《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 20
"Kaylee!" Everyone yelled my name snapping me out of my daze. I was stuck thinking about the conversation Legacy and I had earlier today. We had to be on the phone for like four hours straight until Mrs. Graham needed my help in the kitchen. But I swear its like when we are away from each other, we're much more cooler. And can have a conversation without a argument breaking out or me just cursing him out. "What?!" I snapped back getting a little scared. Like they all didn't need to yell my name like that. "What are you thankful for?!" Gloria spat making me roll my eyes. She don't want to get embarrassed in front of her relatives so I suggest that she calms down. "Nothing because her parents aren't even here." Malaysia scoffed. Wrong choice of words especially only being two steps away from me. I reached over and snatched that ho up then started punching her uncontrollably. "Yo chill!" Zaine yelled trying to pull me off of her, but I kept on swinging and ragging her by her weave. She was going to learn to watch her mouth and respect her elders after this ass whooping she receive. "Brandon help!" Mrs. Graham yelled at him. I didn't care though, I was whooping her ass and her sisters were most definitely next. Only because I knew they were probably going to jump me anyways. It took Zaine, Brandon and Mr. Graham to take me off of Malaysia. "Bitch!" I laughed and snatched away from them. Someone helped Malaysia up and I started smiling seeing that her lip, nose and eye brow was busted open. "Who's next? Who wants to say a parent less joke now? Ha haha Kaylee is parent less, but I just whooped a bitch ass and she have both of her parents! So who gets the last laugh?!" I asked taking a seat. Gloria rolled her eyes and mumbled something. "Say it louder!" I laughed and slid my feet back into my black Puma x Fenty slippers. "What Kaylee? I'm not Malaysia, I'll beat your ass little girl." Gloria fanned me off. Perfect. "So do it. I've been waiting for you since I walked through the door anyways." I kicked off my slippers. "Shut up! Everyone just shut up!! No one is touching anyone!! We are all about to come to this table and eat like a family!!" Mrs. Graham yelled at us. "She's not related to us! She has her own family that doesn't want her! So why are we forced to love the next family child?!" Gina yelled. She was absolutely right and after tomorrow they'll be able to live with their own blood related family. "What?! Shut up! That's your sister whether you like it or not! You girls been treating her like shit for the longest and it better stop before I whoop ya asses like ya are eight again!" Mr. Graham yelled now. Trying to ignore them, I shook my leg while looking over at the TV. "So let's go and get back to this table!" He yelled once more. I stood up and looked over my still cute outfit. Wearing my pink sorority AKA windbreaker, high waist knee cut denim jeans that were cuffed at the bottom and my slippers, I felt very cute. And my messy bun was still perfectly messy. Strolling back over to the kitchen, I laughed seeing the knots on Malaysia's forehead now. That'll teach her to not run her mouth. "Now Kaylee what are you thankful for?" Mrs. Graham snapped at me. "Nothing to be honest." I shrugged making all eyes fall on me. "Why aren't you? You were able to go to college with your best friend and actually gain friends." Mrs. Graham frowned. "Yes but I still have to get attacked by your daughters just because I wasn't born with them. If it was up to me, I would love to be with my own family and not this one. And I'm only finally getting friends because your daughters aren't there to spread rumors around the school making it seem like you saved me from a crack house, so of course I have friends now." I shrugged and rolled my eyes. "You girls did what?!" Both Mr. Graham and Mrs. Graham asked them. "She's lying! She ain't have no friends because she's so damn ugly!" Gina yelled and I went to fight her, but Zaine pulled me back. "Chill." He said while I mugged them. "No I'm tired of these bitches!" I said trying to break free from him. "Great! Now she wants to play house with another fucking orphan." Gloria sighed while walking away. Zaine dropped his hands and looked his mother way while I charged at Gloria. Snatching her from the back. I began to pound on her face while she scratched my arms. Not caring about beating her face, I just grabbed her hair with both hands and began to rag her while kicking her. They broke our fight up, but I ran off to Gina and its like she was prepared because she slapped me and snatched me up by my hair. So I started swinging wildly on that ho and she started screaming. I'm guessing I hit her hard enough, but oh well. I just kept on swinging and whacking her right in her face. Once they stopped that, I went upstairs and grabbed my things that I came here with. Fuck this family as I said before, my ass was starving and all these bitches wanted to do was run their mouths. Calling up Roman, I didn't realize I was crying until felt the wet tears on my face.
"What's up Kay?" He sounded happy as hell.
"Can - can you come get me?" I cried even harder.
