《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.2


are some secrets that cannot be disclosed, even within family.

Mazeki Mikaelson was one of the many who held secrets, ones that went unsaid. She was possessed with a poise from decades of wisdom, and for that her lips remained pressed.

She had grown to know that those who truly cared would not just ask but go out of the way to learn of what she kept. And now with those she trusted gone, all of her secrets remained bottled.

Hid from sight or mind until she was alone, where she could finally dwell.

"You are Back," Rebekah announced her presence, Sauntering into Elijah's old bedroom that Mazeki could be found in. "I'm surprised, I'd thought we'd seen the last of you."

The older blonde was relaxed back into a plush chair, her feet were propped up on an antique chest. A large leather book in her lap, a silver A with a sword through it engraved into the front and many spells coaxing the pages as she scanned through.

"On the contrary, I have a lovely habit of showing up where I'm not wanted. When I am gone Bekah you do not have to watch over your shoulder everyday, however when I'm near? You can not sleep, and you can not breath without feeling faint." The elder informed in a brisk tone, her eyes hooded as she dragged her fingers along the teared edges of the books spine.

A spell was missing.

"Perhaps it is the plague of the abomination. When gone we all thrive, when you are here we all seem to be under suspicion." Rebekah decided, knowing immediately she'd hit a nerve with the word abomination.

Mazeki had been made with a strong exterior since young, but somethings were bound to seep through. And the thought of being an atrocity in the eyes of people she had cared for was what she'd describe as a sickness, it was the only thing that could make bile rise in her throat.

"Is there something you were in need of Rebekah, or have you simply come to bother me?" She grunted, absently flipping the grimoire closed while kicking her feet down from the chest.


Narrowing her eyes, the younger and far more hot headed blonde took an intimidating step towards her sister. "Why have you come here, we are both aware you are far from crippled to Elijah's demands. There must be some sort of agenda behind this little trip."

Placing the book on top of the chest, Mazeki got to her feet with a soft exhale before her lips twitched upwards in an mocking smile. "Perhaps I'm here to steal Nik's unborn child? Get payback for the last millennium of betrayal after betrayal." She suggested before her face fell.

Quickly speeding in front of her sister, the heretic placed one hand on the girls arm before placing another on her neck. A shade of red illuminated the air around her hands, and a shrill shout shot through the room from Rebekah's lips.

Smiling in satisfactory, She quickly used her strength to break the younger girls arm and kick out her knee with her heel. "If I wanted you to know why I'm here Rebekah, I assure you that you'd already know. I do not reward liars with more secrets to share. You'd do best to stray from view."


back against a cold wall within a fairly quiet plantation, A blonde Mikaelson held a phone to her ear. Her eyes closed as she took the time for a brief call with a specific doppelgänger in Mystic falls.

"So, any danger yet?" Elena's voice wondered through the phone, the familiar tone bringing a small smile to Mazeki's face.

"No I'm afraid its been rather boring really. The most interesting thing thus far has been the ridiculous outfits." Fashion had been one thing it had taken no time for Mazeki to get use too once waken up from her slumber. She had been rejoiced to find out woman could wear pants.

A vivid memory of her and Kol sitting in sweatpants and trying out different ice cream flavours still being a fond memory for her.

"Well then when are you getting back? Because I have been making a list of movies I want to show you when you get here, starting with twilight ending with Tangled." The doppelgänger excitedly added, a smile evident even over the phone.


Reaching up, Mazeki's fingers began to slowly turn her necklace with a fond smile on her lips. "Will Damien not begin to question your whereabouts? I would no wish to cause such a heartache." Her voice was humorous, the silk movement of words flowing..

"If he hasn't put together the reality of it all yet, I don't really know how I can help him. Im still around because of the sire bond, not because of love." Elena sighed, exhausted by just the thought of being romantically involved with any Salvatore again.

"And then what am I Miss Gilbert? Your new star crossed lover?" The Mikaelson woman asked, her eyes darting up upon hearing a door only a few feet away open. Her eyes immediately caught those of a brunette werewolf who arms protectively held a book in arm.

"A distraction- with a really pretty face and heart stopping accent." Elena gushed, blushing in a mirror seven hours away. Her undead heart palpitating in her chest.

Upon meeting the immediately weary eyes of Hayley Marshall, Mazeki could feel a slight thudding in her ears. As if something was attempting to break free from inside its confines but couldn't escape. Since the moment she had heard the woman's voice she could not stop this nagging feeling inside, it continuously repeating that The wolf was unlike anyone she knew.

"I must be going, I'm afraid. I will speak to you soon Lovely." The original said rather sporadicy, surprising the doppelgänger from the other end. It was not typical for the heretic to ever end a call without it having run stale.

Hanging up the phone without a reply, the blonde shifted the phone into her back pocket before looking back up at Hayley. Sending her a slight smile that only worried Hayley more.

The wolf had spend her life feeling alone, and learning to becoming wary of even those who seemed friendly. it helped nothing that Mazeki held the last name that was surrounded by ruins and chaos. She was a Mikaelson just like Klaus. A half breed.

"Hello Hayley." She greeted smoothly, pushing off the wall to stand straighter. Gesturing behind her, the woman tilted her head. "I was curious if you had seen any old papers laying around, perhaps they would have some messily drawn symbols?"

Tapping her finger against the leather cover of Elijah's journal, the wolf clicked her tongue in thought. "Nope, nothing like that. Why?"

"It's simply strange is all," Mazeki shrugged, beginning to take short and calculated steps towards the pregnant woman. "I own few things in this house- just some books really but they are kept in a particular chest. It should be untouched, and yet I've found pages missing." Halting a few steps in front of her, the Blonde rose a brow as she finally took note of the journal in her arms. "And considering Elijah's journals were located in the very same chest, it'd strike me odd that you have found yourself in possession of his things. But not mine."

Looking down into her own arms, before looking back up at The green eyed blonde The wolf hardened her gaze. "You think I took your spells?"

Pursing her bottom lip, She reached out and forcefully took the journal from the woman's arms. "Perhaps, if the heel fits." Opening the journal, She scanned through the dates. Curious to know if this journal was one from when she was last awake. "I'd suggest making yourself scarce when it comes to Elijah's thoughts. His mind is not one you wish to know the works of."

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