《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.7


Good and Bad, Mazeki had always believed she fell in a solo column. One of survival, where your actions never took a stand as they could always be considered survival of the fittest.

Though as years passed and kingdoms started and fell in front of her eyes, The Blonde Heretic came to discover that she truly never felt nothing. Humanity meant little to her, people meant little. No one and nothing outside of her small gold platted bubble mattered really.

There was enough moments to count on one hand the Mazeki had felt true humanity, true kindness pass through her. It was fleeting of course, they had only ever lasted within the spans of a blink. However she remembered them each so vividly that she recount them in a way that you feel as though you experienced it yourself.

The was of course if she ever broke the seal that prevented herself from even uttering them, the fear of her father still lingered to far in her veins. Every bit of happiness could be ripped away from her, even the memories.

They could be taken at will, and she wasn't strong enough to live without them.

Mazeki sat in a dark corner of the plantation, one not visited often by any it inhabited as it often brought on the thoughts of the devil in her younger brother words. However she had always found it as her solitude, her freedom from her family and her acting.

She sit silently, passing through books and art as the world passed by just outside the window next to her. Sometimes she'd watch, watch lovers hold each other, watch friends become foe. She watch the world in all it damnation as she waited for the moment she could stand again.

A drink was clasped loosely over the arm of the chair, her lips pursed as she stared outside into an oblivion of racing thoughts, and rationalizations. The rooms silence was quaint, as though it held her safety away from the loud corrupting world.

That was of course until Davina came to greet her in the new morning hours, after having never seen the woman return to her own room.

Davina classified herself as rather insightful, she understood people and the world at a more level headed manner then most her age. Of course that was all for interpretation, you see the world in the way it presents itself to you. However Davina believed in some manner she got Mazeki.

Despite being at two very different parts of living and surviving, The New Orleans witch understood that sometimes despite being the strongest? It didn't always mean you understood it all, or even comprehended all of what was on you.

"I didn't think you were a day drinker," the young woman observed, taking slow and skillful steps in the distant Blondes direction. Though Davina continued when there was a limited response. "Great, so not only are you a day drinker, your a boring one?"

Mazeki made a noise of annoyance at the boring comment, lifting the said drink to her lips. She let the slow burn spread down her throat and stomach, bathing in the release it brought to her hunger.


"Come on!" Davina whined, walking up to her as she extended her arms out in a childish manner. "First you drag me to live here with your family, now your ignoring me. How's that fair?"

Smacking her lips together, Mazeki dried her lips of the lingering taste of bourbon. "You're free to return to the apartment at you own volition."

Frowning the teenager walked to Mazeki's side, balancing her weight in her hands as she rested against the arm of the chair. The teenager followed the Originals sights out to the window, confused by the way she admired the outside so dearly. "Maze... you can talk to me you know? If you want to."

"There's nothing left to talk about." She answered in a droned on tone, as though the words themselves felt useless now. Lifting the glass one final time, she polished off the glass. "Only time for action, excuse me."

Setting down her glass on the short table beside her plush seat, the Blonde Woman stood with hesitance. Peering over at the teenager she smiled softly before making her exit.


Didn't accept love, they didn't cower in the corner with their beloved as the prayed for solitude. They trampled love before it could become the weakness, they stifled whatever they were feeling into a small marble and let it weight inside.

However Mazeki couldn't deny what was in-front of her, she was built on reality. She believed the facts as they came and don't become distracted. And Hayley Marshall was indeed a cold hard fact.

She was her mate, their souls or better worded, wolves, were linked. Destined to intertwine with one another's until the day they both died. Their was a promise made, a thousand years ago. Hayley had been made specifically for Mazeki, designed just for her.

How stupidly romantic?

She stood at the side of a large oak tree, her left shoulder leant up against its sturdy bark And her eyes hooded. She watched her mate closely, the way her shoulders tended and she shoved her Shotgun into the hands of eve. If the Blonde didn't know better she'd think her wolf was sprouting a vein.

Quaintly smiling in secrecy at her mate, Mazeki gently shook her head as she tried to hide her amusement. Looking up, she whistled for her attention.

Turning over herself, Hayley spun in a circle to see the original stood there. A rose colour taking over her cheeks at the thought that she had just been standing there, watching her.

"Little Minx, busy are we?" The blonde conveyed in an amused tone, looking her over with a glint of unarguable hilarity in her green irises.

"Mazeki- I uh... did you know your brother-" Hayley jumbled over her sentence, looking over her shoulder and gesturing in the direction that Elijah had gone with Celeste.

"I don't know most of what my brothers do I'm afraid, I've simply learned to roll with the punches, as your generation puts it." The millennia old being replied curtly, clearly bored by the way she looked at her nails and picked at the cuticles. Blowing at them, she looked back up. "It seems your free now however, might I steal you?"


