《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 21
"So how was your weekend?" Clementine smiled as we sat in the laundry room. Usually we would leave and come back, but lately they've been either stealing or throwing away the clothes. So we just sat downstairs waiting for our clothes to finish. "It was okay. I mean don't get me wrong I missed the hell out of my family, but I had to fight with my sisters as usual." I sighed shaking my head. Even though I may act like them hating me didn't bother me, but it actually did. 'Cause it only reminds me why my parents didn't want me either. And that's something I don't have time to think about. "What?! Why did you girls fight?" She snapped looking my way. "They love to mention how I don't have no parents." I shrugged and shook my head. So I had to show them with or without parents I could beat their asses but that's the thing, beating them up didn't make me feel any better. At first of course it did seeing their faces fucked up. But now what ? They can still mention me being a orphan so it was kind of pointless of beating them up. "Damn you good Kay?" Clementine frowned with a look of concern. "Aren't I always?" I smiled. Twelve year old Kaylee would've cried her eyes out to her best friend and threatened to end her life over and over, but now that I'm older its just like damn.... Life goes on. "No seriously Kay, I don't even know how you could do it. Girl you're strong and I'm honestly proud of you boo..... And if you want a sister that'll care for you, here I am." She smiled. "Awwwe thank you." I cooed as we tightly hugged each other. And this why I love me some Clementine. I wouldn't trade her for the world. "So how was your break? And where was annoying ass Calvin? Do you know I actually missed getting annoyed by him?" I chuckled making Clementine laugh at me. "Really?! Wow that's funny. But he was right there getting treated like a king by my aunt and grandma, my mom really don't like him because she always seen him as a bad kid." Clementine shrugged. "More like annoying, but awwwe so now its official, he's apart of the fam?" I joked and we started laughing. "You can say that. What's been going on between you and Leggy though? Every time I turned around that boy was on the phone with you." She smirked. I was about to say something until both washing machines stopped, perfect timing. I hopped up and switched my clothes to the dryer. While Clementine did the same, here came Cassandra and Madison. I rolled my eyes while trying to ignore these two. "Hi sister in law." Cassandra smirked. Madison and Clementine looked over at me then over at Cassandra. "Who's brother are you dating?" Clementine asked with a frown. Cassandra rolled her eyes while ignoring Clementine and dropping her laundry bag down. She held a smirk on her face while Madison stood clueless. "Her brother. You do know Kaiden right or I suggest you mind your business." Cassandra smirked making Madison laugh. Nothing was funny though. "Ignore them Cle, those are the two girls I've been telling you about. But like I said, that's not my brother." I said while smiling. Cassandra frowned but flipped her hair. We definitely will be staying to watch our clothes now. They took a seat all the way in the back, away from us. Childish asses. "That's the miserable power puff fucks?" Clementine squinted making me laugh at her. "Yeah that's them, but Madison changed her hair." I shrugged not really caring for them. Clementine mugged them one last time before taking a seat next to me. "Why did she scare me like that? Going to say dating your brother, girl I thought I was going to have to cut Brandon's fine ass." She joked making me laugh at her again. "Nah. Sadly Kaiden got around too fast because he ended up with that." I rolled my eyes as Clementine laughed. We stared at each other before busting out laughing uncontrollably. "Akekek!" Cassandra mimicked us. We looked her way and started laughing again. This girl really don't want it, Madison rarely starts ever since Quentin and I actually became friends. But she's not friendly either, she just keep to herself unless Quentin playing me too close. "I hate a miserable cunt." Clementine scoffed while rolling her eyes. "Heyyy! I knew I heard your voice! Heyyy babies!" Jayde cooed as she walked in empty handed. "Jayde!" I squealed hopping up and into her arms. She spun me around being her usual goofy self. "I missed you babe!" She squeezed me. "I missed you more! Come have a seat and tell us about your weekend!" I cooed breaking our hug. "Yessss and good cause I was looking around for something to do." She shrugged making us laugh at her. "Why do she play too much?!" Clementine laughed breathlessly. "Ohhh we have a party down here huh?" Jayde smirked looking over at Cassandra and Madison. "Nope!" Cassandra spat making us laugh at her. "Just take a seat girl." I sighed patting the chair. "So how were your breaks ladies?" Jayde smiled tapping our thighs. "We'll save that for another day, what about you though?" Clementine smiled, she's the best. "Funnnn but I think I caught up back home, I'll tell ya more about that later." Jayde said before looking over at Madison then rolled her eyes. I mentally laughed and shook my head at her. As soon as our clothes finished up, we folded them then went back upstairs. "So yeah about you getting caught up?" Clementine and I both asked Jayde. She looked at both of us and started laughing. "That was cute, but yeah back at home I was kicking it with some boy that I used to talk to in freshman year and told him that I missed him." She frowned. "Okay that's not bad, I miss a lot of people." I shrugged. Jayde laughed and shook her head. "But that's the thing.... He asked me out and being that I was enjoying myself I hurried up and said yes, but I don't even think I'm ready to be in a relationship again." She sighed and waited for either of us to respond. But we were both choked up. What was we supposed to say ? Long distance relationships rarely ever work.
