《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.6


can't stop hiding, not in this life time or the next.

The world worked in dark and menacing ways, plotting demises and betrayals while maintaining its glow. It was reality Davina was slowly becoming accustomed to, the longer she was stuck in an attic with no say.

That was of course until Mazeki had walked passed her threshold, a Vampire defying one of the only spells she knew.

And without even thought or consideration, Mazeki had led Davina into a Rabbit hole. One of doubt and questioning. Of fear. She had always known her laws, the way magic was suppose to move. And yet Mazeki was living proof that it wasn't reliable.

Neither was associating.

The Blonde had given her a gift, albeit one the brunette still hadn't opened. But a gift. Something she hadn't had in months.

Months of darkness and loneliness beyond Marcel.

Sitting cross legged in her bed, fingers brushing over the strings of Tim's violin her heart was stuck in her stomach as she attempted to find closure. Find solace in her mind but it was to no use. Placing it down infront of her legs, the teen reached up and wiped her eyes to stop the stinging sensation of holding her tears.

Moving to get up from her bed, Davina quickly stood as her face pulled into a wince. Placing her hand beneath her thigh, she soothingly ran her fingers over what could be felt as an indent in the skin. Turning alarmed back at her bed, her shoulders immediately deflated upon seeing the small velvet box sitting on the duvet.

Furrowing her brows, she listened as the familiar tune of Tim's playing appeared outside her window in the style of wind chimes. Looking over her shoulder to the outside world, she watched in slight awe as a red glow pulled and pushed at the different hanging glass.

"Mazeki..." she whispered, wondering if the woman would suddenly appear behind her.

Though that never happened, instead the red mist that had been playing a beautiful melody moved towards the box on the bed. It glided like water, propelling at a slow calming speed through the air. It split into five little streams of its own, Wrapping itself in knots around the box before moving it in front of Davina's eyes.

Staring wide eyed at the streams, she watched as two of the streams untangled and pried themselves in the seam of the lid. Slowly as if it were the grand reveal at an end of the movie, the lid lifted.


Just as a creak on the floor boards came out from behind her.


" can't go out there now. I need to gather the witches' remains and consecrate them. If I don't get to them before sundown, we'll lose the link to their magic." Sophie Devereaux begged, looking a mix the Mikaelson siblings in panic of losing even more of their magic.

The witch's eyes lingered a little longer on the eldest in the room, having never encountered Mazeki's presence before. She was a fable in her coven, the Mikaelson that had magic.

Mazeki sat back in her seat, arms draped back over the top of the couch with her legs crossed in front of her. Some sort of drink lingered in the glass at her finger tips, and her eyes were half lidded in boredom.

That was until Hayley walked into the room, sipping from a similar cup to Mazeki's own. The original immediately rearranged herself to sit forward, her ears searching for the familiar duo of beating hearts.

She made no move to send the werewolf a warm look, having found herself to perplexed with the possible reality of their relationship.

Though Hayley sheepishly ignored the woman to the best of her senses, feeling to embarrassed and concerned after remembering it was her who had walked her to the car last night. Or better described as carried her to the car last evening.

Walking around the back of the couch, Klaus looked at the witch incredulously. "Those witches tried to kill Hayley. I'd prefer for Marcel's informant not to find anything that would lead him back to us, to her, or to... you know..." trying to find the right words, he turned and pointed in the general direction of Hayley's stomach."That."

Letting out a low scoff, the pregnant wolf rolled her eyes at the hybrids words. "You are all class."

"Well he was alive when woman's only job was to sit and incubate." Mazeki pointed out, flicking out her wrist in a giving gesture. A prominent smirk on her lips as she finally met the hazel green eyes of the wolf only a few feet away from her."He's still learning, little Minx."

Narrowing his eyes skeptically between the two woman he felt least in control of, Klaus couldn't help the sneaking doubt in his mind. It was like a virus, always catching him even when he wanted to trust those close to him.


But he couldn't. Not with Mazeki. Their was to much blood in the water now, she was a loose cannon and he could not trust she hadn't planned something.

And with the mother of his child no less. "Ah yes, well at least I had the right mind not to sell you off sister. Because you are so very needed." He reminded sarcastically, earning an unsurprising roll of the eyes from his sister. "Stay put. And save the rest of your story 'til I return."


at her feet in disgust, Mazeki chastised herself for not making a better judgment in shoes. Despite her intellect it seemed fashion was often at the front of her brain, always forgetting where she was going and what she was going to do.

Walking next to Hayley, Mazeki could see it in the werewolves eyes as her pupils darted back and forth through the trees in search of anything she could find. She was on the verge of running, and the original had not intention of stopping her.

"Do not stray far," she whispered, bringing Hayley closer with her upper arm."I do not believe anyone wishes for a repeat of last night. Hm?"

"Mhmm..." Hayley mumbled through her lips, Her eyes deterring from the woman as she began to feel hot under her gaze. Removing herself from the girls grip, Hayley could feel the way the magic left currents of electricity pulsing in her skin like nothing else.

"So, this Harvest thingy- tell me more." Rebekah enticed, having fallen bored.

"Klaus said to wait." Sophie reminded.

"Yes. He also said to stay out of the bayou and yet here we are, amongst the crawly, buzzy creatures."

Lifting her head up she looked at the witch, tilting her head to the side as she looked her over. "Besides, no respectable witch listens to Nik. That's how they end up dead." Looking up at the sky, she hummed as she recalled the familiarity of this setting."Do your remember Alexandra?"

Alexandra. One of the many witch's the Mikaelson's path had lead them too, a beautiful red head that had been taught in the magic of necromancy. It was a craft Mazeki had been rather enchanted by, and by extension so was Kol. And in his boredom, Klaus. The story was not long or bittersweet, it was short and simply bitter. One day Alexandra was what Mazeki considered a friend, and the next she was paying for a betrayal. As many did.

"Ahh yes, that poor girl. What a shame." Rebekah recalled, shaking her head in remembrance of the woman while clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

Looking between the woman, Hayley thought about asking but chose against it once noticing where they were. "We're here."

Looking around, the group took in the new and far more gruesome scenery. Bodies, ripped and dismembered littering the ground, one even at a lost for a head.

Sophie could feel her breakfast rising in her throat, the sight of people who in one way or another she considered friends. Quickly looking away, the witch crouched down and began digging through her bag in search of something

"Whoa." Hayley whispered, her eyes moving towards the large paw-prints denting the mud. Her eyes moving up to the blonde heretic that remained in arms length, crouching down to brush her finger tips against three large claw marks in one of the trees.

Looking over at the duo, Sophie narrowed her eyes as she began to feel the growing aura around them. It was strong, one she hadn't felt before. Looking down at Hayley's feet, she rose a brow. "Is that a wolf track?"

Hearing the sound of breathing, and foot steps, Mazeki closed her eyes with her arm falling down at her side. Sharply lifting her head upon hearing the sound of a branch snapping, she twisted her neck to look at the Horizon in alarm.

There stood a skinny man with poor posture, staring at the group of four in shock.

"Who's there?" Rebekah yelled.

Looking between them in a freaked out manner, called out. "What the hell? An Original?" Getting nervous, he quick speeds off while leaving four confused a shocked woman.

"Bloody mercy."

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