Walking closer, Hayley's face pinched while looking behind her selves at Eve and the wolves who had joined her. "Nows not really a good time, we can talk later. okay?"

The blondes lips quirked at that, a small muffled giggle passing her as she brought her hand up to muffle herself. It was clear on Hayley's face she didn't quite understand the hilarity of it, however she would. "I apologize Little minx . It's just- well it wasn't a request. More over an option to join me willingly, not at command. However wether you can or not, you shall be joining me."

The Pregnant wolf frowned, opening her mouth to argue with the Blonde Original. However her mouth hammered shut as she felt the woman's arms wrap tightly around her waist, whisking her away from her family and into the belly of unknown.


seemed like a long time in retrospect, a forever of arguments, a forever of fighting and battles. Forever may be to long to live alone yes, but even longer to live at the side of another.

Hayley was her forever, or at least her next ninety years. That was of course something that also seemed rather frightening in retrospect, Hayley was going to age. She age until she was king into the elderly and so would her child. But Mazeki, she'd be stuck at twenty-two until the day of Hayley's death.

Destiny was a cruel idiot.

The second eldest treaded through the woods in a fast fashion, her Hands were plunged into the deep pockets of her sweater and her boots clashed again fallen leaves. The trees danced above in a beautiful waltz with the breeze and left a crisp edge to every breath.

Hayley however staggered behind, following at a slow and almost deliberate pace as she remained ten feet behind the blonde Mikaelson. Every so often when the air wasn't enough, the werewolf would stop to catch her breath, glaring pointed looks into her kidnappers back.

"Keep up, pouting will do you no good." The blonde droned in a bored tone, keeping her eyes off of the beautiful brunette as to not become distracted from her task.

Hayley placed a hand on a tree, the muscle in her jaw tightening as she stopped walking and stared deathly at her. "I'm pregnant, with your brothers baby. Remember? Or are you to busy with your own selfish gain to recall."

Grunting, the green eyed Original stopped in her trek. Rolling her eyes, she twisted to the side and finally looked back at the pissed off werewolf. "Selfish? Do I look like Elijah or Klaus to you, I do not pop a screw if my reasonings are in question."

"Well maybe if you told me your reasonings, there wouldn't be a problem in the first place!" She yelled, stepping away from the tree.

"Perhaps if you asked less stupid stupid questions, and followed you'd have no need for my reasonings." Mazeki argued, taking an intimidating step forward. Or at least one that was supposed to be intimidating.

Hayley didn't fear her, she didn't double over when Mazeki got upset, she didn't silence herself when Mazeki wasn't smiling. "You dragged me from my family, my family! The one I'm suppose to be saving right now, but instead I am stuck walking with you! Instead of saving my family Mazeki, I'm watching you walk aimlessly into nothing!"

The green eyed woman's eye twitched, her fingers curling tightly in fists away from the werewolf's prying eyes. She was gonna lose it. She was gonna pop a screw, all because she was scared a man who was no longer alive would come out and rip everything away.

Tilting her jaw upwards, Mazeki felt her shoulders square as she tried to relax her fingers and mind. Trust, she reminded herself. "Hayley-" she grunted, squeezing her eyes as she tried to force her very tense body to relax. "Little Minx, please. I do not wish to fight. I just need your company, just yours. Please?"

Hayley's face against her better judgement, softened at the struggle that the eldest Mikaelson woman had to go through just to ask for some help, some company. It was disheartening to say the least, forcing Hayley guard down as she watched the way Mazeki was built so tense.

"Where are we going?"

"Into the deep back water swamps of this place. Something of the past has surfaced, and I need to get to it before Klaus can find out or Elijah can come save it." The blonde professed, taking slow steps towards the werewolf as though she were a deer who needed to not even notice the movement. "Your company... it would be enjoyable."

Hayley looked over her shoulder in the direction they had came, knowing full well the walk back would be even worse alone then it was getting to this point. "What is it, what are we going to get?"

Silently offering out her open palm, Mazeki rose a brow. "I suppose you'll have to join me to see." Tilting her head she smiled softly at the pretty brunette.

Sighing, Hayley slow snaked her hand into Mazeki's. Feeling the arise of goose bumps spread from her arm and all the way down her spine, leaving a lingering warmth over her.

"We shall go at your pace Little minx."

I thought that a little Hayley and Mazeki time could make up for the poorly written chapter I last wrote.

I've realized that I'm actually gonna be finishing the first season eventually, so I thought I should mention that each season shall have it own book. Each with a different name and cover page.

I'll also be going back once I've finished this book to edit all the chapters to make sure that unimportant things are taken out.

But anyways, have a good night lovelies! Don't be silent.

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