《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.4


is eternal. Never disappearing, nor dispersing. It was here first and it would be the last standing.

And so would Mazeki Mikaelson. In her family there had always been one way or another she could beat her siblings, some with reason, others insults, and then there was her intellect.

Mazeki had been a unbeknownst prodigy as a child, unlike Kol who was a prodigy of magic she surpassed expectations in average mundane tasks. Ones of the mind, or of the body, or poise. She was a model child.

She assisted the elders in picking herbs and berries, she read grimoires as a child with the mentor ship of Ayanna Bennett, and she learned dancing and balance within only one lesson from her brother.


How funny it was to compare their once close bond, to the shit storm it now was.

It was all Mazeki could think of since leaving the attic, her once pure fondness for her brother now an untameable disgust. He was what she associated evil, what she thought of first when she questioned her own pain.

Elijah Mikaelson was his little sisters Boogie Man, and unlike any other she'd never be rid of him.

Walking down the hall of the plantation, The heretic watched the walls to make sure they didn't swallow her whole. Her fingers dragged against the rim of the wall, Her foot steps growing closer to the room she knew housed two important people to the Mikaelson family.

The blonde woman passed the open door of the room the werewolf was in, continuing only after a brief glance inside to make sure she was in one piece."Mazeki?" Hayley wondered only loud enough for her to hear, Drawing the Original to slowly back up to the door.

"Hayley. Lovely evening isn't it?" The Blonde calmly offered, crossing her arms as she came to stand inside the room.

Her body oozed a familiar confidence as her siblings, though unlike them, Hayley didn't once doubt it was from experience rather then power. The Blonde had invisible scars that made her uncomfortable in her skin, and Hayley wished to know where they came from.


"You have grimoires- that means you know Latin. Right?" She wondered tentatively, studying the Original in front of her. She definitely was Klaus' sibling no doubt.

"I'm fluent," she confirmed, walking closer to the brunette where she peered down at her laptop. Placing one hand on the arm and the other on the back, the heretic leaned in while smirking as she whispered. "de die vivit lamia, nocte scolaris in albis."

Upon feeling her breath brush against her neck, the Marshall woman felt an unfamiliar chill run down her spine sending shivers over her body. Her breathing stopped for a moment, her mind reminding her who this was. Klaus' sister. She wasn't good like Elijah, she was evil. The werewolf knew it just from the look in her eye.

Returning to her eyes, Hayley felt herself becoming slowly lost within the green eyes she didn't share with any other sibling. They were as green as one would imagine Envy's eyes, so needy and lost. Looking for something Hayley didn't know of.

"What does that mean?"She mumbled, unintentionally looking down at the woman's lips to see them move.

Her lips pulled into a perfect smirk that looked to be halfway between genuine and mischievous. Not answering the question, she turned to the laptop. "What may I help the little thief with this fine night?"

Scowling, Hayley narrowed her eyes. "I told you, I didn't take pages from your grimoire's. There useless to me beyond being a fire starter." Looking her over once as if in disapproval, She shrugged. "Not like anyones gonna miss the ramblings of a mad woman."

"Oh and how very feminist of you." Mazeki replied in a bored manner, turning to look back at the pregnant woman. "Now, is there actually something you needed love or are you simply looking to lie some more?"

"Tonight a witch came to see me and tried this old dumb ritually thing where they had a necklace-"

Interrupting her, Mazeki pushed herself away from the seat Hayley was in and walked in front of her to sit on the table. "Ah yes, the swing test. And what results did you get?"


"I didn't really, she kinda zoned out before I got a confident answer. She started saying things in a different language. It felt- weird. Like she was cursing me or something" Hayley mumbled, "I was wondering- if you'd know what it meant. Because you're a witch." Moving back in her seat as she attempted to keep her eyes from checking out the woman, knowing well just how shameless it was. Mazeki had accused her of theft within hours of meeting her.

Mazeki however didn't hide the way her eyes memorized every curve of the werewolf, even meeting the woman's eyes more then once as she did so. Moving forward, The heretic rested her chin in the palm of her hand. "What did she say?"

"infans est malus, et coitus ejus est. mors omnium nostrum erunt." The brunette struggled out, earning a slightly amused huff from the blonde as she listened to her butcher the words from memory.

"infans est malus, et coitus ejus est. mors omnium nostrum erunt?" She repeated back, her words far more on the dot then Hayley's.

"Yes- yes! She said it exactly like that."

Furrowing her brows she began to translate the words in her mind, only taking a few seconds to come up with them but another few to process what they meant. "The baby is evil, and so is her mate. They'll be the death of us all."


down the steps, Mazeki adjusted her sleeves as she listened in to younger siblings conversation. While she had grown annoyed with the two over the years, they had always been predictable. Argue, hold grievances, forgive.

That should be the slogan of the Family really, opposed to Always and forever.

Walking into the lounge where her sister and brother were bickering, Mazeki paid little mind as she made her way to the grimoire left on the table."I remember details about the attic Marcel took me to. There were shutters on the windows behind Elijah's coffin." She slightly stopped in her movements, trying to recall if Davina's attic did have shutters or if that was simply a play on the mind.

"Well, that should narrow it down immensely. Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor. Marcel's delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation. If Davina's loyalty to Marcel is strained, perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance." He commented, his eyes drifting to his elder sister whos fingers dragged over the cover.

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, wondering why Mazeki had found herself diving into so many grimoire recently.

Smiling Bitterly at him, Rebekah grumbled. "As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother or gaining our sisters forgiveness." Turning pointedly to the Blonde Heretic, Rebekah dramatically tilted her head."Good morning Mazie."

Looking up at the both of them, she sent them a strained smile while loudly shutting the book shut. "Morning Bekah, Nik. Still on the hunt for our lost family? If only we'd had this devotion when the other two were dying." She remarked annoyed, her fingers unintentionally tightening around the grimoire in hand."Am I to expect an apology or may I be leaving?"

"And what is it that I shall apologize for? You earned your daggering just like the rest of them." Klaus dismissed with a wave, blocking out any room for guilt.

Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, The eldest blonde nodded."Ah yes, always the victim you are brother." Rolling her eyes, She looked between the both of them."What a shame, but I don't have the patience for another talk of struggle. I'll find you both whenever it is I do."

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