《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.8


are simple creatures, ones that's means to live are simply within reach. Only complicated by the anger possessing mankind.

People need Loyalty in order to get air. To breath.

Taking charted steps through the lounge, Hayley rested her hand protectively over her stomach to ensure no harm to come. She briefly acknowledged the presence of her baby daddy and his brother, though found herself too engulfed in a scent.

It was comforting, as if she had smelt it so many times before yet hadn't in a while. It was of a sourness and sweetness, such as Strawberries and Lemon. So fruity and entrapping, one she always wanted to smell.

Walking into the kitchen, Hayley stopped herself as she almost toppled into the back of someone. Furrowing her brows at the blonde hair she'd found herself memorizing, Hayley felt her cheeks subconsciously warm in embarrassment."Oh- uh...Morning Mazeki."

Using her hand to cover her mouth as she yawned, the Heretic turned around in a tired fashion to meet the very stiff standing werewolf.

Tiredly smiling at her, She gave Hayley a nod. "Good morning little Minx," Pulling her mug of coffee to her lips, She backed up farther into the kitchen."Pancakes, or French toast?"

Eyes widening, Hayley put up her hands in a slow down gesture as she walked closer."Oh I really don't need you to make me breakfast. like really don't need you too." The wolf awkwardly put, Finding herself on edge in the woman's presence.

Despite her help and joking fashion, their was an inkling stuck in Hayley's mind that she was just as distrustful as Klaus. Having accused her of theft only after one encounter, and then to disappear after being called to help.

Shrugging, Mazeki turned to the fridge and opened it up in search of eggs. "I'm not, I'm making your child- my niece or nephew- breakfast. It is preferable that it isn't something you repulse." Turning over her shoulder, she arched a brow at the brunette."Now Pancakes, or French Toast?"

"French Toast..." the pregnant wolf muttered, growing uneasy at the warm feeling in her chest and the feeling of her inner wolf relaxing at Mazeki's voice.

"Perfect, now sit."

It was silent in the next moments, the only sound being Mazeki's feet as the sleepily dragged against the ground while searching for the ingredients she needed for her egg wash. It was certainly a sight to see a Mikaelson doing such a mundane task. Cooking.

Hayley was so drawn in with the blondes movements, she completely forgot who it was she was staring at. Or the fact that someone new had clearly entered the room during Mazeki's preparations.


"Good morning." Elijah greeted them both, snapping Hayley from her trance as she shot up straight as if being caught.

The heretic however tensed up at her brothers voice, A habit Hayley had noticed from the previous evening.

"Brother." Her voice was flat.

"Sister." His was warm, loving.

Looking between them both, Hayley swallowed thickly. "Morning." She attempted for the new face, worried it was she making them so off.

"You know I am happy to see you in one piece, I was rather close to thinking I'd find you cursed when I woke." Elijah pointed out, pushing off the door post to walk farther into the kitchen, his eyes clearly moved to his sister as he spoke.

His eyes were unlike hers, a deep whiskey colour that contrasted with her. They were warm, the love for his sister seen despite her not acknowledging it. Only making Hayley believe that who was truly at fault for this all must be Mazeki.

"I'm stronger then you'd think." Hayley smiled at him, watching as he walked to the fridge.

"Yes we're all rather aware, now if only you had as much self preservation as you do stubbornness and we'd all be of much sounder mind." The blonde remarked, using a form to mix in the milk and vanilla in her egg wash. Gesturing out without looking at him, Mazeki instructed Elijah."Get me the bread."

And he did so, with no complaint. Immediately pulling the bread from it bread box that sat close to the fridge, and slipping it beside his sister. "I do hope my siblings were relatively hospitable in my absence. I'd hate to think you were left in crisis."

"She was fantastic." Mazeki grunted, her eyes dark as her whisking picked up in an angry speed.

"I was fine- Mazeki was a great host." Hayley attempted, nervous that it was her the seemingly unstable Mikaelson was growing annoyed at rather then Elijah. She watched as the stirring slowed slightly upon her confirmation, relaxed knowing Mazeki would not murder them."Either then a few killer witches who think my baby is Lucifer, and some blood thirsty Vampires here and there. But your siblings are oddly protective."

