《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.6


The cold air burned her throat every time she inhaled, her cheeks feeling like they were being stabbed where tear streams once were.

Crying was a weakness. She had learned that the hard way through trial and error. Any expression of emotion either then anger truly was, everything showed vulnerability. And warriors could not have the pleasantries of vulnerability.

Turning the corner that would lead her to the doors of the abattoir, Mazeki had to admit she was slightly caught off guard when two young faces seemingly popped out of no where.

Josh and Davina stood rigid, both having a look that could only resemble deers. They had planned a fast and simple escape, undetected by a building of vampires. Yet they were caught, by the one vampire that was suppose to be gone.

Josh took a step forward, moving his body in front of Davina a little as he attempted to get them out of this."I was just uh- well taking Davina to see a um-"

Though the Heretic had none of it, not even giving the young vampire a glance as she stared at Davina. She could see it, the same burning passion in her eyes the Mazeki wasn't held. She saw a younger version of herself for the first time in years, and she was frightened by the results.

Davina however was the opposite, looking at Mazeki she spotted a very possible reality for her future. A betrayed woman, who was hurt from the many memories of her past. However didn't shy away from this thought, she embraced it. Even the mess she looked with tear stains and dirty clothes there was no doubt the Mazeki Mikaelson was one of the strongest beings known to man.

Davina wanted to be like her when she was older.

"Save your teenage ramblings, I don't have the energy to search through it for something coherent." Mazeki snipped, Scoffing at the twos stupidity of leaving like this. Escaping a Mikaelson demanded a plan, one thought out. Not something spare of the moment.

Davina stared unfazed at her, crossing her arms over her chest while tilting her head. "Agnes is dead."

"I'm aware."

"She was the last Elder, and you didn't tell me." Davina hissed, her words near a whisper as she leaned forward. The lights above them flickering as she did so.

If that was Davina or Mazeki, neither knew.

"Now that? I was, unaware of." It was the blondes turn to shake her head, cursing either of her brothers for not being more towards with their information. Of course the factor that a witch slaughtered by their noble brother was an elder held no regard to idiots like her siblings.


Looking between the two of them, she monitored Josh's body language. One arm still slightly out despite being so young, he'd protect Davina. And Davina would kill whoever Josh was trying to protect her from.

Sighing, she reaches inside her jacket, pulling out a phone that Davina was sure a normal Original would have. It was covered, in gemstones and with a charm. "There's two numbers saved on this phone, call the one with the number two in the name when you get somewhere safe. Let me know you aren't dead before tomorrow." She offered it out.

"You're not going to stop us?" Davina wondered, surprised.

"I tried running from my family, and while I do not think you'll succeed I believe you deserve a chance to try." Mazeki shrugged, watching as Davina accepted the phone with no hesitance. Trust. Davina trusted her."If she does not remain in one piece it shall be your head I hang Jeffery."

"It's actually, Josh. I can uh see why-"

"Enough." She waved him off dismissively, walking closer to Davina and leaning down to her height. Both beings met each other's eye."Good luck, believe me you'll need it."


Loud and jarring, snapping Mazeki out of her trance in the mirror.

She blinked a few times, Looking at herself once more in the mirror to confirm what she already knew. A monster stood inside, a beast, with fangs and red eyes, red hands and a will to survive.

Adjusting her shirt collar, she fixed the suspenders on her shoulders before using her enhanced speed to appear in the room that her brothers were of course located with their now disowned yet still captive son.

Marcel stood close to Elijah, breathing down his throat as he glared at the eldest Original. His loathing burning through Elijah Skull through the gaze.

"I have no idea where Davina is, or why she ran away. Can I suggest you take a step back?" The Former king doesn't move a muscle, Only irritating Mazeki as she quickly sped forward and used the palm of her hand the push Marcel's forehead.

"Back up you twat, no reason to get you panties in a twist."

Elijah looked at his sister, his lips twitching up into a small smile despite her not looking. At least she wasn't ignoring the fact they shared blood anymore. "I can assure you I have absolutely no desire to see that child come into harm's way. She's suffered enough with this Harvest ritual nonsense."


