《Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! Reader》|| Chapter Sixteen: Loss ||





(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Hey! Wake up!"


"(N/n)! Wake up! Hey!-"

"Hey, wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

I could feel someone poking my cheek repeatedly as I slowly regained consciousness. I let out a groan and began opening my eyes. At first the person looking down at me was blurry, but when they began to clear my eyes widened.

"Ah, you're awake! You had me worried there. I thought you died or somethin'!" Monokuma exclaims, staring down at me with a grin.

I slowly turn my head around to see my surroundings, realizing I was in the gym with everyone gathered here as well. I let out a yelp and sat up in a swift movement, headbutting Monokuma. The both of us let out a cry of pain in response.

"(N/n)! You're awake!" Junko screams as she rushes over to me, completely ignoring Monokuma. She tackles me into a hug and lets out wails and cries.

"Now's not the time for this shit! Get up!" Mondo shouts as us. When he says that, the memory of what I had seen before I passed out flashed through my mind again. Junko helps me up seeing that I had looked pretty shaken up.

"Are you okay...?" Junko questions me. I slowly shake my head, feeling faint yet again. The image of Sayaka laying still against the bathroom wall with blood surrounded around her reclaimed a spot in my mind.

"T-This has to be a dream...right? Sayaka c-can't be dead!" I stammer, smiling nervously as everyone in the room. Some looked towards the ground while others shook their heads slightly.

Monokuma then laughs, walking over to me. He turns to Junko and throws her a dirty glance before turning his gaze to me. He grabs my chin, lifting my face to stare up at him. He grinned wider at my cheerless expression.

"Oh, (Y/n). This isn't a dream, sweetheart, it's far from it. Ah, how I love to see the despair on your face..." Monokuma mumbles to me. My eyes only widen more as I let out a whimper of fear. "L-Leave me alone!"

Monokuma lets go of my face, a frown present on his face. "(Y/n). Sayaka's dead. Get that through your head. Stop clinging onto that hope."

When Monokuma spoke those words, it finally seemed to hit me. Dead. Sayaka is dead. She was really gone. Her heart stopped beating. She's dead. There's no way to revive her.

"Monokuma! Why the hell did you call us here anyways?!" Junko yells, catching Monokuma's attention. Monokuma turns to Junko, his smile returning. "Ah, that's right! I apologize, I almost forgot."

Monokuma then walks up onto the gymnasium stage, sitting upon the podium that sat in the center of the stage. He clears his throat and crosses his legs before speaking.

"Thank you all for gathering at the gym just like I asked you to! I'm sure the death of your precious classmate, Sayaka, deeply shattered you," Monokuma says with a smile.

"Who could have k-killed Sayaka...?" Chihiro whimpers as a few tears roll down her face.

"You guys already know who the killer is!" Monokuma giggles. He points at us, the crowd of students, announcing, "the one who killed her...is one of you, her classmates!"


I could feel my hands begin to slightly tremble as I stared up at Monokuma. One of us killed Sayaka...it was so hard to believe.

Monokuma then glares down at us with a laugh. "Hmm? What's wrong? You guys look like you're watching some sort of gruesome horror movie! It's not too bad. I mean, one of you decided to kill Sayaka to graduate! Someone just decided to follow the rules to the killing game. Who knew you guys would be so worked up about it!"

"T-This had to be a lie, right?" Hifumi stutters, an expression of unease spread across his features.

"Nope, sorry. One of you guys is a murderer now," Monokuma states in a flat tone.

"W-What...?" I mumble as Monokuma's lips curl up into a smirk. Everyone in the room glanced at each other with glances of suspicion and fear, an uneasy silence rising upon us.

"A-Are you serious?" Chihiro stutters as she begins to softly cry.

"Someone m-murdered someone!" Taka screams, his eyes wide.

"It's quite amazing what some people are capable of," Celeste mumbles as she tries to keep her expression of unease hidden from the others.

"H-Hey! Hold on. Are you sure we can assume he's telling the truth?!" Mondo shouts, his expression worsening.

"That's enough. I would like to confirm something with this bear before anything else," Byakuya announces. Everyone goes silent, turning their gaze to Byakuya. "If one of us really did kill her, that person gets to graduate from this school, correct?"

"Huh?" Monokuma mumbles, furrowing his eyebrows. He taps a finger on his chin innocently as though he was thinking.

"Don't play dumb," Byakuya demands.

Monokuma lets out a fit of laughter. Leon asks, "why are you laughing?!"

"I-It's because you're so dumb! You think you can just kill someone and then walk outta here?!" Monokuma begins to laugh some more. "I thought I told you this before, but apparently I didn't! Yes, you do have to kill someone, but there's more to it. Even if you do kill someone, there isn't a guarantee that you will get out. Of course, I am referring to school regulation number six!"

"If you are the "blackened" that committed the murder, you cannot be found out by the other students, correct?" Celeste speaks.

"Bingo! You can kill someone, but getting away with it is the hard part! Which I have a system in place to assess whether or not the blackened gets discovered," Monokuma exclaims. "A certain amount of time after a murder has taken place, a class trial will begin!"

"A-A class trial?" I question.

"Yep! it will began a few hours after a murder, of course! Everyone will gather together, including the blackened. Then, everyone will engage in one big debate showdown!" Monokuma explains, jumoing off of the podium. He rushes backstage and brings out a chalkboard which had a drawing upon it's surface.

The drawing depicted what seemed to be people standing behind podiums, they both being on opposite sides. Monokuma was drawn in the middle sitting on some sort of throne. Monokuma grabbed a ruler, pointing to the board. He clears his throat, throwing on a pair of what seemed to be fake glasses.


