《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.0


has demons and angels. Shadows of light hidden in their minds, shielding secrets and pain.

Mazeki recalled the day Ayana had taught her of invisible strength, how in a world made of male warriors a woman must always think smarter rather then fight harder. It had been a lesson the blonde carried heavily through life, always using her charm and eyes to get her out from problems.

She remembered the way the wise woman's words flowed, the way her fingers had grazed her temple with some sort of mixture. 'One day the Demons shall free themselves my girl, and you must be prepared to fight them. For you shall be the only one capable.'

Mazeki finally understood. Understood that it wasn't people or the werewolves Ayana spoke of, rather a demon that belonged to the girls mind. One that stole her normal thoughts and replaced them with demented ones.

Ones she once believed belonged to someone else, ones she hit her head in hopes of ridding.

Her father told her she was the devils daughter, that she wasn't his. A curse.

Mazeki realized just how right he was.

Her fingers grazed the man's neck, the wounds steady blood flow having ceased after only seconds. Tears streamed down her soft complexion against her will, and her fingers smeared the blood into little pools.

She could feel the hunger, climbing it's way to the surface and her fathers words whispering monster in her mind.

Her hand shook as she brought her fingers up, resting them against her lips.


patted down her pockets, searching for her second phone with the familiar bejewelled case that always felt odd in her palm. She knew it was abnormal, forgetting about the phone, forgetting the importance of who was in the other end.

However she had lost it, in the mix of her still not fully confirmed mate going missing, her brother awaking from the dagger, and her little chat with Kol the previous night- who wouldn't forget a phone?


She was in sync with her elder brother against her own will, to use to the habit of being on the same wave length to simply escape. Her feet pressed foot prints into the unstable dirt, making her thankful for the boots she put on rather then her heels.

"We should head south, towards the water." Elijah decided, his jackets tails whisking behind him as he walked along side his younger sister.

The two looked like a pair matched for hell, capable of taking on the devil and his army. Gorgeous and spiteful, neither tied down by anything to prohibit them. And perhaps once they could've really taken down the Devil, however fate did not hand out gifts to the weak.

Klaus followed behind closely, his eyes closely watching the way his elder brothers face moved as he looked over at their sister. A look that once always dotted Elijah, and yet had been lost for centuries. "You seem quite determined to find the little wolf. Is that in our sisters graces or your own?"

"If I'm moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down." Elijah sassed, side eyeing his brother without realizing that Mazeki had forcefully rearranged her walking as to be ahead of the males.

Smiling smugly between his elder siblings, Klaus starkly rebutted unfazed. "Ah, so I've touched a nerve? You've begun to admire this girl. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch."

Sighing loudly, Mazeki looked around in boredom as she tried to locate where her senses were persuading her to go. "Or perhaps he's treating her as a human being rather then simply an object, men typically have an unfortunate habit of that."


The brunette male hummed at the observation, before turning back to Klaus. "If you're going to insist on treating her like a walking incubator, then that's your mistake."

"I have no use for the two of you, you'll simply slow me down. Do be careful to not get lost, you both have a terrible set of skills when it comes to finding a smart way out of things." Waving her hand dismissively, before fleeing the scene as she heard Elijah go to argue about sticking by each other.


struggling to keep her up right, a young and exhausted Blonde witch stumbled into a tree. Using its sturdy build to help her remain up right.

Her breathing was laboured, eyes filling with redundant tears the refused to stop flowing even against her attempts. Her body felt on fire, a feeling she hadn't had since the day Mikael drew his blade and pierced it through her back without a mere second thought.

The skin of her knees had yet to heal even with her new abilities, her skin taking an almost sickly pale grey colour. If someone saw her they'd think she was the ruthless goddess of death. And yet, all she simply was- was confused and scared.

She didn't understand, and she wanted to. So, so bad she wished to understand what had happened. Why it hurt, why body reacted as it had after finishing Lawrence off.

Looking up, she saw a figure swiftly making their way through the forest, the familiar sound of jagged steps on leaves and the jangling of familiar bracelets.

Her brother. her anchor. The one person she knew would save her.

Feeling her knees go out beneath her, she let out a pained whimper as her throat burned from the sound.

The silhouette changed direction, she could not tell if it was her mind or the way her eyelids fell but it felt as if mere seconds before the familiar face of her brother was infront of her. Looking her over in concern.

"'Lijah." She gasped, voice dry as bone and tears staining her cheeks that felt like acid against her face.

Elijah's finger grazed her cheek, staring in horror as he watched the way blood smeared over her neck and left stream going down the front of her dress. Her braids a mess behind her head, the flowers once braided in wilting as she silently cried."Mazeki..."

She reached up grabbing his wrist, a look or sorrow on her face. "It's not my blood."


mind rung with memories, her rationality escaping her as she planted her weight into her hand while leaning against a tree. Her eyes fluttered shut, taking a deep breath the cease her pained memories. She could feel it, the pain and the guilt trying to eat it's way out.

Like a sharp needle, driving into her stomach.

But it couldn't. She wouldn't allow it too.

She could not have weakness, Hayley was to much. One injury and Mazeki could be finished. It was to much, to much danger.

"You've done this, you haunt me. Why?" She whispered, looking up to the sky and allowing the sun to burn her eyes as she placed her fingers behind her neck. "In solace may you find peace brother, for I will be haunted for years by your undoings. May a miracle weep for me, and bring you back. Even if it is just to allow me to rip your heart out myself and let you choke!"

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