《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.1


past is never truly forgotten, merely hidden behind deceit and lies to keep it uncovered.

It was why Elijah found himself stuck looking at the settee in the corner of the brightly lit room. The colours were worn along with the wood, intricate details were carved into the legs. Yet it was the memories it brought that kept him hooked.

He could recall many times he and his better half had sat there, discussing anything between simple gossip to sophisticated thoughts. She was enlightening, a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of his siblings.

Perhaps that was why it hurt so much when the truth came out, when he realized it was all a ploy.

Recalling that he had in fact been in the middle of a conversation, the Original finally spoke with a absent tone. Despite his intention.

"Yes, it should serve our purposes. It's a sanctuary for our business in the Quarter. Right now, you are the most important person in this family. You need a good home."

Hayley Marshall stood tentatively, her hands holding onto a beige sheet. She was squared, not able to drop the wall that had built up over the years of mistrust.

Vampires we're not kind, they were not giving. It simply wasn't in their species. A built character flaw to surviving. If they gave, if they hoped and grieved then they would die.

"And because of this I believe precautions should be taken." The eldest Mikaelson Began, reaching into his pant pocket while turning to come face with Hayley.

Taking out a shut off phone, He met the eyes of the werewolf who immediately began objecting. Clearly not comfortable with a handout.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay just because I'm now carrying some miracle baby, doesn't mean I'm looking for some sort of cash in." She objected, on edge at even the thought of being in debt to him.

His lips lightly twitching upwards upon her dismissal, the Noble Original shook his head. "I can assure this is not a cash in, as you put it. Saved on this phone is one number, that I implore you to call if you ever need help." Walking closer to her, he slightly held it closer to her while watching as her eyes filled with doubt. "My family, despite ourselves we are often pulled apart for things both in and out of our control."

"Really, I was expecting you guys were just running everything behind the scenes." Hayley thought aloud, meeting the brown eyes of the noble man in front of her.


"Regardless, on the other end of this phone is help. They perhaps are the only one either then I who can reign in my brother." He finished, finally achieving in getting Hayley to take the phone.

Drumming it over in her mind, the Marshall girl passed it between her hands. "Thanks..."


a piece of her hair back behind her ear, A young looking woman shimmied up a pair of white jeans. A small smile pulled at the corner of her lips, her eyes on the woman spread in her bed.

Her hair was sprawled out, lips slightly parted as she took slow breaths. Sun light poured in from one of the windows, bathing the brunette in an iridescent glow.

"Are You going to just keep starting at me?" The believed to be sleeping woman spoke, a mischievous smile on her lips as she peered open at the blonde.

"Admiring the view, can you blame me?" She wondered, tucking both hands into her front pockets.

"Yes, when you've already seen it twice in your very life. Gotta get boring at some point." Letting out a yawn, the doppelgänger rolled on to her side as to admire the standing blonde. "What time is it?"

"Nine-ish, why? Gonna run off on me like Cinderella, get back to Damien." Mazeki quipped while showing the brunette the time. "I'm beginning to feel like an other woman Miss Gilbert."

"Maybe thats because, you are?" Elena offered innocently while sitting up, a hand running through her nest of hair.

Mockingly gasping, the Original walked closer to the bed with what could only be described as a dangerous look. "I haven't felt this sinful since the seventeen hundreds. might I ask where he exactly thinks you are?"

"Studying, with Caroline."

"Hmm, perhaps we should see what you've learnt before you leave." Placing one knee on top of the bed, Mazeki leaned in to swiftly capture Elena's lips.

They were soft, quickly mending to her own as she placed a hand delicately against the Doppelgänger jaw. Moving her lips away and down to her jaw, she felt as hands slipped around her shoulders.

"We really should stop this, I'm with Damon." The girl reiterated breathlessly.

"As much as I do love guilty rambling, I do prefer more dirty ramblings." Hand moving down the brunettes side, Mazeki dug her fingers slightly into the girls soft skin.