"It's called possessiveness little Minx, we do not respond well to challenges of the heart and loyalty." The heretic explained, finally turning her eyes to meet Elijah's who saddened upon the direct hit she made.

"Speaking of the Witches, I have some concerns. "


in order to build, to heal.

"The witches manipulated me. You know how that ended." Davina scowled at the Original brother, not confident in any of his promises.


"This is not manipulation. This is one thing in exchange for another. I'm offering you a deal." Elijah explained, as the thoughts of a certain sister remained in mind. Davina was powerful, just as his sister once were. And he wished to help.

Narrowing her eyes, Davina looked down at her feet while crossing her arms. A thought drifting in her mind upon seeing what was around her neck. "And I'm sweetening it. Bring me your mothers spells and your sisters. Mazeki's. She wanted to help me, this is how she helps."

Elijah looked over at her sister who stood outside Davina's door with him, she held their mothers spells in hand with a grimoire tucked beneath her arm. She was quiet, her eyes dull as she stared forward.

"You do not need to supply her with a complete grimoire, she only requested a few mere spells to learn control." Elijah reminded his sister, though she remained quiet.

Instead flicking her wrist to watch as the door unlocked and opened to them.

Turning from her easel, Davina's eyes widened upon seeing Mazeki and Elijah walking in. Smiling upon the sights of the spells in hand, the teenage witch stood excitedly. "I believe my brother and you have stricken a deal, however there is a new and far fairer one up for grabs."

Bringing her hand up, Davina frowned with her hand protectively covering the talisman of her necklace only serving to make the Original Heretic smile and Elijah look amused. "What is it?"

Walking towards the harvest witch's desk, Mazeki slipped the grimoire out from under her arm before placing it down on the hard wood surface with a slight thud. "In trade for your activism in a essential spell, rather then a few spells I will allow you ownership of one of my most prized grimoire's. With the promise of course that you never let it fall in to others hands."

"Why can't you do the spell," Staring at the Heretic in suspicion, Davina tilted her head. Despite her Claims, Mazeki was an old one. She knew her way with words, and she could be tricking the witch as they spoke. "I thought you were powerful."

"This spell- to make it simple it just a little to close to home for me Davina." She explained, turning to meet the teens gaze. "I can not preform it without there being a chance of someone important dying. However what I can do is supply you with a grimoire to match your necklace." She gestured to Davina's chest where a simple flattened piece of metal hung, an engraved symbol standing for 'The Lord of Shadows' sat.

Walking close as a look of complete and utter intrigue appeared, a new curious sparkle in her eyes as she looked at the Grimoire with a symbol for rebirth scratched in leather. "Match how?"

Elijah looked to his feet with a sad smile on his lips, recalling the times his sister would hastily explain to him the different symbols she learned from Kol and at extension their mother.

Every time it would be the same, She'd run up to him in the mix of doing chores and grab a hold of his bicep. Quietly explaining the dimensions of the symbol and its meaning, before rushing off before anyone noticed.

And every time Elijah would smile fondly at her excitement.


love in order grow, to nourish.

"Get her in the water!" Sophie instructed, watching as only more sweat began to appear against the werewolves head and her breathing became laboured.

Standing to her full height, Mazeki began shrugging her jacket down her shoulders and kicking off her shoes. "Yes, yes. Would you quit it with the ordering, before I become distracted with the thought of you eyeless?" Rolling her eyes, The heretic beat them all to any comments by jumping into the pool.

"I'm not a thief." Hayley murmured as a distraction, her eyes following the curves of Mazeki's sides that showed nicely in a tank top.

Why now...

"Odd timing, little minx." The blonde pointed out, coming up in front of her and beginning to help her into the water. "But, yes. It seems you aren't."

"Not like I've been saying that since the beginning." Hayley's breath laboured, putting one around the back of Mazeki's neck.

Smiling sadly down at her, the Original shrugged. "I've only now found a new suspect."

Hayley sighed, leaning into the blonde instinctively as she let the smell of strawberries and lemon envelope her senses like a protective blanket. Her grip uncontrollably tightened on the blonde, moving her head closer the Mazeki's neck. "You smell nice... like summer."

"Good girl, just focus on your senses." She mumbled, using the wolves distracted and weakens state to slip her hand under the girls knees and lifting her.

Mazeki would argue Love was the most important things for Humans to survive.

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