《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.9


everyone is the same purpose, engineered to follow the commands of those you deem more important. Engineered to comprehend Good and Bad.

However sometimes morales were not enough, to cover up for fear. To excuse embarrassment.

It why on a summer afternoon, just days after the flowers fully bloomed and birds seemed to come out of hiding. You would find a soon to be adult Elijah Mikaelson, wielding bow he'd had no permission to use.

He could have asked, could've attempted to explain why he wanted to borrow one of his father's bows. However the embarrassment of exposing that he failed in the art of a task meant for men, turned his knees weak.

He could see it every time his father saw, it did not matter if it was simply not a hard enough pull or if the arrow landed somewhere else then it's target. Mikael held the same look, one of hatred and disappointment.

And even worse, one where he'd never say a word. Simply the look told enough.

So Elijah had snuck off unseen.

Or at least he had thought it was unseen.

"You are not very good, are you brother?" A soft honey laced voice dotted from behind, her tranquil sound causing Elijah to snap around and fire the bow.

Of course much like his other shots, it was nowhere close to its target.

His little sister, Mazeki.

The light of his life, his other half, his first love, as his mother often referred to her as when they spoke. She was a grace, one that watched Elijah's every move and knew his every thought. Why had he thought she wouldn't catch his absence in seconds?

Sighing, the boy dropped his arms and let the bow hang at his side. He cowardly lifted his head to meet his little sisters triumphed smile, as she had her hand lifted. A red tinge wrapped itself around Elijah's arrow, stopping it from landing on any target.

"Mother has told you countless times, you are not to practice magic. Where is your bracelet?" The sixteen year old wondered, walking towards her in concern as she flicked her wrist causing the arrow to snap in to her palm. "You could hurt someone."

"Just as you could hurt someone with your horrendous archery skills?" She mused with a mischievous smile, pointing at him with the crude tip of the arrow. He frowned at her, making her switch into a more softer smile, one of pity. "It is fine brother, what mother doesn't know could never hurt her. Just as what father doesn't know, won't hurt you."


"You have chores to tend to, You should be getting-" He began attempting to persuade, though realized he failed as she walked past him and took his bow in to process. The boy sighed. "It is not a toy, Sister. It is a weapon."

Narrowing her eyes in on the target, Mazeki began adjusting her stance to appear squared and levelled. "I'm aware of that 'lijah. That woman and her husband that stopped in the village last month- their son taught me." She admitted to her brother in a proud tone, slinging the arrow into it spot inside the bow before lifting her arms.

She was concentrated, undistracted and not nervous as Elijah found himself always standing. He was not confident in his shot or his stance, however his sister was. His sister, who only had one more winter to survive before considered a woman.

One winter before it was him and Finn who'd be fending off men to make sure their sister was not sold like cattle.

Pulling her fingers back with the edge of the arrow between them, she did not think before letting go. Letting the arrow soar past everything in its path, cutting air as it landed in the centre of Elijah's crudely marked Target.

Eyes widening, with his pupils becoming small slivers he lost his thought at seeing his sister so effortlessly best him in one go.

Turning over her shoulder to meet his eye, she smiled in victory. "I could teach you, if you so wish."


down at the many people on the street blow, Mazeki admired them as one a child would admire ants. Her chin rested a top her inclosed fists, her lids heavy as she forfeited all attempts at deterring her minds adjective.

"I know." She mumbled, eyes shutting completely looking as if she were praying to a god above. However it was not a god nor was he above, it was the boy who she knew almost definitely was standing beside her.

"I don't- I just can't begin to understand." It was a cry for help, one for hope or explanation. "Why not Nik? He broke it. Isn't that the saying, you break it you buy it."

Silence. A deathly kind. Ones wardens would capture their prisoners in to drive them mad. A type of silence that had once drove Mazeki mad.

A frustrating groan passing her dried lips, immediately standing to her full height as she backed away from the edge of building. The blondes fingers knitted themselves deep within her curls, her eyes rolling back in her head in an attempt to escape herself.


