《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.3


a thin difference between dreams and reality.

In her dreams she was whole, her brothers still lived amongst them, and her family had never fallen apart in such the way it had.

But in reality, she loathed those that shared her blood. She bit her tongue and choked down the many vile words she had to say. Instead she watched them in silence, wishing their deaths instead of her brother.

Sat in the foyer of the Plantation, The Original Heretic was spread across the couch with her feet crossed at the ankles and her fingers thumbed through another grimoire. One with more missing pages.

Her younger siblings stood a few feet away, arguing amongst themselves.

"Oh, I am so moved by your new-found sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven. Thank the heavens for our sister who must have literally knocked some bloody sense into you grotesque mind!" Rebekah chastised the Hybrid, sending a look over to her sister in expectation to speak though was left with nothing.

Mazeki was too distracted with herself. That was of course until her head immediately shot up upon Hayley entering the foyer. It was as if she was a dog to her owner, immediately on alert upon her entrance. Even going so far to sit up.

Hayley sent a look to the eldest Blonde in the room, Her heart unknowingly picking up a pace at the sight of her. How effortlessly she looked impeccable even in the morning. "The werewolf would like to know what the plan is."

"Do you want the good news or the bad news? Because the bad news is Niklaus came up with one, the Good news however is that I'm here to fix whatever mess comes from his plan." Mazeki remarked, Earning a quick slip up smile from the werewolf before she immediately hid it after realizing who she was smiling for.

"Oh, Sod off." Klaus glared at her, Earning a mocking smile from the immortal woman who dramatically reopened her grimoire. "Well, that depends what plan you mean, love-- my plan for global domination, perhaps our eldest's undisclosed plans for while she's here, or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world?" Rebekah immediately grew angry, taking a pencil from the desk beside her and threw it in Klaus' direction.


Only of course being himself, Klaus caught it easily before it could embed itself in his face.

Sighing to herself, Hayley had to question what she had to have done to someone to earn this as her life now. "The plan to rescue Elijah. You know, the good brother? The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back?"

"I hardly would say Elijah is good, a gentleman sure but he's hardly good." The heretic immediately informed, looking up above her grimoire to meet the eyes of the brunette woman.

"In the front, if we're being specific."

"And Elijah always warned us to be specific." She confirmed, recalling the many times Elijah had played with his words just for Niklaus.

"You two said that you would get him back. So is there a plan, or what?" Hayley wondered, looking between Rebekah and Klaus as she tried to distract all her senses that were seemingly heightening the longer she was in Mazeki's presence.

"Okay. Well, firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy-- he's my friend. Albeit one who is unaware that I'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend nonetheless." The hybrid explained as he sat down behind the desk, and propped his feet up on top. "And secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently. And thirdly," He turned to Rebekah and gestured for her to speak. "Sister, please."

"And thirdly, the plan, as you have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back."

"That's... that's not the whole plan, is it?" The pregnant werewolf looked between the blonde trio of siblings in alarm. They weren't serious were they?

"Yes and as I said," Mazeki piped up again, turning herself to sit over the edge of the sofa while shutting her grimoire. "That's the worse news. However there is always a plan B, Nik if you will?"

"War." The hybrid smiled at his elder sister, sharing the same look of death in their eyes.


up at the church, Mazeki linked her fingers behind her back as she tilted her head in curiosity. Who exactly would stay in a church with a immobilized Original, how ironic.


Taking a glance around to spot any prying eyes, She did not remain outside long, as she quickly used her accelerated speed to enter the building in a swift motion and stand right outside the attic door.

Closing her eyes as she felt the familiar send off of her elder brothers vampirism, She had to concentrate to make sure her senses did not become distracted with the feeling of deadly magic on the other side. It was as if many witches had stuffed something full with all their darkest tragedies.

Taking a hold of the slightly wearing handle, The Heretic Snapped it off before kicking the door open for her to walk in. And much in Mikaelson fashion? It was dramatic.

"You must be an amateur to not have a stronger boundary spell on a room hiding a Nasty old original." The woman tutted, waltzing inside making a young witch come to a halt in her painting and immediately go in to defence.

"Who are you?!" She glared, hands balling at her sides ready to quickly disintegrate her opponent .

"An old one, and that darling," she gestured to the casket sitting on the floor before looking back up at her. "Is my elder brother, unfortunately."

Immediately on guard, Davina Opened her hand prepared to deal with her just as she had Rebekah. With violence. Though before the spell could even begin, Mazeki was in front of her with her hands suddenly holding the teenagers wrists.

Eyes closed, a red type of mist began to illuminate around the blonde originals wrists and Davina, causing the Harvest girl to grow to feel nauseous with a foreign pounding in her head.

One sharp strike went out behind her eyes, before suddenly all the symptoms disappeared and left only a slightly more sluggish Davina. Opening her eyes, Mazeki smiled sadly at the teen before bringing both the girls hands up to her mouth and pressing a gentle kiss against the side of them.

"It's always so sad when a child must be forced into war, they never come back the same." She explained to the clueless Girl, who had no idea why an Original would talk to her like this.

The Mikaelson's were bad news, Marcel had told her so.

"What- what was that? What did you do!?" The young witch recoiled, gazing at the woman in red that seemed five second from her tipping point.

Clicking her tongue, She looked over at her brothers coffin and wondered if it was worth her energy to get inside his mind. All she'd do was grow angrier if he was awake and in front of her, at least asleep she could bear to be in the same room.

"That was me weakening the threat, you are far to powerful for your own good. So I opened your mind, found it out for myself." Mazeki explained softly, looking at the teenager with a fondness in her eyes that was unfamiliar to most. The Blonde original had -like the rest of her sibling- always had a soft spot for children. "You were lined up, like lambs to the slaughter and then watched as each and everyone of your friends fell. And now? Much like the memory, you carry their magic on your shoulders."

Taking a cautious step back, Davina's face slipped at the way the woman so kindly spoke to he. This was not at all what Marcel had explained to her. "Leave, go- go away."

"The red?" She gestured to her own wrist while taking a step, "it was simply showing the run off of me taking some of your magic. Like an alert in a way."

"I won't give you your brother- I promised..." she whispered, her emotions getting the better of her as the lights in the room began flickering as did the candles. The air was changing directions around them, and Davina was beginning to panic at what this woman knew.

"Fortunately I don't want him, he can rot for all I care. If anything I advise you keep him around, try some spells out on him. He never stays dead." The Original purred, her last words a mere whisper. "As for you Miss Claire?" Speeding forward, Mazeki planted herself right in front of the girl, and lifted her jaw with her fingers. "A child needs sleep, even amongst a war. I advise you rest, no witch will reach you before I can."

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