《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.5


is the head the wears the crown, and heavy was the heads of his family. For they suffered just as long as he.

Niklaus Mikaelson was a force to be reckoned with, a king amongst men. He had been seen as the greatest power of all, the Original Hybrid with so many Enemies he couldn't even see the sun go down in the distance.

But little talked about were his elders, his siblings that had sat patiently through his problem and tantrums. Elijah and Mazeki Mikaelson were patient, they waited and they kept their lips sealed as they watched.

But deep inside, each had slowly lost their way in the mess of the world. Elijah had been lost since the day he had caught his sister as she fell to her knees after witnessing the death of her father.

Mazeki however hadn't lost herself that day, no she had kept herself together for years as she watched her family all grow into the monsters that her mother had created. No the day Mazeki had lost herself was the Day Elijah had left her alone after having just ripped the dagger right out of her chest. She had lost herself the moment his hand pulled away.

One thousand years, of forgiveness and disappointment, a thousand years of second place and hateful thoughts building. And yet here she was, stuck with forgiving him.

The Blonde sat absently in the foyer of the compound, her feet propped up on one of the two tables set up. A paper laid in her lap as her eyes scanned to page, reading over a news update in the quarter.

The green eyed heretic rolled her eyes, already assuming this had some witchy business written all over it. Davina was now gone, having opted on following Elijah and Marcel out rather then staying around the broody woman.

That left her and-

"Mazeki, can I uh- talk to you?" Hayley wondered, walking up to the blonde woman who had thus far been a treat this morning. Not only having ignored them all, but also walking out during the middle of someone's talking.

"You are, aren't you?" The blonde answered with a question, folding up her Newspaper in an aggravated motion.


"Well you're clearly chipper." The pregnant wolf muttered, walking to the opposite side of the table so she could sit down across from the woman. "I wanted to ask you something, with the promise this stays between you and I?"

Mazeki sat up slightly, her brows creating a small crease down the middle as she tilted her head in curiosity. "Well I'm surely listening now, please."

Hayley sighed, looking around slightly in both embarrassment and awkwardness. It had felt rather difficult looking Mazeki in the eyes since the whole massagey neck kiss. last night she had been holding onto Hayley's neck so she couldn't look anywhere else, and now it felt as though Hayley wanted to look nowhere else.

"Before the fire, there was this- pain. It was all over my back and in my knees. I struggled to stand, to breath even, my whole mouth was filled with blood." Hayley whispered, shivering at the recollection of the unannounced pain that had washed over her so quickly. Mazeki however recoiled, guilt stirring inside. "And then- then it was like everything charged at my heart. It was like my body was trying to puke it out..."

"You wish to know how this could've happened?" Mazeki whispered, looking at her knowingly.

The brunette nodded, looking up to meet the beautiful jaded eyes of the beautiful blonde sat across from her. "Do you know how or even why it could've happened?"

Tell her.

She's your mate.

She need honesty.

Tell her.

"The witches, I assume they wanted to weaken you. Ensure there was no way you could've made it out alone. If I were to guess I assume there was some sort of voodoo magic at work." Mazeki whispered out dishearteningly, looking away rather then at her little Minx who to seemed unsatisfied with the answer.

"Oh... thanks."


between Family are often packed away tightly, forgotten over time or hidden from the sunlight.

Mazeki knew what it was like to have a secret rip people apart, she knew the anger that came from that type of betrayal. She knew just how it would go when her little brother knew of Rebekah's indiscretion.


They had all done many horrible things over the years to one another, however calling Mikael? That was a wrath that none of them would survive getting involved in. How unfortunate for Their promises of Always and Forever.

Elijah and Mazeki walked alongside each other, having split from Marcel after entering the building to conquer everything quicker. The blonde and brunette walked in silence, painful silence as they looked for anything to lead them to their siblings.

"We need to talk." The blonde informed the well dressed male, looking over at him earning a curious brow.

"Now? Is there perhaps not a better time?" The noble men kept his voice quiet not wishing for their siblings to know just how many steps ahead of them they were.

Mazeki shook her head, grabbing his arm as she forced him to a halt with her. She looked at him with a pained look etched into her features, such delicate tones hardened with the day. "No unfortunately not, because this might just be the only time I can say it without interference. I know what it's like to be on the betrayed side of this blade Elijah, you were the one who held that blade." She reminded, watching as he faltered as the memories flashed back in his mind.

"Yes I'm aware, however Rebekah-"

"No-no that's the point Elijah. We are the elders, we're in charge. There is always gonna be a Klaus problem, or a Rebekah problem, or even a Marcel, or Davina problem. Okay? So no this can't wait, or it's never gonna happen." She cut him off, looking at him pleadingly as she silently begged for a moment. Yes she knew this wasn't the best moment but it was the only one she had. He nodded slowly, allowing her to continue. "You saved me yesterday, you chose me over them all. You could have gone to Hayley first but instead you chose to pick me over them all. For the first time in nine hundred years Elijah you picked me first."

Elijah's face fell at that, looking down guiltily as the memories of standing next to anyone else rather then Mazeki was forced into his mind. He loved his sister, he never thought other wise. He just kept on hurting her in the name of their siblings.

"What I'm saying is just... I promised you forgiveness- I promised that I'd give you a chance when you showed that it wouldn't be the same. And while I can't hand you forgiveness brother, I do plan to work on giving that to you." She whispered sincerely, looking up at him with a tight lipped smile.

Elijah smiled at her in a soft manner, tilting his head. "Thank you."


were the blade of Excalibur, for it never found it's hand until the queen came along.

Mazeki yawned, her eyes shut as she walked along the halls of the Compound in a dreary state. Her brother was sentenced to a fitting pain, and she? well she was finally ready to sleep away the pain.

The was of course until a both excited and terrified teenage witch came busting out of Mazeki's bedroom door.

Davina placed her hands up as she collided with her mentor, both stumbling back as they peered to meet each other gaze. Grinning wildly, Davina was ecstatic. "Maze, your home! Come, come! I got something to show you!" Grabbing a hold of the blondes wrist she quickly dragged her inside the room.

The tired eyed woman stumbled after the teen, trying to keep up as the came to a fast halt half way into the room. "What is it?"

"That!" The teen gestures, looking up at the woman in excitement.

Mazeki however blinked slowly as she opened her eyes to look at what was in front of them. The blonde forgot how to breath as she saw it, standing there.

So.....Yeah. Like I said, stuffs about to get a little more interesting!

I however have two questions.

How do you feel thus far about Mazeki and Elijah's Relationship and how do you hope it progresses onward?

And second how do you feel Hayley will feel when she eventually finds out about the Mate bond?

Thanks guys, have a good rest of your week!

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