《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.4


Of agony washed over the open field, leaving a thick air to gravitate over as the world tried to fight its way against it. The beautiful tulips that had grown at the edges now wilted, the grass turned into a dried brown and the moon felt like it's light only shining on them.

The young blondes eyes remained shut as her lips tried to suppress anymore sons from escaping her small fragile body. Her hands were gently placed around her brothers head, holding him in her lap as her tears fell from her cheeks on to his.

She was so fragile, as though even the gentlest of breezes could tear down everything that was there. She wasn't ready, wasn't ready to leave him yet. She never would be.

"My sweet child, please. We must go, before we all end up like him." Ayana tried, sat just on the edge of the circle drawn in the grass. The friendly old woman's eyes drifted to the grieving parents who sat on the other side of the circle.

Esther was curled in to Mikael's arms, her sobs having become stilled as all she had the power to do was wet his chest with her tears. However the leader of the Mikaelson family's eyes were dark, staring through his daughter as though she wasn't even there to begin with.

The blonde shook her head, her hands tightening on his still grey body. It didn't matter that her legs were asleep from his weight, or that her arms burned from holding him up so long. "So go," she looked over at the woman, her hair covering almost all of her face but her eyes. "I'll never leave him. No cries, no screams, nothing will deter me."

"Mikael-" the withered woman tried, looking to the man the was wed to the woman she had mentored in magic.

"Leave her, she is no daughter of mine." He husked out, his grip tightening on his wife as he glared at the vile girl he once tried to think of as his child.

Leaning down, Mazeki pressed a gingerly kiss to her brothers head. "Your not done yet brother, we aren't done. There's so much left, so much for us to see. We can't be done. Not yet." She whispered against his cold skin, her eyes shutting as she once again prayed for this all the be horrendous dream.

Ayana was the first to notice it, the colour the was in his finger tips. The previously fully grey body had begun to gain colour. Not much, barely even noticeable- but it was there. It was in his finger tips.


And then, a gentle gasp erupted the dark silence.


Came at her from every angle as she tried to sleuth between trees, the moon doing her no gain as the brush of the trees acted as a barrier between its barely illuminating light.

Wearing a scorned look, the blonde looked to her left as she attempted to gauge which way the sound was coming from. Though it was useless, as though every sound had been moved to surround her rather then direct her.

Lolling her head back, she reached out to drag her finger tips against the coarse bark of old trees that seemed to be her only company at the moment. The sounds of her shoes left for little silence, between the echoing sound, the birds somewhere above, and her shoes, she supposed she wasn't completely alone.

Not that it mattered, it wasn't like she feared the dark.

The jagged crunches that copied her own slowly met her ears, making her loop up sharply. It was off a beat. It surely could be an echo of her very own mind could it?

Coming to a complete halt, Mazeki furrowed her brows. Looking around in both directions she was surprised to not even find the shadow of something bouncing of a rock. Though that surprise slowly turned to a dawning reality as she realized why.

They were behind her.

Spinning around, Mazeki's eyes flashed red as she brought her arm up in front of her and tried to beat her challenger to the first hit.

However it didn't work, as instead a man stood there with both his arms already extended out to her. His wrists were turned at an angle so his fingers pinched up and shook, trying to control the spell.

Mazeki felt her whole body ache as her arm bent back down, and her body raised without her control. Then as though she had blacked out entirely, her whole body collided with he length of one of her tree friends.

It was unfortunate to say, the tree was no longer standing, nor was she.


, its sweet bitterness coaxed her tongue as she looked up at her.

The perfect gap in the sky, just right above her the trees foliage just couldn't reach. She could see the moon, so beautifully hung above as though it were her stages spot light.

How pitiful of a role she was to play.

"You Mikaelson's are a plague on the city, one we are finally strong enough to get rid of." The male spat, walking closer to her in slow and menacing steps. He was drinking it in, the power, the role of the strong warlock who got revenge.