"What's wrong Kay?! I'm coming right now!" He yelled and hung up. I covered my face as I cried even harder. What did I do so bad that these girls really hated me with everything in them ? Like I only known Clementine and Jayde for a couple of months and I know they'll ride for me faster than any of them bitches would. Wiping my face, I made my way back downstairs. Everything was still in place, but everyone looked upset especially Zaine. He looked as if he was crying while his mother repeatedly apologized. "Why do you have your bag?" Mrs. Graham asked looking up at me. "I'm going to Roman's to eat." I said and took a seat on the arm of the couch next to her. Mrs. Graham was my world, my lady and I felt so sorry that she raised three nothings. "What is this the last time I'm going to see you Kaylee?" Her eyes got watery. I dryly laughed and shook my head. "Sadly no. Mrs. Graham you know your daughters and I been in much more worst brawls, if they think this was going to make me stop loving you, Mr. Graham, Brandy and Mira they got it wrong." I smiled down at her. She smiled and sighed softly. "What so this is like the bad girls club? Cause I could do rounds sis." Gloria scoffed. "No but why do ya hate me? I truly want to know." I smiled at them. I was seriously trying not to laugh at how abused they looked. Damn little ole' orphan Kaylee. "You need not to smile." Zaine chuckled and shook his head. "Why not?" I looked his way. "I'll text it to you." He said and I laughed while shaking my head. "So why do ya hate me? What did I do to you three? Brandon loves me with no problem. Even your cousins love me with no problem, but its just ya three that have to be different." I asked really wanting to know. No one spoke up, so I just shrugged and waited for Roman. He was taking a little too long and I needed some air before I beat these ho's up again. Placing my bag down, I walked over to Zaine. "You up for a talk?" I asked holding my hand out to him. He looked down at my hand and smiled taking it. "I'm sorry Zaine." Ms. Michelle softly said before wiping her tears. He scoffed and we walked out of the door.
Getting back to the house, Roman was sitting on the steps. "Are you okay? What happened? Who did anything to you? What the hell went on? And why do you only have slippers on? They ruined your shit Kay?" He bum rushed me with questions. I smiled while looking up at him. "I'll be in the house. Good looking Kay." Zaine hugged me. "No problem." I said hugging him back. We waited for him to go in the house and we hopped in his car. "So what's wrong Kaylee?" Roman asked. "The usual, but I'm over it now. These girls don't have no actual reason to hate me, but now I gave them a reason to hate me now." I shrugged while smiling. Roman chuckled and shook his head. "So why was Zaine thanking you?" He asked pulling out of parking. "I helped him with understanding being thankful for someone actually taking him in." I shrugged and sat back. "Wait what?!" Roman asked surprised as hell. "Yeah Zaine was adopted as well." I nodded slowly. "You not dead ass?" He raised his eye brow up at me. "So serious, he literally just cried his eyes out to me, but I just told him the reality of everything and I guess he understood." I shrugged. Hell I wish someone would've spoken to me when I was younger, I was miserable and Mrs. Graham daughters didn't make it any better. "That's crazy. You good though? Cause I'll easily set them bitches up for you and one by one and I'll let you beat them up." Roman said getting upset all over again. "I'm fine, I put my hands on them already." I shrugged. He nodded his head staying quiet. We drove quietly and quickly back to his house. "Hey I was waiting for you." Ms. Angela smiled as we walked into her house. "Hey Ms. Angela." I smiled as we hugged. "You want everything on your plate right?" Ms. Angela smiled while Grandma Pam was walking out of the kitchen with a champagne bottle in her hand. "Yes and hi Grandma Pam." I giggled. I'm guessing she had that all by herself because she was strolling through the dinning area. "Oh hey baby." Grandma Pam slurred. I laughed some more and went to go pluck Uncle Roscoe in his head. "Tiana I'm not even about the games right now!" He snapped making me laugh and plop down next to him. "Hi Uncle Roscoe." I cooed and hugged him. "Oh its you, what's up Kay Kay?" He chuckled. "Nothing. Where's Uncle Joe?" I smiled. "In the kitchen with his snitching ass daughter." He snickered making me laugh at him. "You're a mess but let me go say hi." I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Mr. Aldon, Uncle Joseph, Tiana and Lisa was sitting around the table running their mouths. "Oh I was just coming with your plate sweetie." Ms. Angela smiled catching everyone attention. "Oh shit