"So you told your best friend on me?" Legacy chuckled. He had picked me up from my job. "About what?" I scrunched my face up at him. "I don't know, what did you tell him?" He sighed as we walked back to his car. I stopped in my tracks and actually thought about it. "Oh! Yeah I told him that you're my first kiss but that's because he was teasing me about never being kissed before." I explained with a shrug. Legacy nodded his head and opened the door for me. "What did he say to you?" I frowned. Roman threats can always be over the top, especially when it comes to the three special woman in his life. "Nah we just chopped it up and I had to promise him that I'm not going to toy around with you, but that's my bro so you know you're in good hands." Legacy smirked. I smirked while raising my eye brow up at him. Check Roman out. And before any of us got to say anything, Roman was calling my phone.
"Hello? And you're going to live forever!" I cooed sitting back.
"I am? Oh that's what's up. But you coming over today?" Roman asked.
"Yeah, right now?" I looked over at Legacy. But he was too busy on his phone.
"Yeah a nigga is bored and feel like cooking something up. You could bring your little boyfriend if you want." Roman chuckled. But I knew he had something up his sleeve.
"That's not my boyfriend. But okay we'll come over." I sighed while rolling my eyes.
"Aight hurry up." Roman said before hanging up on me. I mugged the phone before placing it in my lap. "Legacy do you want to go to Ro's house?" I asked putting on my seatbelt. He looked over at me and smirked. "Why?". "He wants me to come over and since you came to pick me up I figured that you want to hang with me." I shrugged. He chuckled before pulling out of parking. So I just sat back and enjoyed the ride.
Getting to Roman's house, he was already standing by the stove. "Ro Ro." I cooed while hugging him. "What's up?" He said dryly. Ignoring him, I still hugged him tightly before letting go and kicking off my Cement 5's. "So what are you making? And where's Kai?" I asked leaning on the island window. Roman ignored me while Legacy took a seat on the couch and flipped through channels. He got a five, a full sentence response and all. "I guess I deserve that." I shrugged while rolling my eyes. "What?" Roman asked looking my way. Now it was my turn to ignore him, I walked out of the kitchen and purposely plopped down on the couch. "Don't do that shit." Roman spat. Legacy looked my way and chuckled. "What are you doing?" Legacy asked making me roll my eyes at him too. "Who are you doing that to?" He smirked while Roman scoffed. I stood up and walked over to my sneakers. "I don't know what's going on with you two, but ya can keep each other company because I'm out of here!" I yelled shoving my left foot into my sneaker then did the same thing with my right foot. "What?" They both laughed at me. "Oh so now everything is a fucking joke huh?" I scoffed snatching my coat off the couch, but Legacy grabbed me. "Stop acting like that Kay." He said before I snatched away. "No. My best friend is being a ass to me because he assumes that we talk and we don't!" I snapped then rolled my eyes. "So why did ya kiss? Don't tell me you're about to act like you don't have no morals." Roman scoffed. Oh he was serious about this huh ? "It-- and I covered Legacy's mouth. "Don't explain yourself to him." I spat and grabbed his hand. "What's going on?" Kaiden asked as he walked into the house with Cassandra and Madison. "What the fuck are they doing here?" I scoffed making them laugh at me. Yeah I was the pretty salty one today. Rolling my eyes, I tried to slip on my coat but Legacy quickly snatched it out of my hands. "Stop you don't hear how mean he's being to me?" I whined. I seriously needed to get away from Roman before I slapped him. "Just cool out Kay, its not that deep." Legacy spoke calmly to me. Staring at him, I broke out into a smile. "I missed you." I cooed wrapping my arms around him. "So that's your nigga Kaylee?! You fuck with the top dogs! Why aren't we friends?" Cassandra bragged