Mazeki couldn't help the laugh the escaped her mouth as she twisted herself on to her side, she threw her arm over to hold balance as she looked up at the darker fellow walking closer to her.

His hair was in braids that laid past his shoulders, a purple T-shirt hung loosely over him and tucked neatly into his pants. He was dressed for the occasion she supposed.

"I'm impressed," Mazeki bit out, bring her arm up to wipe at her mouth where some blood had snuck out past her lips. "Going after the weakest of us? Smart on your part. I haven't drank blood in days. But their was one fatal mistake in your plan."

He smiled crookedly at that, raising a brow as he took the low hanging fruit. "And what that?"

Her face dropped from it constantly amused state, contorting into that of the monster beneath the surface. Her veins pushing beneath her soft skin. "Even the weakest one, I'm still stronger then any of you."

maneuvering off her feet, she sped towards him ready for the kill. However he shot his hand out, sending her to her knees and clenching his fist.

"You think you highly of yourself don't you? Let's see you choke on all that self pride." He snarled at her, slowly opening his fist in sick satisfaction as he watched her begin to struggle to breath.

Mazeki's eyes widened, filling with painful tears as she tried to push through. She wasn't this week surely? No- she was the heretic! The half breed!


Hayley was feeling everything she was, her mate was in pain as she sat weakness on her knees. She could feel it, the way her heart was physically tugging it way in her chest as though it was trying to escape through her throat.

"H-hayl-" She struggled to choke out before the piercing sound of slicing cut through the air.

She fell forward, coughing roughly as she regained the ability to breath. Her fingers bunched up the grass below, trying to even out her stinging breaths.

Looking up, her eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. The man's head had completely vanished elsewhere, and his body now struggled to understand how to stand up right.

As it fell slowly to the floor, finally her Saviour was revealed.

Elijah, He stood in his morbid glory. Staring back at her, his eyes softened. "Hayley and the baby are not safe, we must go now if we wish for any hope of saving them."


Danced wildly around her, engulfing anything it could in its path of mayhem and destruction.

Her hand snapped back and forth, looking for any sign of where her mate could be. That when it tugged on her, the feeling of urgency that came over her whenever Hayley was around. The feeling that told her that Hayley was exactly where she was.

Her eyes were opened wide, a wild look to them as she snapped to look at a shut door close by. Quickly hitting her brother in the shoulder, she didn't wait for any visible response.

Her feet moved with out command, as did her hands. She was soaring, her whole right side colliding with the door as she slammed forcefully into it.

Its hinges loosened, and the door snapped roughly open as she stumbled forward and landed on her knees. She could feel the heat of the flames next to her, though didn't pay attention as her eyes fell upon the elegant face of her beautiful mate.

Speeding over, she quickly slipped her arm around the brunette and pulled her close to her body. One brief look was sent to the shaggy haired male also in the room, before another equally brief look was sent to Elijah.

Using her enhanced speed once more, she quickly sped out of the burning building and set Hayley down gently on the grass. Her hands quickly move to cup Hayley's face, looking her over worriedly.

Hayley however works to try and breath in the fresh air and soothe her burning throat. She reaches up to grab Mazeki's wrists, gaining the woman's erratic attention as she meets Hayley's eyes in a wild manor.

Hayley softly smiles at her, her heart beat to erratic and her skin still trying to come down from the heat that she couldn't tell what was Mazeki's affect or the fires. "I'm fine- I'm fine." She reassured.

Elijah quickly came up, dropping Jackson down safely on the ground beside Hayley. His attention didn't bother with any of them, instead going to His sister who's head snapped over to him.

Her eyes moved to his arm where some blood coated the fabric of his suit. "It's not my blood."


Yeah I know, I'm really fricken cool. Just kidding, I sped wrote this as I was just to excited. So I apologize for any spelling mistake or if it just over all bad.

Let me know your opinion on the chapter, if it's poorly written or if you have any questions

Good rest of your day lovelies

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