widening. "Did you like them? I did the voice over on all of them!"
"What did you do to my parents?!" I shout in anger. I clench my fist tightly, my nails digging into my palm.
"Oh, I didn't do anything to them!"
"Then what the hell was that video?!"
"Well...I myself didn't do anything...but the other mastermind behind this all did! I'm just one of the masterminds, of course," Monokuma explains as he examines his nails.
"So, it's confirmed then for sure...there is more than one mastermind," Sayaka mumbles.
"Yeah! I mean, I know I'm amazing, but I couldn't just do all of this on my own, you know?" Monokuma chuckles.
"But what happened to my parents? What about everyone else's videos?" I question, raising an eyebrow at Monokuma. Monokuma lets out a sigh, shaking his head.
"Didn't I say this already in the video? You have to find out after you graduate! You'll find out what happened to your parents after you kill someone and get away with it. Then you can get out and go look for them," Monokuma answers. He grins at me and pats my head. "There, there (Y/n)...I'm sure you're super sad and everything, but if you start the killing you can get outta here!"
I hung my head, staring at the ground. I could feel anger boiling up in me the longer I thought about what Monokuma said. Without another thought, I lift my arm and swing my fist. I had never put so much strength into a punch before, let alone try to hit anyone this hard.
Monokuma dodges the blow easily and swings his foot, tripping me. Just as I was about to fall into the ground, Monokuma catches me and holds me in a dipping position. He smirks at me as our noses almost touch. "If I hadn't avoided your punch, you would have violated school regulations."
A slight blush rushes to my cheeks in embarrassment. "H-Hey! Let me go!"
Monokuma laughs at my reaction, standing up straight and letting me go. I stumble a bit before I step away from Monokuma. He grins and says, "work on your punches (Y/n)! Maybe one day you'll actually hit me!"
"Ugh, just leave already!" I shout at the boy. He shrugs, speaking, "alright. I have business to attend to anyways. See ya! Remember, find out what happened in your videos after graduation!"
Monokuma then leaves the classroom, leaving Sayaka and I alone in the classroom once again. Sayaka glances at me, saying, "w-what was that just now?"
"I don't know...he's so weird," I mumble, placing a hand on my warm face. I think back to the action that happened moments ago, my cheeks heating up again. This is like some cheesy romance scene from a movie!
"He seems to like you a lot..." Sayaka mumbles. "O-Oh! Don't worry, I don't doubt you or anything...it just seems a bit weird..."
"Y-Yeah...it is super weird. I wonder why he took a liking to me of all people..."
"Well, for now do you just want to head to the dorms?" Sayaka questions me. I nod.
The both of us then make our way to the dorms, neither of us trying to start a conversation as we traveled. When we stood in front of the dorms, I spoke to Sayaka. "You should get some rest. You were pretty shaken up earlier..."
Sayaka nods, glancing down at the ground. "I guess I should rest...sorry for worrying you. Thank you again for helping me out." Sayaka flashes me a small smile before she heads into her dorm to rest.
I then head into my own dorm to rest. It was a bit hard to think properly, especially as that video continued to replay in my mind. There were so many problems here...why were we even put into such a horrifying killing game? This wasn't even a game...it was some sort of deranged prison where you pray for survival.
I lay on the soft bed, staring at the ceiling. So many problems...the killing, the mastermind, Monokuma. I frown slightly as I think of Monokuma. The question as of why he would treat me like this wouldn't leave my mind for a minute. Thinking back to what happened earlier today, a blush began to creep onto my face once again.
His face was so close to mine...the whole scene was just embarrassing. I couldn't believe that happened. I don't even know why I tried to punch him. The worst part is that I can't deny that Monokuma was cute. When he was so close to me, I could see how pretty his eyes were...it was like some sort of movie scene!
I shake my head and bury my face into my pillow, closing my eyes. My face was warm and red with embarrassment the more I thought about Monokuma. This was so stupid! I should hate him to the point where I can't even think that he was cute! After all, he is one of the masterminds keeping us here...
Ding dong.
The sound of the doorbell rang throughout my room, waking me. I must have fallen asleep without realizing it...
I glance up at the clock to see it was now nighttime, meaning I had slept throughout the day. The doorbell then rings again, catching my attention. I wonder why someone would be hear during nighttime. I thought we agreed to not go out during these hours?
I sit up and slowly head to the door, cautiously opening the door. I see Sayaka standing there, shaking like a leaf in the wind. "S-Sorry to come to late..." Sayaka spoke. Her face was pale like a sheet of paper as she continued to tremble.
"Sayaka? Is everything alright?" I question, slowly opening the door. I kept my guard up in case she dared to try anything.
"I-I'm sorry to bother, but something weird happened," Sayaka stammers. I raise an eyebrow. "Something weird?" I ask.
"Yeah...I-I was in my room and then my door started rattling and shaking as though someone was trying to get in...luckily my door was locked. They kept shaking the door harder and harder. I was so terrified I could barely move," Sayaka explains to me. Just hearing her shaky voice made me feel uneasy. "After a while, it just stopped...I checked the door and no one was there. I couldn't think right...so I came here."
"So, someone tried to break into your room? Who would do something like that?"
Sayaka stares off to the side, gulping before speaking again. "It's not like I'm suspicious of anyone here...but it still makes me nervous. What if something were to happen in the middle of the night? What would I do then...?"
Sayaka then began to cry, her sobs filling my room. Without knowing what to do, I let out a small sigh. "U-Um...what if you stayed in my room? Would you feel better then?"
