《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》0.0


night was Cold, and beyond darker then it had been in the weeks before.

Her hair cascaded down the edge of a marble table, it's legs possessing vines that would seem to play with her hair when no one was looking. Her breathing was low, seeming closer to small gasps every moment and her forehead remained with a thin layer of sweat that followed into her hair line.

At the end of the table stood a hooded woman, a black cloak encasing her dress to shield her from any catching eyes. Though either then one set.

A nobleman's, who's finger tips rested against the smooth marble as his eyes peered down at the still woman who anyone else would guess was on her death bed.

It was a feeble thing, death. It could happen so quickly with no warning sign but simple fear. And yet so many acted as if it were nothing to fear, even a blessing of sorts.

And then there was those who hid in the shadows of day and only came out at night. They were immune to death, no longer paralyzed with fear that one cough could punish them with cruelty. They were free of human demand yet still played an image.

The male's eyes were soft, his jaw tight and his hair slightly shaggy as it went to his shoulders. The look in his eyes fought a war with his mind, attempting to tame even a single coherent though. Briefly closing his eyes, he only opened them as the cloaked woman finally addressed him.

"My Lord, how do you wish to move forward?" She wondered in a curious tone, her eyes glued to the male that did not address her with his eyes.

Tapping his index finger against the cobble, he dampened his bottom lip with his tongue before letting out a small frustrated breath. "The spell, it will seal the original one indefinitely? Making it impossible for her to break it?"


"Nothing is impossible My lord, not even the strongest of witch's could assure she will be fully unable. But it certainly will slow her down, yes." Reaching up, she tugged the hood of her cloak down the lay against her shoulders.

Hidden beneath was a beautiful middle aged woman, her hair braided and her skin a beautiful Mocha colour. Her fingers were stained red and pruning and yet she remained radiant beyond belief.

Watching as the still woman on the table's eyes fluttered only a quarter open the male knew just by the look in her eyes that she did not understand nor did she process her whereabouts. She was simply a shell of a woman in the moment, to tired to move, too fight.

Finally lifting his gaze, he met the greying eyes of the witch in front of him. "And of her other abilities, will they remain or hidden away as well?"

"I'm afraid that I do not know, only time may provide answers. This is not a spell but a curse, never used or practiced. It is a risk that you must be willing to take if you wish to proceed." She reminded softly, her eyes hesitating to truly take in the woman before her. Only guilt would come if she did and she could not let it.

Nodding absently, the Nobleman looked back down at the beauty laying in front of him. His face sullen, he straitened himself only to reach out and remove some strands of hair that had become stuck to her forehead. His thoughts clouded as he deliberated his next move.

"My Lord..." the woman whispered, Stepping closer to stand beside the gentleman who hand smoothed over the frizz of the beauty's hair. "I know this is hard but by next full moon, Lord Niklaus will take on his curse. If we wish to free him of fear and her of pain we must make haste. So I must ask, how do you wish to proceed?"


Taking only a moment of deliberation, he finally came to his result as he turned to the woman who's eyes hid fear. "Continue as instructed, I wish for this to be over by tonight." He explained emotionless, watching as the woman quickly nodded and began to scurry off only to stop as he spoke once more. "And Lady Danbury? Refer to me as Elijah, here forth."

He watched she quickly continued walking, leaving the sanctuary of the room and leaving the Nobleman alone with the nearly knocked out woman. Sighing he gently grasped her face and soothingly ran his finger along her cheekbone while starring sorrowfully down at her. "It is my deepest regret that I must do this Mazeki, but for the survival of our family I must." Closing his eyes he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss against the woman damp head. "I give you my deepest regards sister, for I shall always carry my guilt."

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