《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.2


was not a new concept to Klaus, nor was it one to Mazeki. However both dealt with it in rash ways, though neither the same.

Klaus had grown use to the paranoia of believing those close to him had the means to leave, and due to that he always had a back up plan. One in the way of stopping those from leaving him, let it be the mystical daggers he stumbled upon or simply a quick snap of the wrists to merely end those that wished to escape him.

Mazeki however had come up with her own more unorthodox way of never being abandoned again, she simply never told anyone anything to keep them with her. She treated people like a burning tree, beautiful- gorgeous even to look at. However once getting too close those beautiful flames would inevitably burn you.

It separated her greatly over the years, even more so when she began to take up the same habits with her siblings. Silence was a virtue, and one she had mastered. Strides were made unnoticed, and plans never shared outside of circles.

"There is something fundamentally wrong with you." Rebekah scoffed with a mocking smile at her hybrid brother, sending one glance over at her deathly silent crossbreed sister. She rose a brow to see if any words would finally leave her mouth this morning.

But the older blonde remained silent, using a fork to pick at her breakfast but never eating. Her stomach in knots as she worried for the safety of Hayley in the bayou.

Rolling her eyes, Rebekah pivoted on her heel and strutted out of the dinning room the three Originals had been dining in. Klaus leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table top and closing his eyes as he waited for the familiar sound of a door shutting.

Turning to his quietly brooding sister, Klaus smirked. "Perhaps it's time we discussed your little predicament?"

Settling her fork in her plate, the heretic met her younger brothers eyes. That smile. Mocking, vindictive, so capable of making her angry within seconds. "What is there to discuss? Hayley and I are linked through a bond I can not break, by extension that merely means you can not kill her." Mazeki shrugged, tilting her head. "Is that not simple?"


"Well it could be," Klaus agreed, pushing out his chair as he got up to his feet and walked towards his elder sister who by extension turned in her own seat. "However this does bring some concerns of my child, and what your presence may do."

Raising a brow, an amused smile found her lips as she let out a short lived laugh. "I'm sorry nikkie, do I some how strike you as someone who wishes to steal a child?"

Klaus glared upon the nickname, hating how she used it as to make him feel like his worries were inconsequential. She was right in one way, Klaus new his sisters opinions when it came to raising children. However it was not she he was worried about getting to raise the child. "I am not worried about your want to raise a child sister, I worry for Hayley's want for you to raise it."

Shaking her head, Mazeki stood with a disinterested look to her. "Hayley holds no hand over what I do, I do not wish to raise your child. Nor will I. Now if you excuse me- I believe it's time I visited a harvest witch."


blonde Original strolled in to the drifty old room that possessed the teenage witch she came to visit. The first thing she saw was the brunette, cross legged on her bed with the talisman Mazeki gave her between her fingers.

It was a intrigued look on her face, her fingers smearing lines over the smooth surface of its design. The witch could feel the magic inside the small object, it was unlike anything she'd felt now or through the ritual. A different type of print coaxed the metal.

"It seems you are enjoying your present." Mazeki smiled softly, finger knitted together as she walked farther into the room.

Davina looked up to meet the originals presence in bewilderment, having been to caught up in her own thoughts of magic to catch the woman's magical foot print. "Oh, h-hey Mazeki..." Davina stumbled with her words, immediately dropping the necklace to act indifferent.

Walking closer, Mazeki placed one hand on an open space of Davina's bed. Giving her a look to ask for permission, Davina gave a swift nod allowing Mazeki to sit with her. "It's alright y'know?"


"What is?" The brunette tenn muttered, distractedly playing with the hem of her shirt. Never in her life had she felt so intimidated in one's presence, and yet it was the aura Mazeki carried that did it.

Confidence, power, hope.

Mazeki on some level, reminded Davina of what hope was like.

Leaning in the blonde placed her hand on the witch's shoulder, forcing the teen to meet her eyes. "To fear what I am- who I am. You don't trust me, that is alright. But Davina, you must remember there has never been a day since you've met me where I've done something to terrify you." The woman pointed out, raising a brow with a knowing look in her eyes. "I know how betrayal affects someone's mind, the after affect. It's as if half of you is driving, while the other half of you is hidden in the back as to not be hurt again. I do not expect you to trust me now because I shower you with gifts, I simply hope that one day you will."

Picking at her nails, Davina moved air between her cheeks as she contemplated the heretics words. Sighing, the harvest witch sat up and adjusted her posture to show confidence. "Do you uh- do you like art?"

Mazeki's heart warmed. "Oh yes, many, many kinds. Music, literature, dancing, painting and many more."

Taking in relaxed breath as she contemplated if her next action would show what she wanted Mazeki to undertand, Davina smiled at her. "Would you like to see some of my work?"

Davina Claire trusted Mazeki, despite all odds or reasoning. She knew it somewhere inside herself that she needed to.

"I'd be delighted."


" die, and it's because of you." His own words haunted him, forcing Elijah only more discomfort as he continued to squirm against the old make shift bed.

Sweat dotted Elijah's forehead and his throat felt as though it had been dragged against sand paper, but that was nothing against the memories. The haunting moments that came back to mock him in his moment of weakness.

He knew those words were said in a moment of its own weakness, however they haunted his every waking moment since succumbing from the dagger. The pained look of his sister eyes as tears creased them, the way her lips had parted as if she wanted to speak but had no words.

The blood that had linked the ends of her hair together, and the sword that was weakly held between Mazeki's fingers.

She was surviving, flourishing even. And yet Elijah had blamed her.

He couldn't make that mistake again, so many years surrendered to hope of redeeming his brother that he had lost sight of the only real thing in the universe.

Mazeki was the only one to have ever cared about him, how he felt, what he wanted. And he had thrown that away.

Just as he was throwing up the water, Hayley had so kindly secured for him in this state. "Forgive me. Please." Elijah groaned, rolling over on to his back. Stars danced in his vision and his younger sisters voice rung in the back of his mind. The illusion of her speaking- lulling him really.

"It's okay. Remind me to annihilate your brother and bitchy sister once you're healthy. " Hayley tried to soothe, though watched as a sense of anger flashed through Elijah's eyes only making her frown.

Was he really gonna forgive them for this?

"Mazeki-" he tried to start though broke out into a fit of coughs, forcing him to roll over on to his side before trying once more. "My sister, she is not as so graciously you put- bitchy. She is rather known in our family for her astonishing levels of forgiveness and understanding."

Hayley raised a brow, clearly unbelieving to that fact. Mazeki had since meeting her, accused her of being a thief, lacked complete faith in her capabilities, and had almost out right ignored her before a week ago. "Why are you so quick to defend her? She clearly has some sort of vendetta against you."

"One rightfully placed. I would like to say that I am an honourable man Hayley, however when it comes to the lengths of my sister. I can not lie, I have over the years only served as a chain around her rather then the protector I always was for her as human."

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