《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.6


has never proven to repeat, somehow it always fell different the second time it came around. However it always had an awful habit of rhyming, like an annoying child's song that never stopped playing.

The excitement of Davina's words died on hollow ears, the small excited jumps the teenager made as she browsed the many flowers decorating Mazeki's room went unnoticed. Of course the teenager was blind to this by her interest, far too distracted with so many delicate colourful petals.

Mazeki stood still amongst it all, vacant from the world as her eyes reflected a terrified child she once were. A grief stricken child that had never gotten out, one that had hid away from view as her maturity took over.

Everything was built on it, everything had been built on the fact that her inner child was gone. Who was she if she came back? Nothing. Not a warrior, not a sorceress, not a genius, she was nothing.

The beautiful envy coloured eyes were so distant, stuck on a piece of rolled paper so gently tucked between two roses. A wax seal tied to the end of its body, with a both a familiar and unfamiliar crest pressed into it.

Mazeki took slow, almost robotic steps towards the bed. As though she were running on only the last few drops in her tank as she gently reached out and creased the note with her fingers.


is the most highest form of Flattery. Knowing that someone cares so deeply to have mislead you from knowing the definitive truth, we'll it could make a girl blush.

At least that what Mazeki was sure went through her head and everyone else's when they planned to lie, a small sentiment to try and relieve the guilt. However the guilt would never disappear, not when lies covered it in whole.


The blonde was no stranger to the art of deception, she'd even say she was quite skilled at it. As was everyone else her age, it was the only way to survive.

So she had deceived the world, she didn't dare utter his name for over a thousand years. She let his memory sink as she attempted to forge herself a raft to sail of into a prettier tomorrow. She wished for him to be nothing but a mere blip in her past.

However that wasn't how it worked.

"Elijah!" She bellowed, using her enhanced speed to appear in the open foyer of the compound before he could. She looked in each direction in haste movements, sending stern looks to every vampire that met her gaze.

As expected the well dressed original quickly appeared at his little sisters call, looking around in his own to watch in partial concern as every vampire scurried out of view. "Sister, I'm afraid this isn't the time. Our brother is still in a corrupted state and Rebekah remains endanger. Whatever this is, it shall have to wait for a more opportune time."

Meeting her gaze, Elijah stopped a few feet away as he noticed the deathly glow to her. Anger rose and fell in every one of her untamed breaths, her fingers curling the fabric of her shirt tightly into fists. He arched a brow, confused on what he could have done within the last few hours since their conversation to have recovered such a resentful reaction.

"Arthur." She seethed his name, as though it left a bitter peel on her tongue as she spoke it. The very name being one of pain, so much pain that even Elijah's shoulder squared upon the whisper of it."I rest assured knowing that his name leaves the very same chills on you, it proves you innocent. For now."


The brunette walked closer, looking around as though suddenly something would appear and take them out in their vulnerability. "What has happened?"

Mazeki raised her hands in a dramatic fashion, gesturing around herself in a showy fashion. "There is flowers, lots of them complicating my previously still room. Every colour of the rainbow i very well believe, a teenage girls dream really. You should see the look on Davina's face." She jested, remembering the girls echoing excitement as she tried to swallow her confusion.

The male scowled in an unimpressed manner, reaching up to catch the blondes wrists and put her wolf gesturing to an end. "There is no time for vague dribbles Mazeki, how does this pertain to Arthur?"

Her jaw ticked, as though her head were trying to settle back into place with her mind. She did not remove his hands however, no, she simply used them as anchors as she leaned farther in. "Perhaps the fact that this note is sealed with his very crest. " She looked at him pointedly, gaining the freedom of her arms as she pulled out a sealed not from her back pocket."Have you figured out the severity of this yet or are we still playing catch up. Which of your mistresses did you tell my family affairs too Elijah?"

"No one, you think yourself interesting enough for me to be sharing tales of him?" He grumbled, pulling the note from her hand, and peeling it open to read through it.

Crossing her arms, the younger of the two scoffed. "Clearly you've forgotten then, as someone must know to have written this."

Elijah's mind worked in cycles's rereading the words over and over as he compared the handwriting of history to the handwriting of Now. An extra long line on every T, as though he forgot if they were capitals. "Perhaps...?"

Mazeki looked up to her brother, her face falling upon the suggestion the sat silently In the air. Too ridiculous to have even be muttered. "No." She answered definitively.

"Ayana warned you of this," He shook his head in both a disgusting mix of horror and amazement. Rolling up the paper once more, he hit his other hand with its end. "A thousand years ago Mazeki. It is one thing to have brought me back through harmful grief, but another to have brought Davina back with selfish greed." Elijah sighed, looking at his sister with a type of pity that no one would recognize from the noble man. "Perhaps you didn't vacate as unscathed as you had hoped."

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