《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.1


are red, The colour of a beautifully painted neck after a monster had let themselves feel. Allow their inner rage out and rip into the neck of an innocent.

Mazeki had never been far off from the monsters painted in children's story books, she had the motive, the rage, and the teeth. She knew how to persuade, and how to hurt like no new supernatural could. She carried pain as a precious jewel around her neck.

The finest of blood diamonds one might say.

She'd grown accustomed to knowing she would never fall, that she'd surpass her siblings in life due to how she was made. A heretic. A corpse amongst a group of vultures. However she always came back, it didn't matter how much was ripped from her, Mazeki always got back up.

And suddenly she wasn't safe, she wasn't sound of mind. No she was relentless, she was bursting at her seams. Hayley Marshall. Her down fall. Her loop hole.

"Well you're a new face." The original tutted, her lips pulled up into a devious grin as she shamelessly looked over the man in front of her as if he were merely a piece of meat. "Care to show me to your master?"

Shooting her a startled look, he wasn't able to control the way his face instinctively contorted in barred fangs and iridescent gold eyes. "Who the hell are you?" Her growled, stepping forward in a predatory manner.

Face falling, and her lips pulling out of her previous grin into a sneer. Mazeki raised her hand without even a momentary thought for Davina, and watched as the new hybrid was thrown back farther then intended. "I believe, your exterminator."

Walking in behind him, The heretic has her hands tucked into her pant pockets. An unwavering look to her as she quickly caught the gaze of a distraught Hayley, immediately earning her undivided attention, as she looked the brunette wolf over for injury.

"Get away from her!" Dwayne growled, his feral instincts already clearly glaring heavily by the way his breathing grew heavy.

"Mazeki..." Hayley whispered, her shoulders tensing upon the warm sensation growing in her chest. The heretic had came, come to retrieve Hayley.

"Little minx, quite a mess you've got here." The woman agreed in a soft tone, looking over at Tyler who was glaring at her and Dwayne.

"What do you care?" Tyler wondered, not really aiming the question to either specifically.

"I said get away!" The newly turned hybrid demanded, all instincts turning haywire upon the thought of Hayley being harmed in anyway by Tyler. It was instinct, a new one clearly but no less an instinct.

"You got what you wanted, now get lost!"


Becoming amused in the taunting, Mazeki tsked as she walked farther into the room as to get closer to Hayley. "Oh, do not take that Dwayne! He simply wishes to be the only one with the gift. Turn at will, accelerated speed and hearing-" she rambled watching as she got her claws dug in Tyler skin.

"A gift! You think this is a damn gift!" Tyler yelled, turning on in axel to face the Original sister who remained in amusement at the way the boys anger flared, and his eyes turned golden.

Stumbling to her feet, the pregnant wolf moved as close to Mazeki as possible without having Tyler interfere. Her eyes glued to to the male by the door, the only plan she had coming to front. "Dwayne, he's gonna kill me! And he's gonna kill you, too! He said that hybrids are too dangerous to live! You need to stop him!"

"Shut up!" Tyler yelled.

Seeing that their steps had succeeded, Mazeki quickly sped to her mates awaiting form and wrapped an attentive arm around her waist. Pulling Hayley into the blondes chest, both could feel as the air whipped around the two.

A space in time that felt as if it didn't move. A moment where it was just the two.


are blue, a colour that always shun in her brothers eyes. Such a radiant colour, one unfortunate when it came to hiding the amounts of pain Klaus held.

It's why everyday she thanked whatever gene from her fathers side, blessed her with jade eyes. Of course it came with their own down fall, one of where on lookers associated her with envy. Someone who wished to be anyone else.

Which remained untrue even to this day. She didn't want to be anyone else, she just didn't wish to be herself.

Slowing the both of them to a halt, Mazeki kept her arm securely wrapped around Hayley. The blondes eyes swiftly moved around them. Curious to know if Tyler had kept up to them.

Hayley however loosened her grip around the originals neck, feeling her face get warm as she once again noticed the intoxicating smell of fruity citrus invade her senses. She could almost taste the strawberries, and feel the puckering of her cheeks from the lemon.

"Thanks for- well yeah. You know." Hayley awkwardly coughed, pulling back to face the blondes neutral gaze. Hayley narrowed her eyes on the woman, watching as Mazeki repeated the same action.

