《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.5


choices were in her nature it seemed.

Eve had lead the trio of Mikaelson siblings to a stopping point by the lake, where Eve had taken it upon herself to point out sites on a map she had carried with them.

Mazeki out of them all was clearly the most irritable by no surprise, She was in no mood to be out in the swamps of Illinois after just having gotten back into 'high society'. However she had to, wether she told Hayley or not about their connection, the blonde wanted her to like her,

So once again she was walking around in filth.

"Surrounded by twenty thousand acres of swamp, the ones born here, who now know it like the backs of our hands, will be fine. But here-" she gestured to the map with her stake, before looking back at them all. "Newcomers from out of state. Not of Hayley's and my kin. But, word's spread about that baby of hers. A lot of werewolves wanna see this miracle pregnancy for themselves. Only now, the vampires are out looking for blood, and all these werewolves new at the Bayou might not know where to hide."

"You say that like we're supposed to care." Rebekah remarked in just about the same foul mood as her older sister, she too didn't like walking around in the Bayou. Even more for people she didn't know.

Leaning Forward and peering at the map for her Own glance, the heretic took it upon herself to attempt to memorize what she could from the crudely drawn map. "With the way Hayley's knack for charity works, she'll wish for us to save them all."

"Believe me, you're gonna want them kept alive." Eve assured, nodding over at Mazeki when the two met eyes for a brief moment.

She knew, she could smell it on her.

"And why is that?" Elijah wondered, noticing the brief and odd moment that happened between Eve and his sister.

"Yes I must agree, despite my better judgement. If we are begrudgingly out here to protect one pack we don't care about, why put the effort in for another?" Mazeki summed, backing up from Eve. The longer she was around the werewolf, the more she'd be sure on what Mazeki was. The blonde needed to leave, soon.

"See for yourself."


behind her siblings, Mazeki's thoughts were cut short by the ringing of her phone. rolling her eyes, already aware of who would be on the other end, she answered. "Nik, how lovely to hear you. It seems we were both to busy for a sip of tea this morning. Perhaps we will have to have an evening glass."


"I far more prefer bourbon in the evening opposed to tea sister, however I didn't call to make enticing dinner plans." Klaus commented, annoyed that he already had to go through these hoops to simply get things done.

"Oh, do tell."

"There's someone who wishes for your opinion on a... sensitive manner." She rose a brow, confused as she heard the slight ruckus of a hand off and the sound of her brother mocking encouragement."Well don't be shy, love."

"Mazeki?" Davina whispered into the phone, not completely sold that it was her yet.

Stopping in her tracks, she turned away from her siblings to give herself some mock privacy. "My Darling Davina! how are you today, Sleep well in that attic of yours?"

"They want to move me to the compound Maze..."

Her brows immediately creasing, She gritted her teeth against one another at her brothers audacity to break a deal. It amazes her really. "Well you should remind my brother of a previous agreement that's already been arranged, stating that if anyone out of the Mikaelson's has any say in where you go it shall be me."

Holding the phone tighter, Davina looked over at Klaus rigidly before whispering."He said you're going to be there, and that I'll be safer with you."

Their was a long pause from both ends, neither confident in what to say. Davina didn't trust Klaus, and she barely had begun to trust Mazeki, however Marcel had also vouched to go... Then there was Mazeki, who admittedly wasn't familiar with how to parent necessarily. She had no sound role models in her life, however she chose to respond could affect her and Davina relationship forever.

"Okay I know how bad this sound, but I promise you Davina that all will be alright. You'll spend a few nights in the luxurious beds occupying the compound, and once I've secured an apartment for you, I'll move you there." Mazeki nodded to herself, already trying to think of what one she should look for.

Perhaps brick? More rustic then modern for sure. Definitely cluttered. Two bedrooms? Or would Davina like to be left alone?

"What about the witches?" Davina wondered.

Smirked to herself, no level of doubt able to break the surface. "Oh darling, New Orleans finest have nothing on me. I'm stronger then them all." She remarked, knowing it to be true. If any witch had any idea of what Mazeki had done to others like them in the past, they'd quiver in the grave."Now I'm thinking the third floor, high enough with nice sights but not so high you couldn't walk up stairs."


"Third floor sounds good."

"Perfect." The Mikaelson sister smiled."I'll see you soon." Hearing a mumble of agreement, she hung up and tucked her phone into her back pocket."Perhaps we could hurry up? Unlike you two, I have a home to get back to."


her phone for the seventh time that evening, Mazeki scowled at the lack of updates from her younger brother. Clearly he was not being as attentive with Davina as she was hoping.

What was she thinking not rushing off to take care of the issue on her own? Oh that's right, she was far to busy manipulating Hayley into believing she was a good person.

Angrily shutting off her phone, the blonde tucked it away and prepared to abandon her siblings however she was of course stopped.

"Mazeki." Elijah said softly, forcing to blonde to a rigid halt. Hands tightening, the female tsked herself for not leaving quicker.

Opting to not turn around, Mazeki simply called back at him without looking. She could not deal with anymore family bullshitting. "Do not start this Elijah, it a waste of both our energy."

Beginning to walk again, Elijah deliberately sped into her path blocking her from leaving. He looked like kicked puppy, pained and depressed. Mazeki didn't support the harming of animals, however when it came to animals like her brother she would say let the bullets ring.

Sighing, Elijah pleaded with his eyes as he attempted despite his previous failures. "How is it expected of me to be forgiven if you give me no chance to apologize?"

It was as if those words were the trigger, her eyes widening and rage and disgust filling them. Her hands snapped open, and she looked him over in disbelief."I do not want your apologies!" Her voice rang, fully knowing Rebekah was in ear shot just by the entrance of the plantation."I do not want to hear how mournful and regretful you are of your actions, or how you'd change them if given the chance Elijah! It's repetitive and pathetic!"

"Then Tell me what it is you need me to do, to earn your forgiveness!?" He rebutted, finding himself growing just as frustrated. How could his sister hate him so much but not be willing to allow him to fix anything?

"Choose me! Keep your promise and choose me over him for once!" The boiling point, honesty was something you would never be fully sure Mazeki was spouting."My god Elijah! I have spent the better part of my life pining over once again feeling special as I did when mortal. And I felt that way because of you! Because you always ensured that I was of your top priority as you were mine."

Sighing, Elijah looked down at himself before looking up again at her. She was unaware of the tears in her eyes, or the way her breathing had grown shallower.

Moving closer to her, he waited a second to see if she'd move away from him. Though at the lack of movement, he reached up and cupped the side of her face in his hand. "Things change sister, they could not remain as they once were." Watching as one of the angry tears slipped down her cheek, Elijah felt his chest tighten."You are my family, and I will always see you for how special you are. But our siblings, they were far more broken then you. I owed it to them to try and save them from themselves."

"You owed it to me to see clearly." She hissed, quickly moving her own hand up to grip tightly onto her brothers exposed wrist. Pulling his gentle hold away from her, she didn't let go of him as she met his eyes."Them over me Elijah, that's how it's been. You want forgiveness? Change that. Choose me over them, stand by me. In life or death I chose you and you grabbed a hold of all else." Stepping back from him, she roughly let go of his wrist."Show me something Different."

"I will." He agreed, no thought needed.

"Good." She replied just as quickly, before bringing her hands up to gently remove the tear streams on her cheeks. Crying was weakness."Now if you'll excuse me, I wasted my evening in the name of Hayley's family and completely regarded my own responsibilities. Such as a special witch."

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