《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.8


clasped tightly together, two souls stayed the same as one another. Silenced by the comfort of the other, no words needed to explain the feeling between them. It was perfectly sound, one they both understood but hid from.

They didn't dare trade glances, didn't try and pull one another closer or push each other farther away. They remained in a consuming trance of the warmth the spread from their joined fingers. Such a feather like touch, and yet it kept both souls in a locked form.

Hayley often wondered what her prince would be like when she was a child, left alone from her parents and put into foster care often left her child mind to believe she'd be a princess. Every princess was neglected for some time, and then they'd find their saviour and they'd get a castle and a happy ever after.

However she no longer believed in happy ever afters, not after this. She was given a child, by the all mighty hybrid. And now she was terrified that she was slowly becoming consumed by Mazeki. She was like an addict that didn't understand what they were addicted too.

Every glance.

Every touch.

Every breath.

Everything she did absolutely controlled the pregnant werewolf, everything she shared earned Hayley's favour or forgiveness. It was like she was riding a high after every interaction, sailing out the feeling of knowing she was looking at Hayley.

She hesitantly moved her eyes slowly, careful to make sure she didn't look fast enough that she was caught. It was innocent, an innocent look at the woman that was going to be an aunt to her child. Or at least that's what she convinced herself.

However, looking at how her hair was pinned back into a untouched braid, and her jaw clenched even now that they walked in silence. Hayley felt something she didn't wish she felt for the woman, pity. The blonde Mikaelson despite every inclination was utterly alone, so much she had to kidnap Hayley just to not walk alone.

Mazeki's reality was far sadder then Hayley had ever thought to consider, a life of survival and hate for those that lived just as long as she. She was in a long standing trance, one forcing her into her primary survival state.

Hayley felt like she had been caught as Mazeki's eyes wandered off to the side and met her own, an unknown look in them as she gave the wolf a delicate grin. So pinched at the sides, so opposite the eyes, anyone could catch that it wasn't real.


However Hayley smiled back anyways, a small upturn in hopes of showing some sort of fake comfort to the unpredictable woman she walked with.

As to not make it awkward, Hayley removed her sight from the heretic and instead to the many trees that surrounded the beaten path they were walking. Her eyes took in every dent of the bark, and every stick the wandered off in to branches.

And then the symbols. The ones that were carved into the wood messily with some sort of knife, marking the wood for direction. It wasn't clear, the lines to basic to know fully what she was looking at.

But perhaps, an A with... a stick through it?

The werewolf hadn't even felt Mazeki stop, causing her to tug on the blondes arm as she tried to continue with finding the next marking on a tree. However at the strength of the Mikaelson's grip, Hayley turned around only to find Mazeki looking around cowardly.

"Here... we are here." She whispered, her voice almost failing her as Hayley strained to listen.


the flaps of the tent aside, Mazeki stormed out of its ruined red coloured fabric and out into the open sun. The sun bathed her with force, pressing down in her face as she continued searching for something. Anything.

"What are you doing- that people's things y'know? Some people can't afford luxury living like you Mazeki!" Hayley got louder with each word, growing upset as the woman ignored her completely and continued stifling through the different bags laid around.

"I came all this way!" Mazeki yelled in a huff, shoving over the bag she once again found nothing in. Standing up she pressed her palms forcefully into her eyes and tried to put it together.

Hayley took a slow step back, worried she'd be in the fight range when the blondes fuse blew. "For what?" The pregnant wolf asked softly, trying to keep the world calm as she gained her attention.

"Him. I came here for him, and now he isn't even here. Elijah was wrong- no surprise!" She seethed through a clenched jaw, picking up the closest thing near to her and turning to throw it at one of the withered tree. No suprise was found by either woman as a pointed rock embedded itself into the soft wood. "This was a waste of time!"

Hayley took a step forward prepared to comfort the woman, however the sound of rustling leaves stopped her in her tracks. Turning back to where the rock had embedded, Hayley's eyes widened when she caught the glimpse of a male stood in front of it, his hand pulling out the rock.