"You could've been killed." Mazeki pointed out sharply, not letting go of the pregnant wolfs waist.

Arching an accusatory brow, Hayley quickly rebutted in an annoyed manner. "You mean the baby could've been killed. Don't act like you ran around the forest worried that I was the one in trouble." The she wolf couldn't help her agitated response, not liking the fact that it seemed no one in this family cared about her. She was simply the incubator to them all- even Mazeki.


"Except that was what I was doing Little minx. Running around the forest in shoes the probably cost more then your whole outfit, in search of what I though was a very capable werewolf." The heretics words were laced with venom, her anger beating her in a way it hadn't in years.

Unlike her brother, she had never been swamped with anger. Having learned at a young age how to fuel it into more productive tasks, such as her magic. However it seemed the longer her wolf side tried to get out of the cage her elder brother and her mother put it in, her old habits came back.

"I didn't need you," Hayley growled, roughly pulling away from the woman with a glare. "I could've handled myself fine without you- I don't need you to save me!"

Fists balling at her sides, And her jaw tensing the blonde tsked and looked around them before turning back to the Marshall woman who arms were crossed tightly around her body. They had one moment, one moment where it was peaceful. And they had followed it with anger.

If that was what was in store for Mazeki the rest of her immortality, linked to Hayley. She could confidently say she didn't want a future of feeling as if she were insane. "So be it- find your own way home then."


die, and its because of you.Those words loomed in the back of her eyes, the sound of how venomously the words were spouted past the lips of someone she once cared for shook her.

Her nose and lips were sealed by linked fingers, her knees pulled closely to her chest and her breathing shallow. She could feel all of her emotions pushing at the cracks in her walls.

A mate.

Perhaps something had gone wrong- it must've truly. A thousand years separated her and Hayley, species separated them. Mazeki was known as the first Heretic. Vampire and siphoner, intertwined by threads no one thought possible. Her wolf heritage died the day her birth father died, and any chance of recovering it died five hundred years ago when Elijah had chosen Niklaus over her.

Hayley was a wolf, and a proud one at that. She was confident and stubborn, a persona built over years of abandonment that came from being left for what she couldn't control. Being a werewolf was the only reliable thing Hayley had.

So truly it made absolutely no sense how this could've happened. Sure magic had its loop holes but it also had its rules. And one rule was things had to have an equal. Fire has water. Vampires have werewolves. Niklaus had Mazeki, And vice versa. That was the equal, two abominations to equal out one another.

So why Hayley? Why now?

Hearing the loud stomping of shoes, and the lingering sound of a slammed door- Mazeki looked upwards with her hands dropping in to her lap. A typical sight met her, an aggravated Klaus, and a group cut short.

"Well don't you look angry." She commented, watching as Klaus forced himself to a halt. Clearly having been to indulged in anger to have taken note of his elder sister.

"And don't you look sour," Klaus rebutted, walking closer and looking over his sisters lean posture and dark eyes. Clearly having spent her time stuck in thought. "I wouldn't work too hard an rationalizing sister, as I'll simply tell you. Our dear brother is now having a little werewolf bite nursed by The lovely spit fire wolf."

Mazeki nodded in contemplation, her eyes shutting half way as subconsciously rubbed her throat as if she could feel the bite lingering in her own way. "And you left the woman carrying your offspring to sit in the bayou?"

"Oh don't get yourself in such a twist, Hayley is nothing but a bunch of flesh and organs keeping my child breathing." Klaus scoffed, continuing to walk forward only to have Mazeki speed in his way with a hand pushing on his chest. Glowering down at her, the hybrid seethed. "I do not have time for your threats sister-"

"What did they accuse you of?" She wondered softly, in no mood to argue.

Looking at her in slight surprise, Klaus' lips moved themselves from the scowl he once had into a small almost child like frown. "They both believe I planned to use my child to continue on the new race of hybrids, as though I'm so entirely dissectible to use a child after having saved Marcel all those years ago."

Nodding in understanding, she bit into her lip for a second before looking into her brothers eyes. Klaus had hurt her, just like everyone else once had in their insane family. However, if she wished to ensure nothing came at her she'd always pair with the winning side.

And Klaus always seemed to win some how in war.

"Your babies mother is gonna be a little harder to get rid of then your hoping brother. Unless your willing to get rid of me too." She whispered, watching as Klaus' brows furrowed at the comment. "She's my mate."

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