《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.2


ran red as she rinsed her hands off, the reminders of the night and the past ran away with the current.

Her eyes were unfocused, a glossy lens covering them as the memories played through like painful stabs to what should be a celebratory moment. Her whole world was dimmed, the light at the end of the tunnel now in the rear view mirror.

"Please don't leave me! I'm not ready! Not yet!" She sobbed harshly, holding tightly onto the light fabric of Elijah's shawl. Tears streamed down, her hands tight and her body shaking.

"My poor boy!" Esther's cries ran in one ear and out the other, the pain to much for Mazeki you bare. He couldn't be gone, not yet.

She kept scrubbing, ridding of the sins as her hands began to bleed. So out of it all the blood looked and felt the same, no pain just hurt as the blood mixed with water. Or it at least all felt the same until a clattering came from behind her drawing her out of her mind.

"Mazeki- what are you doing?" Marcel panicked, quickly speeding to the stove and pulling off a tea towel before moving to grab her hands as he began drying up the excess blood still pouring.

Mazeki blinked a few times in an attempt to rid herself off the questionable gaze she had earlier. Stopping his hands, she took the towel to herself and began patting them down as she waited for the cuts to heal themselves.

She supposed it had been a while since she had even a drop of blood, to busy with her bloody emotions to even process the starving sensation of the beast within.

"My apologies, it seems I'm a little to caught up with myself today." She shook her head absently, blatantly telling him she did not wish to discuss such matters. She was a powerful being, in no need of counselling to handle her past. "How is Davina?"

"Exhausted, girls trying to keep her eyes open so long I'm not sure she's not gonna fall asleep with them wide awake." He grumbled, leaning back against the counter tops with his arms crossed over his chest. His shirt was still slightly damp thanks to Davina's rain, and his heart still hurt inside.

His eyes wandered around briefly, taking in the sights of the brick apartment that Mazeki had lead them to after abandoning the rest of her sibling in the cemetery. The inside was rather bare admittedly, clearing having not been lived in yet as it only shared the bare necessities.

A large window took up one wall in the living space, looking over the street below as it was located on the third floor.


"It's an exhausting spell for all occupants, while Davina's body may be intake her subconscious is still trying to catch up with the rest of her. On some level it'll still believe she's dead, which is admittedly exhausting. It should wear of in a week or so." Mazeki reassured the man, walking over to the pantry as she searched for the one thing she knew was there.


"Yeah you didn't exactly mention the pain that follows." He pointed out, still not sure why that was happening to him. He hadn't been a part of the spell spell, he had just gathered the ingredients.

Walking over to the sink, she went to the closest drawer on the left and opened it to take out a cork screw. "Marcel, you took a life to save another. That in itself is against the natural order, so your being punished- wine?" She offered him, looking over her shoulder as she plucked two wine glasses from a cabinet. Earning a nod, she uncorked the bottle with ease. "The sinful take their keep Marcel, that means you just like Davina and I will be haunted."

"You didn't think to warn me about that before I went and sentenced a teenager to death by selfishness?" The former king looked at the woman in utter astonishment.

Tipping the bottle, she slowly began filling both glasses to the half way point. Setting the maroon bottle on the marble, she plucked both glasses off the counter and offered one out to him. "Would it really have made a difference in your choice? You were willing to let this whole city and all it civilians go down for that girl Marcel, that showed me that when the push came to shove; you were gonna do whatever it takes."

The male stared at the older woman, taking her in for a second. The one sane Mikaelson left, and she was on his side. He wondered who he saved to give him such karma. Reaching out he plucked the glass from her hold, bringing it to his lips as to show silent agreement.

Smiling to herself, Mazeki too rose the wine glass to her lips.


danced along her skin, leaving warm marks in the already humid air of the quarter. She reached up, placing her hand where her neck and shoulder met as she rotated her head in a small circle as she attempted to get rid of the joint in her neck.

An almost soundless groan left her lips as she continued to miss popping the joint, though her mind slowly grew distracted as she heard the soft illumination of music run through the compound.

Raising a brow, the werewolf dropped her hand as she followed the gentle sounds to it source. A room, one she had yet to enter in her time at the compound as she had never felt that interested. The door was slightly ajar, letting her peak inside.