"During the trial, you'll have to present your arguments about who you think the blackened is. Once everything comes to an end, the outcome will be decided by popular vote! If you vote out the correct person, only that person, the blackened, will be punished. The rest may continue their lives here. However, if you choose the wrong person, the person who got away with murder will survive and the rest of you will be punished. As far as class trials go, that's all there is to it!" Monokuma explains to us as though he was a teacher. Monokuma then tosses his glasses away and kicks the chalkboard, causing it to return backstage.

"What is t-this punishment you're referring to?" Hifumi questions Monokuma.

Monokuma smiles, stepping out to the front of the stage. He shouts, "to put it simply, it's an execution!"

"By e-execution you mean..." my eyes widen more as my voice slowly trails off. Monokuma places his hands on the sides of his face, letting out a loud laugh. A dark expression overcomes his features as he yells, "execution! It's simple, punishment is an death execution! Personalized for each blackened! Oh, how lovely it is, isn't it?!"

"S-So, if we get the culprit right, then only they die. I-If we get it wrong...then they survive and the rest of us get executed?" I utter in disbelief.

"What a smart girl you are (Y/n)! Look at you, all filled with despair. Isn't it lovely?!" Monokuma remarks.

"No! It's horrible! This is horrible! Why are you doing this to us?! What did we do to deserve this?!" I scream as tears begin to fall from my eyes. We didn't deserve this. Sayaka didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to die! We don't deserve this!

Monokuma laughs. "Look at you! Crying as despair begins to take over you! How does it feel having the hope burning within you be stripped away by despair?!"

"Shut up! You're fucking insane!" I scream at Monokuma. I look up at him, my vision slightly blurry from my tears. Monokuma simply smiles at me, covering his mouth with his hand innocently.

"My, my. Look at you, (Y/n). Despair really is tearing you apart, isn't it?" Monokuma mumbles.

Junko hugs me, patting my back in comfort. I cry into her shoulder, hugging her back tightly. "Hey, I don't want anything to do with this crap! The class trials, the killing game, everything! It's hurting everyone."

"Oh? That's the fun of it!" Monokuma replies.

"Shut the hell up! None of us want to be a part of this! I refuse to participate in this!"

"What?! Stop being selfish and just do what you're told!" Monokuma pouts, crossing his arms.

"Selfish?! You're the one being selfish! What the hell do you think you are calling me selfish when you threw us into this just for fun?!" Junko yells, breaking from the hug. I glance at her, sniffling. "J-Junko-"

Monokuma jumps down from the stage, standing in front of Junko. They were roughly the same height, you could tell when they stood next to each other.

"If you don't want to be a part of this, then you want to leave, right? To leave, you have to kill and get away with it. If you don't want to do that, then you are stuck here forever," Monokuma mentions to Junko.

"I ain't going to kill anyone to leave this place! I'll find a way to get out!" Junko proclaims.

"Well, you'll have to get through me first! I am not going to let you leave that easily!" Monokuma chuckles. Junko clenches her fist in anger, gritting her teeth. Without another thought, Junko kneed Monokuma in the stomach. Monokuma falls to the ground, coughing as he grips his stomach.

"Are you enjoying yourself now?!" Junko asserts at Monokuma.

Everyone else in the room froze up after seeing what Junko did. A feeling of anxiety settled within me as I watched the scene before me, it made me begin to feel sick to my stomach.

"What about you?" Monokuma mumbles weakly, coughing a bit more. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Huh?" Junko blurts as Monokuma slowly began raising his head.

"Violence against the headmaster is not allowed. You violated a school regulation. Now, you must face the consequence."


My scream for my friend was cut short by the sound of her own scream. Multiple spikes emerged from the floor, impaling Junko from multiple angles. Her blood splattered onto me as I ran to her.

"T-This wasn't s-supposed to h-happen," Junko mumbles, blood dripping from her mouth. "W-Why me?" Just after she finished her statement, Junko's eyes shot open. She let out one final cough before she fell to the ground, never to speak again.

Everyone in the room let out a scream or yelp of terror as they witnessed Junko's death. Toko fainted on the spot. Everyone stepped away from the corpse while I stayed in place.

I stare at Junko's corpse as it laid there, not moving one bit. I began to tremble, my wide eyes staring at Junko's pale face. She stared blankly ahead, her once lively eyes now dead and blank. I fell to my knees beside the corpse, tears falling from my (e/c) eyes.

"J-Junko?" I mumble, reaching out to grab her hand. When I grabbed her hand, it was slowly losing it's warmth. I began to cry harder, gripping her bloody hand. "Junko..p-please...d-don't leave me!"

I had hoped some sort of miracle would happen and she would come back to life and reply, but this isn't some sort of fairy tale where you get a happy ending. I grip her hand tighter, pulling it closer to myself. "J-Junko! Please, you c-can't leave me! You j-just can't! W-We're friends, remember? F-Friends don't leave each other like this!"

I stare at Junko's face, hoping once again a miracle would happen. After a minute passed, nothing happened. I couldn't hold it in any longer. A blood-curdling scream escaped from my mouth, the scream echoing throughout the gym.

No one in the room spoke a word. Not Leon, not Hina, not Chihiro, not Kyoko, not even Monokuma. They watched in silence as I continued to let out screams and cries of pain and sorrow at the loss of my friend.

This moment is when I knew for certain that I had discovered the true feeling of despair.

Do not re-upload my work or use it in anyway without my permission.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own the artwork used unless stated otherwise

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