"W-What?" Sayaka stammers, her eyes widened slightly more.
"Well, in the school regulations it says that we had to sleep in the dorms rooms, right? It doesn't state which room a student has to stay in," I explain to the blue-haired female.
"B-But...two people sharing a room...i-it's a bit embarrassing," Sayaka mumbles, blushing a bit.
I nervously chuckle, responding, "s-sorry...I honestly didn't think about that."
Sayaka also lets out a small giggle. "It's alright, (Y/n). It's not like I am against the idea, but..." Sayaka stays silent for a few moments. She then looks up at me, staring into my (e/c) eyes. "Do you mind if we...switched rooms? Just for tonight, of course."
"Switch rooms..." I mumble, letting the thought stay in my mind for a bit. After a while of thinking about it, I decided that it couldn't be too bad. The worst that happens if I get framed for murder, right? That's what usually happens in movies at least. I'm sure it will be alright though...
"If it will help put you at ease, then I will agree to it...but are you completely sure you want to switch rooms?"
"I'm sure. I trust you (Y/n)."
Sayaka smiles softly at me, taking my hand into her's. She squeezes my hand tightly and says, "thank you so much."
I smile back, nodding. "You're welcome Sayaka. Well, I suppose we should switch rooms, huh? I guess we should trade keys too." Sayaka nods, reaching into her pocket and grabbing her key. I do the same, the both of us soon exchanging keys.
"(Y/n)..." Sayaka mumbles, glancing up at me. She takes my hand again, a serious expression overcoming her features. "Please be careful. If someone tries to get in, do not open the door."
"I won't," I respond as a tiny smile overcomes my features. "Same goes for you. Be safe Sayaka."
Sayaka nods in response. "I will (Y/n). Thank you again...you have been nothing but kind to me. I wish I could repay you somehow..."
"It's alright Sayaka. You don't have to repay me; being your friend is good enough payment for me."
Sayaka and I sit there for a few more moments in silence. The both of us stare at each other with smiles. I then break the silence. "See you tomorrow then, Sayaka. Good night." I began to walk towards the door, hearing Sayaka say, "good night then! See you tomorrow."
I open the door, exiting the room. I close the door behind me and then glance around the hallway; thank goodness there wasn't anyone there. I then rushed to Sayaka's room, glad it wasn't far from my own. I open the door and head inside her room, closing and locking the door.
I glance around the room, noticing it basically looked the same as my own. The room smelled like Sayaka's perfume and it lacked the astonishing gold sword. I made my way over to the bed and lay down upon it. The bed was just as soft as my own, the only difference being the fragrance that surrounded it. Sayaka's bed smelled of her perfume, the fragrance sweet and calming.
I close my eyes, soon finding myself drifting off into a peaceful rest. It only felt like I rested for a few moments before the sound of the morning announcement rang through the room.
"Good morning everyone! It's now morning time! Nighttime is officially over. Time to rise and shine!" Monokuma's voice boomed through the monitor. After hearing the announcement, I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes. I still was half-asleep, but refused to let myself sleep any longer.
I pulled myself out of the bed, remembering I was in Sayaka's room. I also remembered that there was a promise to eat breakfast with everyone else, so I'd better get going to that. After doing my usual morning routine, I left the room and made my way to the dining hall.
When I arrived there, a few people were already present in the room. Upon entering, Hina exclaimed, "good morning (Y/n)!" Everyone else in the room then greeted me, each saying their own good mornings. There was only Hina, Sakura, Taka, and Chihiro in the room currently.
After a while, some others began to enter the room, including Junko. She rushed over to me, smiling widely. "Mornin', (N/n)! Sorry for being a bit late; my make-up was not cooperating today!"
I conversed with Junko a bit as we waited for the others to arrive. After a while, everyone was in the room. Well, almost everyone.
I glance around the room, noticing that Byakuya and Sayaka weren't present. It seemed a bit odd for Sayaka not to be here...after all she seemed the type to be one of the first ones here.
"Aren't we missing a few people?" Taka questions.
"Yeah! Sayaka and Byakuya aren't here," Hina answers, tapping her chin.
"What? Did something happen?" Byakuya asks as he enters the room.
"N-No! N-Nothing happened," Toko stammers, blushing upon seeing Byakuya.
"Have any of you seen Sayaka...?" I ask everyone in the room; no one responds.
"Did she forget our breakfast promise?" Hifumi mumbles.
"She seems to be the type to have her stuff together. I doubt she would forget," Kyoko states.
Everyone in the room began to discuss Sayaka's absence. Just hearing them talk made me feel a pit of anxiety form in my chest. Junko seems to notice, turning to me and placing a hand on my shoulder. "(N/n)...? Are you okay?"
My face began to pale as the worry began to grow. "I-I need to go...I have to check on her!" I shout, dashing out of the room. I ran to my room where Sayaka was staying, bursting into the room. The scene before me was horrific; the room had been transformed into a mess.
There was overturned furniture, scratch marks everywhere, and everything was a mess in general. "W-What the hell," I stutter as I slowly make my way through the room. My hands began to shake as I looked around, soon seeing that the bathroom door was slight cracked open.
I drag my feet as I approached the bathroom, reaching my trembling hand out to the door. When the door opened, the scene before my eyes caused a scream to escape from my open mouth. What I saw burned it's way into my memory as soon as I encountered it. I had began to feel faint, my vision blurring.
Before I knew it, everything went black.
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