《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.4


voices of the past clouded Mazeki's mind, they started of gentle. Sweet whispers of love and adoration she had heard in the past that made her body relax. Though the longer she stayed in the plains of her mind the more volatile they began growing.

It would always end the same, her father voice screaming his words in her ears. However thats where she needed to be. That what she needed to hear, in order to feel empty.

To feel the pit inside her that she believed her magic went. The deep gaping whole in her soul and happiness that allowed her to hoard magic in order to fill it.

The blondes hair was up and out of her face and she sat cross legged on the ground, her head lolled back exposing her neck. She wore shorts and a older generation hoodie with the Guns n' Roses stitched on , exposing as much skin as she could to better feel the wind in her room. She needed to feel it when the air shifted current, when she was in charge of every single aspect within the room.

It was control. And she needed it. More then ever when she was now playing on Klaus' team.

Forearms resting along her thighs, Her hands pointed to the roof and her fingers were tensely bent towards each other as they controlled the flames burning brightly along the many candles she had laid out.

She could feel herself getting closer to the point of control she wanted, however just as she was about to get there, the door swung open.

Affectively causing a gust of air to invade the room and blow out all of her many candles.

Groaning, Mazeki clapped her hands loudly together and opened her eyes. "Hayley, how lovely of you to invite yourself in."

She always knew.

"I need to-" she cut herself off as she walked farther into the room and noticed the setting. The many candles laid out and the position the Original was sat in. "Are you meditating?"

Rolling her eyes at the girls question, The heretic begrudgingly got to her feet. "I call it concentration or purification, has more seriousness to it."

"Oh." Is all Hayley mustered out in an awkward tone, feeling slightly embarrassed now for interrupting the woman in her free time.

Tucking her thumbs into the hole of her pockets, Mazeki rolled her shoulders a little before raising a brow at the werewolf. "What is it that you need Little minx?"


"Why do I have to need anything?" The brunette countered, raising a brow at the Original.

Shrugging her shoulders, Mazeki sent the pregnant wolf a sly smile."You walked in here saying you need something, so simple assumption?"

Looking around idly, Hayley hummed innocently as she walked farther into the room."Maybe I just need to talk to someone who isn't your brothers bitch." Eyes landing over on Mazeki's dresser, the Marshall woman made her way over upon noticing perfume bottles lining the flat surface."You weren't at the weird brunch thing, I thought the whole cheering of blood would be up your alley."

The green eyed Heretic watched her unknowing mate in interest, noticing the way Hayley began eyeing her perfumes as though she was searching for something specific. "Well then you don't know me quite that well." Vamping over to her, Mazeki leaned in so her lips were right by Hayley's ear."I don't drink blood very regularly."

Hayley closed her eyes momentarily as she felt another wave of goose bumps crawl up her spine. It was electrifying and terrifying, just the fact of how easily Mazeki affected her with even just her voice."Couldn't that weaken you?"

"I drink enough to sustain myself. But I find the process of drinking blood from a bag or body rather... juvenile." Mazeki explained, watching as Hayley quickly shuffled away from her and the dresser before she got trapped between the two.

"Why?" Hayley turned, backing up as she continued their conversation. Though watching as the Mikaelson sisters lips remained closed, The wolf sighed."You never answering any of my questions."

"Im not a big talker."

"Well I wanna talk." She pointed out, stopping in her tracks."Why dont you tell me why you hate your brother?"

"Which one?" The blonde wondered rhetorically, earning a annoyed look from the werewolf."What is it that you want from me little minx?"

"A conversation, without whispering and jokes. A normal human conversation."

The two stared at one another for what felt like a long time, both refusing to back down until they were the one to win. However the unexpected happened, when suddenly Mazeki's eyes softened and a genuine looked occupied her.

"I don't like the veins." The blonde explained, gesturing to her face in dismissive fashion. The pregnant woman gave her a questioning look, forcing Mazeki to elaborate. "Under your eyes when you drink blood, the veins remind me of a monster. Something scary. I do not like presenting myself as something to be feared."


"I'm not scared of you."

"Good." She deemed sincerely, once again using her speed to appear only an inch from Hayley. Her eyes shamelessly looking down at the woman's lips before meeting her eyes in a forceful manner."Now what is it that you need from me?"

She Swallowed thickly,"Help. Your brother is sending out a hunt on the wolves in the bayou, they're my family. I can feel it. But I can't leave not with his body guards watching my every move." Tilting her chin up, Hayley crossed her arms to appear confident."You can though."

"Ah so you wish for me to do the dirty work."

"Please." She pleaded.

"Are we friends?" Mazeki surprisingly asked, Making Hayley falter for only a second.

"Yes." The wolf whispered.

Smiling devilishly at her, Mazeki clicked her tongue. "Then sure, anything for a friend."


teenage Mazeki and Elijah Mikaelson stood in a over grown field, hastily made swords in hand as they stood across from one another. The blonde had torn her skirt, fastening a small piece of Fabric to keep her hair out of her face while she grinned childishly at her brother.

"Shall we call it a dual to the death my dear 'lijah?" She breathed out, turning her body at an angle while pointing the sword towards the brunettes chest, earning a breathy chuckle as her opposer regained footing.

Smiling back at her, Elijah narrowed his eyes in a challenging manner. "Well what other sort of battle is there but to one's end?" Switching his feet he hastily brought his sword up and watched as it collided against her own. "I will warn you sister, I shall treat you as I would any male opposer. Are you up for the challenge?"

Narrowing her eyes, she slowly dragged the edge of her sword against his as she moved in a slow circle and he followed her movements. Both were challenging the others will, their patience. And Elijah like always was coming up on top.

"Well if we are to play that game brother, I shall treat you as any opposer who doesn't share my blood." Pulling back her weapon, the young woman in the making pivoted her weight on her feet and moved in to attack.

Her blade collided with her brothers, both wearing confident smiles as they challenged each other for the win. The answer was already set however.

Elijah would never allow his sister to fall, so he would instead.

And Elijah still believed that.

If it came down to himself or anyone else to his little sister, he'd lay it all out on the line in order to give her the happiness she so deserved. He made amends with his past, or so he had thought.

However after spending months locked in a coffin, suffering the same as he had in the past at the same hand of the person he had tried saving for years, Elijah had come to a riveting conclusion.

He watched himself, make countless mistake after mistake in the name of trying to rebuild what was broken from the beginning. And in the process he had unknowingly allowed another to break because of it.

He could do it again, make the same mistake. But Elijah needed to be selfish, he needed to save the one person he had hurt the most. The one person he swore to protect.


Elijah met those jade eyes, the darkness that wasn't always there swallowing the irises as she stared back at him. Her hands were tucked into the pockets of her jeans, and a stoic look was to her as she stared back at him.

Hayley stood a little shorter then her, her arm extended as though she was protecting her from a wrath that would never come.

Rebekah resented Mazeki, Elijah could see that just as anyone could. However their youngest sister would never attack her, she'd never stoop so low. And that why all Elijah could do was stare, curious to hear what she would say on the matter of a werewolf rescue party.

"Well I'm always up for a little gamble of fates." The blonde smirked, looking pointedly down at Hayley who turned back to her and gave her a tight lipped smile.

His sister cared for her.

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