《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.5


had always been written that caring, earned forgiveness.

Though in reality it truly depended upon who you'd ask. If you were to ask a young Vampire, such as Elena Gilbert you'd be told that caring had given her many favours in life.

While if you asked any Mikaelson? You'd be told that caring was the worst thing to have ever happened to them in their long lives. That it was simply an inevitable means to an end. They had lost many important people through the years, and with each one they only grew more cold. More defensive.

So it pegged the Question. How were any of them capable of still caring after so many loses? Mazeki had no idea.

It's why she had ended up at Rousseau's, with her eyes on alert for a short Brunette Harvest Witch she had found herself wanting to check in on. Since the previous night where she had found herself in possession of Davina's memories, the heretic had felt as if her heart was in her stomach.

She recalled what it was like to be the most powerful being, with untamed abilities and tethering herself to the first person that promised protection. It had scarred her to this very day, and she did not wish for Davina to be the same.

No child deserved to be a pawn of war. Even less, such a promising girl.

Davina Claire was on her toes, watching in slight awe of Tim talking to one of his band mates. She was too distracted to pay attention to her surroundings, even less the fact that an Original had caught her out and about.

Smiling to herself as she looked between the witch with a love struck look and the unaware boy, Mazeki leaned closer in so her face hovered only an inch above the teenagers shoulder. "Well aren't you simply glowing."

Stilling at the voice and now aware presence, Davina's face slipped from her previous smile into a frown. Sending only a glance over at Cami who was already looking at the Duo, The brunette sighed. "Why are you here?"


"It's a festival, I'm feeling festive. And may I ask what Rapunzel is doing out of her tower?" She mused, walking around her as a predator would prey. She stood tall to the brunettes size, her shoulders back and her clothes consisting of a turtle neck and washed out jeans.

Crossing her arms, Davina's look scorned Mazeki as she contemplated what was next from the Blonde. Would she steal her magic next? At least that would help her, unlike her memories. "Old one watching Disney- hard idea to grasp."

"Oh well I'm a lover of the simplicity of it all, one day they choose to be different and somehow it just sticks. No trying; they are suddenly just better people then they were the day before." The Heretic shrugged, a lazy smile tugged at the corner of her lips. A sight unseen when it came to Originals unless they were preparing to kill. "I find it aspiring to humanity."

"Leave me Alone, I don't need you ruining my night out." She sneered.

Hollowly laughing, she looked around herself. "I do hope this is not your highest expectation, Darling. You are more powerful then anyone else, you should be aspiring rather then settling." Raising her hand she moved it towards the brunette, only to watch as she flinched back.

Furrowing her brows, Mazeki frowned before adjusting her arm to reach for Davinas wrist rather then shoulder. She could feel Davina tense beneath her and hear the way her heart palpitated quicker in the teens chest. She could sense the shuffling of feet from a blonde bartender near by, and knew she didn't have much longer to chat.

Shuffling into her pocket, she pulled out a velvet box that would typically be assumed a ring. Though her gift was a little more close to the heart. Turning the harvest witch's palm up she placed the box in the centre of her palm, before enclosing Davina's fingers around it.

"My Name is Mazeki, just you we are in the same page." Smiling one last time at the teen, she didn't hang around to be questioned as she slipped past Cami and through the crowd of people.


Leaving Davina and Cami together, the bartender questioning the teenager on who that was, while said Teenager tightened her hold on the box in hand.


a warm goodnight text to a certain brunette in Mystic Falls, Mazeki found herself interrupted by a frantic call from an unsaved number. Rolling her eyes, She slid her finger against the screen before bringing it to be parallel to her ear.

"Not that I truly care, but which of my siblings may this be?" Her voice was as sour as her mood, clear agitation in every word. She began taking calculated steps past any on lookers around, making sure to keep to herself.

"Why your favourite of course." Rebekah's honeyed voice came through, clearly putting on the younger sibling charm for her elder sister. She paced anxiously in the bayou, Frantically in search of the heart beat belonging to the wolf carrying her niece or nephew.

Clicking her tongue, she stopped in place and shut her eyes while a bittersweet smile lifted her face. "Rebekah. It seems I need to go clear up some conversations, as clearly its Opposite Day."

"What a lame attempt at making me feel bad Mazie, we both know by the favour of being a girl I am by default your favourite." Her voice exclaimed from the other side, forgetting her whole point of phoning as she talked.

"Kol's my favourite, Dead or Alive, Angry or Sad. He remains my favourite. Now get to why you called before I hang up in choice of the ridiculous music I'm listening too." The heretic scoffed.

"It's Hayley."


up to her siblings, the eldest female of the family came to a halt and looked around confused.

Her very point of coming to this city was thanks to Elijah wanting Hayley to have a body guard. And yet here she was. Failing and completely unaware of why the werewolf was in the Bayou in the first place.

"And she showed up, what a shock." Rebekah gave her a mock gasp, looking between her siblings in false astonishment before whisking in to a scowl. Disappointment clear at their presence. "You are both bloody ridiculous. You are to be a father and yet have once again found yourself busy a mix a power struggle- and you," she harshly turned to Mazeki. "Elijah trusted you to come and protect Hayley and yet I'm to play super nanny."

Not paying her sister mind, Mazeki looked around as she felt her heart ache wildly within her chest. She knew what it could mean, she was no town fool. Kol had warned her of it centuries ago, of the possibilities that came with being what she was. She just never thought it would come to her like this.

In the middle of a dark swamp, standing in designer boots as she felt like her chest and mind were on the verge of erupting together.

Narrowing her eyes, Mazeki took a step forward while tilting her head. Trusting her apparently new instincts the Blonde sped away from her siblings and too the tree line, using a tree for support she looked around in quick motions making her head spin. "Hayley!"

Upon hearing her voice, the werewolf stumbled slightly as she heard every previous sound from the forest disappear. Scrambling with her hand pressed to her wound, Hayley felt to exhausted to question her instincts. Instead racing to what her heart told her was safe. What was sanctuary.

"Mazeki..." She called hoarsely, her feet slipping out from beneath her. Though as she braced for impact, instead two arms encased her and her sweaty forehead rested against something steady.

"I've got you, I've got you. Rest your legs." She whispered to the wolf, her arms tightening to support her as her stability on her feet weakened even more.

Hayley Marshall didn't know why she had called out the Blondes name, or why she had raced to her upon hearing her name be called. All she knew is once the Originals arms had wrapped around her...

She felt safe.

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