Waltzing past them, she dramatically sat down on one of the sofa's crossing her legs and resting her linked hands on her knee. She smiled pitifully at them."And yet we are all still very aware that had I not accompanied you the day we offered a deal, she would've been deceived. No idea the magic she'd be doing for you." She opened her arms, looking at Elijah in true amusement."Your claim of nobility truly is quite a ruse brother, I'm impressed it's worked so long."

"That child, to whom you both refer to so affectionately, is the most powerful witch in New Orleans." Clearing her throat, Mazeki looked at Klaus pointedly. Davina was indeed a powerful witch yes, with copious amounts of magic. However unlike the heretic she had little to no training using it. That was a problem."Either then you dear sister, though you've been rather unbecoming when it comes to helping. If Davina has fled, what's to stop her from destroying us? In fact, destroying all we've worked for? No, if she's not a friend to this family, then she is our enemy."

"She is a friend, Klaus." Marcel stated firmly, A hard look to him as he could already imagine what Klaus planned.

His sister looked at him annoyed as well. "We had a deal Nik."

"A deal?" Elijah wondered, looking between his sibling curiously. Though neither answered as they stared at one another in annoyance.

"Well, let's hope one of you will be able to talk her down off her ledge then. Lucky for you, I know how to get her back. Follow my lead."


. The air around the Compound had turned sour and had to breath in, filled with the anger and rage of anyone inside.

As nice as Rebekah's presence and conversation was to ease this feeling, it did churn Hayley's stomach. Despite her claims for girls sticking together, Hayley doubted that would stay true. When it came to gender and family, you'd always see a person choose family.

Feeling a warm brush of air crawling up her spine, Hayley shivered as though someone were breathing down her neck. However when she turned around to catch the culprit there was no one there, however across the way stood Mazeki. She had just walked down the steps and was fixing her hair.

God she looked absolutely powerful, a white button up with a few of the top buttons undone, dark trousers hoisted up by suspenders over her shoulders. Her hair was up with a few free strands framing her face and a annoyed look to her.

"You seem to have taken a large interest in my sister." Rebekah suddenly pointed out from beside Hayley, she too like Elijah had begun noticing the odd interest between the women. It was like they were physically drawn to one another, their eyes always on one another when in the same room.

"Interest? No, no. I'm just... curious." Hayley muttered, Unable to pull her eyes from Mazeki. Every movement seemed... enchanting, despite as stupid as that was.

Humming, Rebekah looked at her older sister as well, curious as she watched her pull out her phone and check something. Perhaps a certain doppelgänger in mystic falls? "I can see why, Maze has always been a mystery to those outside the family."

"She doesn't like talking." The pregnant wolf mentioned mindlessly.

Scoffing, Rebekah broke into a short chuckle at that. "Maze loves talking, she just doesn't like answering questions. She needs control, if you don't fit inside the vision she's created for the world, she shall take you out of the equation Hayley. You'll learn only what she wants you too, and you only see what she wants." Rolling her eyes, Rebekah turned back to the box's they had been stifling through."She's as bad a Nik, worse maybe. Unlike Elijah, she encouraged the ruthlessness. The hunger, the desire, and strength. She loved it all."

Hayley's brows furrowed in confusion, squinting her eyes as she tried to take Mazeki in at a new angle. "She... said she hates feeding. She hates being a monster." Turning to Rebekah, the wolf looked at her in desperate confusion. "Elijah told me she was forgiving, the best of you."

Jaw tensing, Rebekah glared down at the piece of fabric in her hand as she recalled how it had always been Elijah who woke their sister from a daggering since day one. It was a nuisance really."My foolish brother is guilty Hayley, he doesn't think right when he feels guilty. He knows better then anyone the insanity of our sister."

Having heard this all, Mazeki finally looks over and casts an annoyed look at her younger tyrant sister before meeting her Mates gaze. Absolutely beautiful. The blonde smiled softly at her giving her a small wave before disappearing, making Hayley's heart flutter.

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