Sat with her back turned, Mazeki's hair was up in a bun as her fingers glided over the keys of an old grand piano. If Hayley hadn't known better by now she'd think The blonde didn't know she was there.

But they both knew, knew that Mazeki would always know Hayley was near without the werewolf even making a sound.

Slipping inside, Hayley watched the woman curiously. Having had no idea that she knew how to play any instruments let alone the piano. The song was noticeably coming to an end as the beat dwindled and grew softer until it was only one sound softly playing the song off.

It was a few moments of silence between the ending of the song and Hayley talking, the Marshall woman not wanting to break the peace to quickly. "You're good."

"I know," she nodded, pushing herself and the seat back as she stood up. Lifting her glass of wine off of the top of the piano, she turned to meet Hayley keen eye. "Elijah taught me, years ago."

"So you guys did like each other at one point, I can't help but admit I'm surprised." She hummed, looking over the blonde woman in curiosity. "I thought you'd hated him forever."

"It feels like it. Anger clouds the good parts, the normal memories where we were nothing but brother and sister. I can recall everything wrong we've done to each other and yet I can barely recall most of the good." Taking a dainty sip from her glass, Mazeki moved closer to breath in the intoxicating smell of her mate. It was addictive, everything about her was.

Hayley looked over her shoulder at the open door, curious to see if one of her siblings would catch the two alone in this room. Would they hurt Mazeki for not standing beside them? Maybe Klaus would dagger her, rid of her until their unborn child was at least eighteen.

"Shouldn't you be like, hiding?"

"From what little minx?" She smirks, walking close enough that Hayley could almost feel Mazeki's wine laced breath fan her face. "I'm the strongest, most invincible of us all. That's what happens when you leave everybody needing more. They just can't get rid of you."

That look in her eyes, Hayley must be delusional now as if you were to ask her to describe it she'd say it looked lustful. Which couldn't be real, because she was pregnant with her brothers baby. But it was still there, that look. Like Hayley was in complete control of her every thought.

Hayley attempted to look away though was stopped by the stuff feeling in her neck. She once again tried to and failed at fixing it, though this time she had peaked the Heretics interest.

"Is everything alright?"

"I uh- just have this little kink in my neck." She grumbled, once again pressing her fingers into her neck and without fail she was unable to fix it.

Raising a brow, The blonde tilted her head before looking past Hayley and at one of the two plush chairs sat in the room. Reaching out, she ceased Hayley's hand in her own, pulling her towards the seat. "Sit down." She instructed.

"Seriously, I'm fine." Hayley insisted, though Mazeki. didn't listen as she grabbed her shoulder and forced her down into the chair.

Hayley but the sides of her cheeks, growing embarrassed at having even brought this up in the first place. She wasn't helpless or in need of any special treatment.

Or at least she didn't think she wanted any until she felt the Originals finger press deeply into her pressure point. Rubbing deep slow circles into the delicate skin. Hayley honestly felt embarrassed to admit she felt like moaning upon the feeling. Though she instead luckily only gasped.

Mazeki smirked slightly as she noticed Hayley relax into her touch, clearly having misjudged just how nice it can be to let go completely and give into someone else. She could already predict what was running through the wolfs senses.

She would be unable to ignore Mazeki's perfume, the familiar lemon and strawberry that Hayley had enjoyed so much quickly invaded. Then the streams of warmth slowly moving out into her other joints from just The Heretics touch alone. And then she'd feel the panic, the panic that came with her other feeling. One of need.

The kink in Hayley's neck was long gone, though neither had said a word as Mazeki continued to give the very tired wolf a massage.

Leaning down, Mazeki's lips brushed past the lobe of Hayley's ear as she whispered. "I do hope I've made you feel better little minx." She whispered, sending chills up Hayley spine from just her voice alone.

Leaning down farther, Mazeki removed one of her hands from Hayley's shoulder long enough to press a gentle kiss against her neck that Hayley almost missed. Though as she went to confront the woman, the sound of rushing wind passed and Hayley knew she had already disappeared.


But like really... Hayley is kinda whipped for Mazeki too lol.

I hope you enjoyed! Don't be a silent reader, let me know what you liked!

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