"I know you probably hate me Kol, but you were the one that knew these things! You were the one that knew the signs, the chances and reasons! I have nothing without you..." The girl grovelled, her shoulders sagging back and her posture sagging as she tilted her head forward.

"She's my weakness now, I need to know what to be prepared for!"

Still quiet.


Even quieter if that was possible.

"The one person with my every answer, the one to have stood by me for a thousand years! The one that never let me down- and... now you are dead. And I am alone." The last word, a whisper amongst her displayed anger. Everything in her was dying. Her hope, her love and trust. She feared herself, and she no longer had the one person that could challenge her. "I promise you this brother, if I must move hell to get you here, you best believe I'm very capable."

A promise, she never broke those.


crossed, The eldest female of the Mikaelson sat back in silent panic as she made sharp glances around the room.

Her fingers tapped nervously against the arms of her chair, impatiently awaiting to leave the place her siblings once called home.

"Not the most attractive community, are they?" Elijah observed, looking around in distaste.

Arching a brow at his brother, Klaus almost felt humoured by his brothers new attitude. Far more similar to when they were once human, when life was fine. "You do realize they can hear you?"

Looking back at him, Elijah shrugged his shoulders in a dismissive manner. "You do realize I don't care?"

Sighing loudly, Mazeki hung her head back over the bend in her chair as an impatient child would."Oh we realize, Elijah. We realize, it's just at the most opportune times you choose to finally have a personality either then the word Morality." She scoffed, feeling her insides beginning to crawl the longer she was stuck in the unknown of if her Mate was safe or not.

A fact Klaus caught on to, watching the way her legs bounced together and knuckles turn white as she harshly grabbed on to the arms of her seat. His eyes narrowed, switching between her and Elijah, curious to know of which he was to be more threatened of.

Eventually the prince turned king walked in, a few vampires on his trail and by her aura- a witch. An old one despite her visible years, Mazeki noted. She was on edge, taking noticeable glances at both Klaus and Elijah though never giving the blonde time of day.

"You know, Elijah, I liked you better in that box. And you-" His voice was confident, a trait the heretic assumed he gained from Klaus. Though it seemed he faltered once looking at her. Why? "I must've just missed you."

"Oh, yes. It seems you were my terribly casted replacement. Not enough, whats the word? Character, yes." She snapped her fingers as she made a dramatically thoughtful look, before pointing to the boy with a charming Mikaelson grin on her lips.

Clicking his tongue, Marcel looked the woman over in interest. Recalling the painting Klaus once hung in a study, it had a large gold frame with intricate flower designs weaved on the sides, inside had been a duo. However only one had a face- her face - who she was dancing with however was drawn in black. A silhouette to only enhance her beauty.

It had been Marcels favourite painting. He recalled vividly the feeling of hurt the day he watched Elijah take it down.

"Charming." The King tutted, before turning to his father. "But Klaus, my sire, you I owe the world, and I always show respect to my elders. If your special lady friend is missing, you could benefit from the help of a witch. And, since I control all the witches in this town, I'll grant you one little locator spell. Sabine's the best guide in the Quarter. Need to find someone? I guarantee, she's your girl." He smiled gesturing to the woman, before turning on his heel and beginning to walk away.

"Where are you going?" The hybrid wondered suspiciously.

"I hate to cut this short, but the sun's coming up soon. My nightwalkers need to get inside, and I have got a city to run. I leave you to track down your lost sheep." Smiling once more, he made point to meet the only Mikaelson woman presents gaze. "It was truly a pleasure." Receiving a nod from the blonde, he turned and walked off.

"Can you find her?" The eldest male wondered, Looking at the witch in urgency.

"I can try. " Sabine nodded sheepishly.

Clapping her hands loudly together, the Heretic sighed. "Well goody, we do love a good attempt."

"Do you wish to do this spell sister?"

"A little backed up at the moment. Please, go on."

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