《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.7


was it's very own punishment. And it's very own gift.

There was many times in her long life that Mazeki had hoped for the gift of peace, to be left alone from the chaos and destruction of her family. And yet every time by something or someone she'd come back, prepared to help them all survive another century.

But then there was Italy. A four year long period where her family had indeed abandoned her in a way, though it wasn't as she had hoped.

It had been her and Kol, surviving as they wished, using new names as the not draw attention to the family. To prove her siblings wrong. How wrong she had been to not second guess her brothers.

Their need to be right.

Mazeki's eyes were shut, her shoulder holding her body up against one of the white beams next to the pool outside. Long vines grasped around the pillar, though she ignored it to engrossed with the cries of happiness from her sister.

"Elijah! You're safe! Now that you're home, is your first plan to kill Niklaus?" Her voice carried, Making the heretic scoff as she fluttered her eyes open in attempt to free herself of the moment.

Glowering at the calm waters of the pool, the blonde sisters hands began to squeeze into tense balls and she watched in defeat as more steam came off the pool.

Davina had let him free. Of course she did. Her brother could talk a prison guard into taking in a life sentence if he tried.

"Sister." His voice caused her to recoil, Her hands tightening even more to begin digging prints into her palms. She didn't dignify him with a glance, the energy not at the surface to have a conversation with her brother.

"Elijah." She grunted back.

He took cautious steps towards her, treating her as he would a startled fawn. No quick movements, it was key. "You came."


"You left me no choice. I was under the assumption Klaus was doing something diabolical, not preparing a nursery." The Original scoffed at his simplicity, and attempt for normality. There would never be anything normal about them, nothing good or pure.

She hated Elijah. With everything she was capable of she hated him.

"You are the only one I could trust to protect Hayley." Elijah specified, one of his hands slipping into his front pocket as the other remained at his side. "Though with you affiliation with Davina, perhaps that was a poor choice."

"The only way Hayley survives this family," Finally turning her head she finally met the face of her boogie man, his whiskey eyes and familiar styled hair only angering her more. He was the evil that wore her hero's face, wore the face of the man she once thought was the only person to understand her. "Is if she lives like I do Elijah. Thinking of every choice although it is life or death. She needs only intuition, and allies."

"And what a lonely life that is. She is about to become a mother, I had hoped you'd be a voice of reason. But it seems your stubbornness prohibits you." Elijah shook his head, a quiet sigh leaving his mouth. His sister, the first person he truly knew what it meant to want to protect and fail, she was the reason of his nobility. A living reminder of his very own failure.

Glaring she reacted without second thought, quickly speeding to her brother and swiftly connecting her knee with his abdomen.

She watched him double over for a second and immediately sped him into the nearest surface as she held him with her elbow so they were face to face.

"You do not get to act disappointed in me, you do not get to play concerned, and you sure as hell do not get to act as if I am the problem." She sneered, veins pulsing beneath her eyes and the colour shifting from their envious colour to a red of hatred and hunger. "I'm helping Davina, as I wish someone could've helped me. And if you serve as a barrier to that, I'll kill you without a second thought."


Shoving him back, she panned over him in disgust. Her tongue becoming coated in what could be described as venom, no words of rationality were in mind, nor any words of compassion. "You should've stayed in that box."


crossing over one another, Mazeki repeatedly clenched and unclenched her hands as she watched her only semi-living elder brother stand behind the desk. Her face was stuck in a frown, her perfect eyebrows pressed into one another.

"Everything that brought us here to New Orleans was a lie. This story that Sophie Deveraux fabricated, this struggle for control of the French Quarter, this war between vampires and witches, wasn't over territory at all, this was over Davina." Mazeki listened closely to her elder brother, wishing to see why this was any different then if it was territory.

If anything it was easier now then before, people were far easier to win over if your cause was good enough.

"So what? The war is all the same, even easier now. Davina is a teenager who almost died. She trusts whoever is closest- that was once Marcel but it could be us now. All we need to do is show her that." Mazeki shrugged, already making plans in her mind to visit the witch tomorrow and take her on a field trip.

Somewhere she most definitely never had been.

Meeting her cold jaded eyes, Elijah searched for the light he once saw in hopes it would reappear. Though it was futile. His little sister was replaced by a warrior, running on years of betrayal. "Eight months ago, Sophie Deveraux and her sister Jane-Anne lost everything. Now, four months after that, a young pregnant girl wanders into their restaurant. Suddenly, all hope is renewed." He casted a glance to Hayley who hovered near where Mazeki sat. She was obviously attempting to not look over at her, Causing Elijah to grow curious at what he'd missed. "Jane-Anne actually sacrificed her life so that her sister can use you to find Davina. If Sophie Deveraux is successful in capturing Davina, she can return Jane-Anne's daughter back to life. We thought we'd come here to wage a war for. This is about family." He specified, once again looking to her sister watching as her once impartial facade turned into an obvious frown. "In order to return her niece to life, Sophie Deveraux will fight to the death. That makes her more dangerous than anyone."

Klaus listened closely, His eyes moving between the trio of people who tension filled the room between. He watched as the pregnant wolf shot curious glances over at his elder sister, who was far to oblivious in her thoughtful state. She had checked out of her body to think.

Which he supposed could be a good sign in this case.

Then their was his elder brother, who's sights had been set upon his sister since the moment he woke. The question of where she was being the first he asked Klaus, along with many follow ups. Their was a shift, from when he was last awake. His attention was deterred.

And the paranoid mind of Klaus wished to know where it had moved too.

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