Though any activity was quickly interrupted by the irruption of Ringing from Mazeki's phone. Pulling away from the woman in front of her, the original huffed as no caller ID flashed relentlessly on the screen.

Standing back up, she begrudgingly accepted the call. "Who is this?"

"Uh, Elijah told me to call... if I well- needed help. I guess this is me asking for help?"

Cursing under her breath, She pinched the bridge of her nose. Damn it.


her jacket on her shoulders, Mazeki walked in jaded steps. The air was humid, fanning her face as she dragged her fingers against a stone fence.

She could feel it, like Life was bursting at the seams of every building in New Orleans. Magic was everywhere, but this was different. So many practices and different kinds in one place.

All for the taking if so deemed.

Closing her eyes she focused her attention, searching for the familiar piece of magic she always felt. Letting it guide her ears with it.

"Does anyone have any more questions? No? Good, because I have a question. Hayley, what were you doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place?" Niklaus, of course.

Her lovely younger brother, and the only one of her siblings who was born to soon in her life to recall. One day she was simply a child with two dotting older brothers, and the next she was suddenly the older sister.

Also seemingly the one who had to fix everyone's problems. "Answer me!" His voice pounded in her skull, earning a grunt as The Blonde quickly used her accelerated speed.

"Leave her be." Rebekah attempted gently, hoping to not earn herself a screaming match.

Though Hayley wasn't like Rebekah, she would not allow herself to be yelled or berated at. Prompting her to stomp forward. "You wanna know what I was doing? I was buying poison, so I could put your little baby out of its misery."

Hurt flashing in his eyes and sights turning red, he sped towards the she wolf and quickly forced her into a wall with his grip tight around her throat.

Though the pressure was quickly pushed away, followed with the shaking of the house as Klaus was Slammed into a wall opposite them.

"Careful Nik, your starting to get Mikael's scowl." Mazeki whispered, her eyes red as clashing veins pushed beneath the skin.

Rebekah's eyes widened, looking between a bursted door and her clearly enraged sister.

Hayley on her own peered at the woman in confusion, while aiding her neck. Completely dumb struck at who the blonde was.

"Oh lovely, and the pariah returns. And which of you are to blame for this?" Klaus gritted, his eyes flashing gold at the sight of his older sister.

"Elijah- shockingly he has cell reception from whatever dungeon you left him in." Mazeki remarked, pushing her hand away from the hybrids neck, though keeping a finger pointed at him."Now watch the hands will you?"

Glaring at her, He slapped her finger away and took an intimidating step forward. "I do not have to listen to you."

"But you will, because I've some how become the eldest out of us. Perhaps you'd like to duel, take over the reigns brother?" She challenged, looking him up and down in an unimpressed manner.

And in any other situation or with any other sibling perhaps Klaus would've taken that opportunity. Perhaps put them in their place or find a dagger to do so but he couldn't with Her.

She was unpredictable, even in a comatose state her presence of anger and insanity surrounded any room she was locked in. he didn't wish for his child to come up crazy.

Taking his silence for a forfeit, she rolled her eyes while turning and moving towards Hayley who pushed herself closer into the wall as she neared. "Couldn't wait for me to show up, could you?"


"Mazeki, the fourth born." She offered, not asking permission as she reached out and removed the wolf's hand from her neck.

Causing butterflies to feel as if they were erupting beneath Hayley's skin. A sensation she had never experienced before. It was as if she had found sanctuary, every doubt or fear being abandoned as she found herself stuck on Mazeki.

Though it seemed the original took her silence as confusion."The heretic?" She wondered, only earning a shrug in response. Sighing she looked away from her and back to her siblings."Why am I even here?"

"I was wondering the very same!"

"It was rhetorical Nik." Rebekah sighed, smiling sheepishly at her older sister. "Welcome Back Mazie."

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