《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.3


was never a good idea. Not in her family at least.

Mazeki was use to the patterns of her family by now, they destroyed anything with the false saying of togetherness. Even if it meant destroying one another to keep each other together.

Elijah; Words or silent betrayal.

Niklaus; Daggers or more commonly anger mixed with some odd judgement calls.

Rebekah; Fear, and whispers.

She could say nothing on the behaviour of her fallen, or even herself. She knew that each and everyone had made poor judgement calls, however she was better then them all. Her betrayals were called for, they deserved it.

So when she tried to run, tried to save them from her rebuttal? It was their own fault when they dragged her back into the lions den, because that meant she'd only fight harder to leave next time.

Her boots made loud echoing noises against the pavement as she walked in brisk silence next to her half brother. She knew what they were about to walk into, it was a war of wills. Who would survive and who would fold?

She already knew that answer. Klaus and her couldn't die, and by extension they'd never fold.

As their old place came slowly into view, she felt a familiar felling of dread sink down into her stomach and eat away at her. This was her stage. The place she had put on the performance of a life time. To many lies to count.

She'd tried running from it before and she had succeeded in a way, yet here she was walking back in.

Stopping in place, she watched as Klaus continued on a few paces before he too came to a halt in his movements. A small groan illuminated his throat as he craned his neck to look back at her. "No time for cold feet now Sister, let's go." He said snappily.

Lips twisting sourly, she placed her weight on her back foot and crossed her arms over her chest in a stubborn manner. "I want Davina." She stated definitively.

Raising a brow, he look at her as if she had two heads. "I beg your pardon?"

"When this is over," she walked closer, her older sister aura growing its way out through her words. "When I've fought your war? I want Davina as my protégé, not a weapon of mass destruction for either you or Marcel. I will be in charge of where she is and what spells she will be doing Nik . Or you shall forget my help." She stopped a way from him, her head tilted to the side and a a confident look in her eyes.


Klaus would take her deal, there was no universe he didn't.

The blonde male looked over his sister, a feeling eating away inside him that no matter how many words he or Mazeki said never seemed to numb the paranoia. She was his only ally in a time where all odds were against him. Her mate was in the bayou, the brother that she had previously been indefinitely close too was in the bayou, and their persuasive younger sister was who knows.

So why was she standing with him? Willing to fight for his happiness when he was the cause of her greatest pain? Manipulation perhaps. Gaining his trust to throw it over his head when he didn't expect it.

Or perhaps his sister was being honest. Maybe all she wanted was the young witch. Not his child or his kingdom, just to show love to a child.

Quirking his lips, Klaus shrugged as if his mind was not playing loops of possible betrayal. "Have her, what use will she be to me if my dear elder sister stands beside me?" He hummed.

Leaning forward, she smiled. "Good choice."


had found Rebekah consequently. And she was right at the front of the charge, standing against her proclaimed true love.

Mazeki looked over her supposed nephew disinterested, she felt no tie to the boy. She had barely known he was even remotely connected to her sibling before meeting him, and while she could tell how this may sting. Father pitted against son, she was no less confident they'd win.

"Look at you. Finally in possession of the one thing that can take you down. How does it feel?" Klaus boasted, clear aggravation beneath his sharp words. It didn't matter how many dimples grins her little brother had, Mazeki was no stranger to Klaus' perfected act.

"Great." Rebekah answered promptly, smiling smugly at her hybrid brother, before faltering as her gaze moved to her unfazed sister. "You could join us you know? You do not need fear his wrath any longer. Not as long as we have these." Rebekah reached behind herself, slowly presenting a Special dagger to the group. It's body was defined, long and subtle lines moving over it. A small white stone was stuck beneath the blade- and oh the blade. It was delicate, clean, it had been kept in mint condition since being forged.


Mazeki shoulders sagged, her whole demeanour faltering when presented with the weapon forged to put her away for centuries. The only one in the deck Klaus had ever crafted himself.

Rebekah tossed the item to the ground, everyone watching as the weapon stopped only feet from Mazeki and Klaus.

The duo shared a look, one of paranoia. Would they truly betray each other now. After only having just put their differences aside for the hope of an easier journey.

Continuing to stare at her younger brother, Mazeki kicked herself for her next actions before they even happened.

Stretching out her hand without looking, she felt as the cool metal snapped within her palm, the way the lines around the grip of the blade perfectly fit in her hand.

Offering out the handle of the blade to the original Hybrid, Mazeki rose a brow. "Always and Forever baby Brother."

Dark grotesque veins pulsing beneath red irritated eyes, Mazeki wiped a hand across her face affectively smearing the blood that had already splattered over her.

Snapping her head up in an almost feral manner, The heretic quickly caught the arms of two young and impulsive Vampires.

Spinning the both easily, she pulled them back against her and forced her hand upwards towards there jaws.

The beasts eyes closed, her fingers illuminating with a reddening glow as the familiar feeling of warmth ran through her veins and mixed with the screams and cries of the people around her.

She could hear their bones cracking from the pressure of her hand, she could hear how their hearts hammered against their rib cages.

But she didn't care. They were a means to an end.

As the screaming of them both slowly faded, she let her arms drop and felt as the weight of their bodies left her own.

Blinking open her eyes, a monstrous grin appeared as she suddenly snapped her hands forward."Interficite eos, et deinde unus. Numguam prohibere"


at the blood left stained beneath her nails, Mazeki didn't look up as she felt a presence sit down beside her. She knew who it was, their was no longer a way for her ever to Not know.

It was a quiet silence between the two of them, despite was Hayley had originally predicted- it wasn't awkward or tense. It was almost peaceful. Despite the fact that she could see what Mazeki was picking at, the werewolf couldn't help that her minds first thought was that there was a reason.

A good one at that. She felt as though she were losing her mind when in the presence of the Original beside her, as if she was slowly forcing the air out of her and killing brain cells. When they were sitting like this, or when they didn't share words Hayley felt as though Mazeki was maybe the only person worth trusting.

But when she opened her mouth, it was if everyone single guard within Hayley went up. She was foreign feeling and her body refused to believe any version of something foreign could be good.

"Have a nice night in the bog?" Mazeki wondered aloud, not looking up from her hands even after having stopped picking at what was left beneath them.

Hayley looked over at her, her arms crossing over her chest and rested against her knees. "I took care of myself." She muttered, looking over at the blonde and finding herself almost grow angrier when she didn't look back at Hayley. "Like I told you I could."

Shaking her head, Mazeki made a clicking noise between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. A movement Hayley had noticed the woman often made. "I do not doubt what you can do Hayley, you are a werewolf. That in itself gives you my respect. However you are now apart of a family that put their hand in wars, not dog fights." Rolling her head over her shoulders to pop her joints, the Heretic slowly got to her feet. "I was concerned because you were taken by a hybrid, I was curious because you spent the night with a delirious vampire."

Hayley watched as she stuck her thumbs through the loops of her shorts, a relaxed posture in her stance. "Yeah, well sometimes acting with cause instead of strength, makes you stronger then anyone else."

Finally peering over at her, Mazeki whisked her a brief smile. "I could not agree more."

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