look at Lil Bit!" Mr. Aldon cheered making me smile. "Hi Mr. Aldon, Uncle Joe, Titi and Lisa." I cooed waving at them. "Happy thanksgiving Lil Bit, but you know I have to bother you about college right?" Mr. Aldon smiled. "Yes, even though Uncle Joe did enough." I smiled and took a seat next to them. "Hmm. There's no boys around right?" He squinted at me. "Hell no!" Roman yelled making everyone laugh at him. "Anyways no there aren't any boys." I giggled. "Good. They're bad distractions." He nodded. I laughed and shook my head. "Here's your plate." Mrs. Angela said placing my plate in front of me. "Thank you." I smiled. "Kay come in here!" Roman yelled making them snicker. "Go ahead with your little boyfriend." Lisa smirked. I just laughed and walked away. Nobody got time to beat up another hating bitch ass over nothing. "Heyyyy Junior!" I smiled at Roman's cousin, Lil Joseph. "What's up Kay?" He smiled. "Nothing much." I smiled taking a seat on Roman's bed. "Do I let people eat on my bed?" Roman asked walking back into his room then closed the door. "Are you going to take me off?" I retorted before biting a piece of some juicy sweet ham. Junior chuckled and pulled out three Backwoods. "I'm not even going to go there with you, go ahead." Roman said turning on his game. "Oh." I smirked and went back to eating my food. "Kay Kay you smoking?" Junior asked me. And before I could even reject, Roman spoke up for me. "Nah". Junior and I laughed at him. "Damn Ro, that's your child?" Junior chuckled. "Exactly." I giggled. But I actually loved that Roman was that over protective of me, it makes me see that he actually cares. "You shut up." Roman turned to me, so I just laughed. "And yeah that's my first born just like you are Junior." Roman joked while rubbing Junior head making us all laugh at him. "Yeah whatever nigga, my dad is that ugly nigga downstairs." Junior chuckled. "My uncle isn't ugly. Maybe you are, but he's not." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. And they started laughing at me. "You know she don't play with them three slaves downstairs, I don't even know why you even opened your mouth." Roman chuckled, so I popped him in his head. "What slaves?" I asked while he frowned. I forgot that I had three rings on my hand. "I'm sorry don't hit me!" I laughed putting my empty plate on his night stand knowing he still is going to hit me. "What the hell is that on your hands?" He hopped up. "Junior you don't want to help me?!" I laughed with my hands up trying to block Roman. "Nah what is that on your hands?" He chuckled and pulled on his blunt. "Rings, but I really forgot that I had them on!" I laughed breathlessly. "How?" Roman said then punched me in my thigh. "Ouch! Ms. Angela!" I yelled laughing. "Why are you telling?" He asked punching me two more times in both thighs. "Okay I won't tell! Can you just stop?" I laughed trying to scoot back. I was laughing, but his punches were hurting with his strong yellow ass. "So why are you laughing?" He crossed his arms. "Okay look....." I tried to have a straight face before bursting out in laughter. "Go throw that away." He demanded. I looked over at my plate and sat up. "Okay but you can't hit me in the process of doing so." I said, so he stepped back and opened the door for me. "Thank you." I smiled and grabbed my plate before walking out of the door. "Were you calling me baby?" Ms. Angela asked walking out of her room. "Yes your son can't keep his hands to himself." I said making her laugh at me. "Here ya go with this fighting." She smiled shaking her head. "Its him, I only popped him for talking rude." I smirked and we started laughing together. That was always my excuse for hitting him first.
"Kay you sleep?" Roman asked me. I reopened my eyes and frowned at him. "I'm trying to why?" I mumbled looking up at him. "Let's go to the store, I'm hungry but you know how Grandma Pam is about eating the leftovers." He practically whined. "Sometimes I wish you wasn't such a fat ass, but come on Ro." I groaned sitting up then swung my feet off the bed. Standing up, I stretched then slid my feet into my slippers. "Where are you going like that?" Roman asked mugging me. "What? Its pajamas Ro." I waved him off. "Nah throw these on." He said passing me his whole sweat suit. "Thank you." I said and got dressed. "Much better." He snickered knowing I looked as if I was drowning. "Liar." I mumbled and grabbed my phone. Roman ignored me and held the door open for me. "Thank you." I said while my phone began to ring.
"Hello?" I asked not noticing the number.
"Kaylee can you just talk to me before I kill this bitch in her sleep?" Zaine asked sounding as if he was crying.
"No Zaine ! Are you guys home?" I asked rushing down the stairs.
"Nah we still at your house." He sniffle.