He was ruggedly built, dark hair with noticeable stubble lining his defined jaw. He was built tall, with a noticeable confidence to him that radiated in a similar manner to a Mikaelson. Turning towards them both, his eyes only briefly caught Hayley's before moving to Mazeki.

"No reason to get riled up little warrior, I was just looking around a bit." He smiled affectionately at the blonde woman who's only response was a dark glare as she bundled her fingers back up and hid them away in her pockets. "I'm happy to see you came."

The brunette wolf moved towards the Mikaelson, not sure if this fellow was friend of the family or an enemy. Mazeki certainly wasn't making it any easier to guess. But by the way the Heretic only pulled out one hand to grab Hayley, and pull her into her before holding her by her waist, the Marshall assumed he was an enemy.

Looking up Hayley stared at the once again stern face of her company, and the way her eyes hooded as she looked displeasingly at the man. However, selfishly she might add, all she could think about was Mazeki's open palm placed on her lower back.

"Arthur." Mazeki acknowledged, feeling as though his name were the only word she could get out with out letting her guard down.

She needed that wall, she needed it so badly. For Hayley's and her sake, without that wall the whole kingdom around them would crumble.

His grin never left, not as he dropped the rock, or as he stepped towards them, not as his eyes drifted to Hayley who continued to watch Mazeki nervously. "Hello, my sweet girl."

Hayley had to do a double take.


" on," Hayley stood back from the two, staring at the both of them in a scary mix of anger and astonishment. Sighting her sets on the blonde, Her eyes narrowed. "You brought me all the way out here- just because you didn't want to meet with your father... alone?"

Rolling her eyes, Mazeki gestured into the area that they had first come from. "Was what you were doing so important?"

"You could've brought Elijah, instead of letting him steal the cure for my own family!" The pregnant wolf berated, her anger getting the best of her as she felt her heart race inside.

Arthur looked intrigued upon the mention of the eldest Mikaelson, turning towards his daughter curiously. "How is Elijah?"

"Do not make small talk about my siblings, they are not of your concern." Mazeki whispered in an annoyed tone, turning away from her little minx and instead towards her father."Why are you here Arthur?"

"How are you here?" Hayley butted.

"When you brilliantly brought back your small friend, Davina, a hole formed in the wall between here and the other side." He explained, lifting his hands to show an example for both here and the other side. Hayley was scared to admit, that he had familiar traits to the blonde."It has became so fragile over time, it was like tearing fabric when I went through."

"That does not explain why."

"I wished to rejoin my only daughter." He shrugged, smiling adoringly at her."It had seemed as though you needed me."

"Guess again." Mazeki smiled mockingly, before her whole exterior dropped and her face contorted in to that of a monster. Speeding forward, she grabbed the male roughly and forced him up against the nearest tree. His soft, and unprotected neck, held in her hand.


Leaning in her previously alluring eyes stared him down in a hungry manner, every kind version of her being stripped from Hayley, "I do not need you- you are weak! A coward! Slaughtered at the hands of no better then a mindless child, I should rip your heart out just to see how bruised it is." She seethed this as she forced her hand in his chest.

"Let go of him Mazeki!" Hayley yelled, staring at the sight in terror.

"There's still- more." He coughed, spewing out blood as he felt her hand squeeze around his heart."N-Niklaus, his- he is to blame."

"Oh I know, and yet at least he isn't a coward."

"Yes, he is." Arthur forced back, "He took my... my sword. Buried it beneath the city he built so you'd have no reason to leave."

Mazeki felt her whole body still up, and the air in her lungs force out.

Okay.... So maybe not my best written chapter but a lot of Mazeki and Hayley content so I don't know if I should be too upset with myself.

I'll probably end up editing when I find some nice time.

Anyone let me know your thoughts on Arthur, and the Hayley and Mazeki relationship!

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