《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.3


of sunlight broke through the small space between the curtains, creating a small line across Davina's Sleeping figure. Small snores past her lips as her chest rose and fell in soft thuds.

Mazeki leaned at the open door way, a mug in her hand as she watched the girl in such peace. It was calming, being able to know exactly where and how safe a person was. No worry to be had as you were able to see them so clearly.

Bringing the dark bitter liquid to her lips, Mazeki shut her eyes with a small smile. She hadn't been this at ease since the last morning before she left Mystic Falls.

Elena had been tucked away safely in her arms, her head rested right above Mazeki's heart. The air was tranquil around them, and a soft melody had been playing from the radio the Blonde left on.

It was simple and yet it was also the last time Mazeki recalled pure ease within herself and the world.

And yet her she was, ignoring the very woman who gave her that in the name of her Mate that wasn't even aware of their bond. She made- questionable decisions she supposed.

The snores slowly turned into small whimpers, as Davina turned in the bed. Her eyes squeezed tighter and her fingers grasped tightly onto the bed sheets. "No...no- please. Please."

The blonde walked into the room, setting her mug down on top of the bare dresser in the room. Walking over to the bed she crouched down beside it, resting her face on her balled fists.

The teenager continued to stir, her heart beat becoming erratic and a thin layer of sweat coaxing her forehead. "Don't- please... No!" She screamed, shooting up in bed as she looked around frantically.

"You alright there Darling?" Mazeki wondered with a honeyed tone, a smile on her lips as she watched the girl looked towards her quickly. Clearly embarrassed. "Bad dream?"

Trying to catch her breath, Davina sat up fully as she brushed her hair out of her face. "W-what was that? It was- I mean I was- there was..."

"It was death, you were reliving death, both your own and the boy that died for you." Mazeki explained in a brief manner, standing up only so she could sit on the edge of the teens bed. "My brother used to explain as though it were guilt. It ate away at him until there was nothing left to eat at."


"Your brother, he went through this?" Davina wondered.

Humming, Mazeki reached over to move Davina's hair behind her shoulder. "I brought Elijah back from the dead when we were children. Unintentionally of course."

"You did that... when you were a kid?"

"Rather impressive aren't I." She smiled, tilting her head. "Perhaps you'd enjoy breakfast, I could make you something if you'd like."


DAISY'S were in season, a fact that Davina had made quite clear she was abundantly happy about. Having gone on about what a beautiful and simple flower they were. It was no surprise that by the end of their walk, Mazeki had purchased her a beautiful bouquet.

She had too always favoured the simplicity of a daisy, they were common and yet still gorgeous. No one cared if they were your favourite flower, and no one batted an eye if you said they were.

Everyone knew what a daisy was by heart

Davina walked at Mazeki's side, her bouquet in hand as she smiled peacefully to herself. Between running from witches and the ritual, Davina had never gotten a chance to enjoy some of the more simple things she loved. Like going on pointless walks to places you could use a car to get to, or smelling the beautiful flowers that were their seasons special.

Mazeki however was smiling for a different reason, one that had to deal with the fact of just peaceful her life had felt in these moments. As brief and as passing, Mazeki enjoyed the no nonsense day they had. Davina had slept, and Mazeki had decorated.

What better peace is there?

Upon seeing her brother crowded around with Marcel on their arm as well as Rebekah,"I Must Say!" She loudly announced, alerting them of their presence."I'm Rather Stunned that I and Davina were invited, however I'm always in for a little rousting."

"Sister." Elijah gave her a nod of acknowledgment, having made it a habit since waking up to be the first to greet her. Forgiveness was his goal, and he would do anything even small things to get it.

"Elijah, looking Dapper aren't we?" She grinned, tilting her head. She noticed the rather contemplative looks around her and pulled her arm from Davina. "Even you can't spoil my happiness today brother! Now what do we have here?"


Looking down, Mazeki's eyes opened fully as to take in the body in its whole. She unfortunately did not recognize the body, leading her to believe this was someone after her time alive in the city. She had to admit she was rather disappointed she seemed to have missed all the fun.

"Why it seems we were left a rather thoughtful gift on our front step." Klaus smirked, extending his arm as to show off the body like a medal. However it was simply a cover, underneath laid what was a mix of paranoia and annoyance.

Davina moved closer, tilting her head as she inspected the dark red stains lining the top of the corpses suit. "What An odd sized gift." The brunette muttered.

"I have a theory about who one of them could be. Celeste." Hayley informed from above, earning the group of unspoken enemies attention. "I mean, it's got to be. Davina was drawing pictures of Celeste without even meaning too. She was warning us that a great evil is coming." The pregnant wolfs eyes moved pointedly to the teen as she hung the taped together collage over the banister.

Davina furrowed her brows, a crease on her head as she recalled the dark and all consuming feeling she had gotten when drawing those pictures. It wasn't right by natures order, and for that it suffocated her.

"First, Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores, now your murdered lover is back. This isn't witches attacking vampires. They're declaring war on us." Klaus decided firmly, looking at his elder brother in specific who didn't hold his gaze long as Elijah turned to his sister.

"Perhaps it's time Mazeki we're to get involved, she is a rather spectacular at plans that involve fighting fire with a bigger fire." Elijah suggested, though was disappointed to see his sisters eyes clouded over as she looked at the body on the floor.

Davina stared at the blonde worriedly, reaching out for her sleeve."Maze..."

Blinking a few times, Mazeki looked to a concerned Davina and smiled at her reassuringly. "I'm afraid I won't be of much use, considering This isn't my fight."

"It's a fight made on the family, not just us." Rebekah argued, gesturing to all of them.

"We aren't family, you may have my blood Rebekah but you lost all its privileges the day we were turned." Mazeki scoffed, backing away from the group in a bored manner. Clearly regretting having joined in the first place. How stupid of her to have abandoned the tranquility of her apartment."Come now darling, there's witchy things to be done." She beckoned to Davina.

Looking over at the Heretic, She moved to the corpse in a slow fashion. Looking him over once more, she gently rested the bouquet she had been holding on his chest before scurrying after Mazeki.


" is it now?" The jade eyed Mikaelson grumbled into her phone, having just been in the process of starting a bath when much like usual; one of her sibling ruined the peace.

Klaus' hollow chuckle came three clearly from the other line, before his response came out just as dark. "Sister, as chipper as expected. I'm afraid I don't have time to chat about the next nail polish you should choose, Hayley is at the Abattoir. As you can assume, you need to be there."

"And why Nik, must I need to be there? Have you finally lost your mind and let her out of sight?" The blonde mused, already moving to stop the faucet as she knew this would not be the ending of the night anymore.

"Might I remind you of the very importance she now holds for the both of us? She may carry my child, however if she comes to harm you shall too." He reminded in a condescending tone, the made her huff out an annoyed ball of air.

"The Abattoir was it? Why I suppose I could use a stroll."


However I didn't really see any possible involvement from Mazeki or Davina in that episode so I thought it best to move to the next.

Especially considering this is where things start getting real interesting!

Have a good rest of your evening, and don't be a silent reader!

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