"Okay I'm coming now! Please Zaine just don't do anything that you will regret." I spoke to him. Roman waved over getting my attention. "What's going on?" He whispered to me. "He's trying to kill his mother." I mouthed to him. Roman eyes grew big and rushed us out of the house then into the car.
"I'm trying Kay.... I'm really trying." He sighed.
"I'm coming right now just take a quick walk outside and by the time you get back to the house, I should be there." I said as Roman drive off quickly.
"Okay." He said then hung up in me. "You good Kay?" Roman rubbed my thigh. "I don't know." I said feeling like if I was losing my breath. Closing my eyes, I counted to twenty three times before I actually felt as if I could breath again. "Everything is going to be okay, don't worr.y" Roman sighed. "But - but I thought I got through to him." I began to cry. "Like he thanked me and all, but now he's planning to kill her.... Is it my fault?" I continued to cry. "Nah Kaylee don't do that, its not your fault. You just tried to help him out. He probably was planning to do this shit anyways, so don't blame yourself." He tried talking to me. Parking in front of my house all of the lights were off and here came Zaine was just sitting on the steps with his hand low. So we hopped out of the car and walked over to him. "Kaylee why couldn't she been tell me about this?" Zaine cried grabbing onto me. I hugged him close and rubbed his hair. "She probably didn't want to hurt your feelings." I cooed still holding him. "How Kay how? If she did nobody in that house would've known." He said. "You know them girls been grown all their life, they probably was being nosey and over heard Mrs. Graham and your mom talking. But I can promise you that I didn't know anything about it." I informed him. He nodded his hand and I wiped his tears. "Please stop crying? Everyone knows that I'm the cry baby of the family and I swear I'm two seconds away from crying my eyes out." I joked making him chuckle. "Yeah speaking of family. Why did you do that to them girls?" He laughed some more. "See? That's the thing. Everyone knew that I was adopted so it was their choice to either accept me or hate me and you see how that went. So you're lucky that everyone just accepted you with no ifs or buts about it. So don't be mad at your mom, just be thankful like I am. Even though before I wanted to go back to the home." I softly smiled at him. "Good looking yo.... How could I ever pay you back?" He sighed sliding his hand down his face. "Give me a real big---- and he cut me off by kissing me. My eyes grew huge as I looked over at Roman, but he was too busy smiling then walked over to his car. "What?" Zaine looked at me. "Nothing. What?" I asked still in shock. His lips were so soft and plumped, but this felt so wrong. "Nothing. But thanks anyways." Zaine sighed standing up, but I grabbed his hand making him look back at me. "What's up?" He mumbled. I poked out my bottom lip so he started smiling. "You should've warned me and maybe I would've kissed you back." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "Aight. I'm about to kiss you again." He said and pulled me closer to him. Our lips connected as he slid his hands down to my butt then gripped it making me jump. "Alright Zaine. Good night and text me when you wake up." I broke our kiss and stepped back as well. "Aight and good looking again." He nodded. "You're welcome." I said then watched him walk back into the house. Calling Brandon he quickly answered.
"What's wrong Kay? Need for me to come get you?!" He panicked.
"No I'm fine, just keep an eye out for Zaine please?" I asked walking back to Roman's car.
"Aight." He sighed with a less of a worry tone in his voice.
"I'm serious Brandon." I said climbing back into the car.
"Aight... I'm up for good now." He complained.
- In Serial57 Chapters
The Dungeon Calls for a Sage
Archimedes was the ego behind one of the most powerful dungeons ever created. He grew and developed his halls, filling them with powerful monsters and beasts, over the course of thousands of years. He was a grand structure of ten thousand floors which even heroes had failed to defeat. However, an Evil God had come from another world, calling himself the Demon King, and a party of heroes were sent to do battle with it. Through their victory, they obtained enough strength to breeze through Archimedes' dungeon like it was nothing. Forseeing the end of his life, and realizing how pointless his pursuit of power had been, Archimedes destroyed himself, taking the heroes down with him. Still, Archimedes felt despair that he had lived a worthless life as something as pitiful and futile as a dungeon. Sensing his regret and potential, the voice of the world presented Archimedes with the chance to start anew and live a more meaningful life. Thrilled and hopeful for the first time in eons, Archimedes accepted the offer, only to be reborn again as a dungeon core with not a single room or monster to his name. Just what was the meaning of this?! Archimedes couldn't figure out what the voice of the world was thinking. Somehow, he would have to draw a sage into his dungeon to figure it out for him. _______________________ DCS is now a member of the WriTEr's Pledge, which means I have sworn to see it through to a satisfying end.
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English Stories - Creative Writing
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8 91