making me look back at her and shake my head. "Cause she's too busy siding with another slut." Roman scoffed. No what was really his problem today ? Like he needed to crawl under a rock with that shitty attitude. Or lock himself in his room for the rest of the night. Madison and Cassandra laughed before flipping their weaves. "I guess that's your answer boo." Madison giggled. "Ya bitches won't be laughing when I beat ya asses!" I yelled trying to charge them but Legacy held me tightly. "Ohhh I'm scared." Cassandra teased. I began to laugh and shake my head. She don't even know that I'm going to give her the best ass whooping of her life. "Matter of fact I'm not even going to support this shit. Get out." Roman scolded me. "Oh I been wanted to leave!" I yelled at him. Legacy let me go and I zipped up my coat. Walking over to Cassandra, she smiled. Wrong choice, I cocked back and punched her right in the face. And we both started swinging on each other while she also pulled my hair. "Yo what the fuck?!" Kaiden yelled coming back from his room and pulled me off of Cassandra. "Aha bitch! What's funny now?!" I yelled while kicking her as Kaiden finally got to pick me up and tossed me into the living room. "Over a bitch Kaiden?! Oh that's how you niggas feel?! Fuck ya and them bitches and Madison you're next sweetie!!" I said unzipping my coat, but he rushed them into his room. Roman shook his head and went back to cooking his dinner. I should set this fucking house on fire and have these bastards homeless. "You finally got to beat up Malaysia and them. So now you think you could fight?" Roman laughed dryly. Ouch. That literally just torn my heart. But I couldn't let him see that. So I walked over to him and stood two inches away from him. "Say that shit again, I dare you." I spoke through gritted teeth. "Come on Kaylee, there's no need for this. Bro you don't want us fucking around then we won't ya niggas are too close for this bullshit. Just chill out." Legacy separated us from one another. "Wow another nigga that doesn't want Kaylee. How stupid do you feel again?" Roman smirked. Just blacking out, I snapped and went in swinging at Roman. See that's the thing, he had so much to say about his own best friend. While I on the other hand could only curse at him, but that's because I don't hold shit against him. I don't store anything up in my mind of Roman fuck ups. But its all cool. I have to keep on reminding myself that how could everyone else love me when my parents didn't even want me. And this is what I get for being hard headed.
Waking up laying on a hospital bed, I groaned out in pain. It was coming from my throbbing arm, shit felt like someone sawed off my arm. "Why is my arm hurting?" I asked out loud as my voice cracked. The nurses had my arm hanging above my head so I couldn't check on it. "Bro she's up". Looking over to my left side, Legacy was talking Roman's and Kaiden's legs that just so happened to be crossed. They both hopped up and looked over at me. "Are you good?" They all asked in a unison. I frowned and started crying my eyes out. "My arm hurts. What did they do to my arm?" I cried even harder. "Nurse!!" Kaiden yelled running out of the room. "I'll let ya talk." Legacy sighed and walked out of the room. I continued to cry as I sat in pain. Roman stood up then walked over to me. "Stop crying Kay, Kaiden is getting your nurse so she can give you some pain medicine." Roman said wiping my tears. My arm wasn't the only thing hurting though, my heart was too. "Ro why did you say them mean things to me?" I cried making his tears fall rapidly now. "I'm sorry Kaylee. When we get out of here, can you come back to my place?" He sniffle and wiped his falling tears. I nodded my head. I guess he owed me a huge explanation. "Can you tell me why my arm hurts?" I whined. They must've gave me some morphine because I couldn't stop whining which I actually hated to do. And that's like one of the main pain medications that'll have you very loopy. "You started swinging on me and snapped your arm hitting either the fridge or the cabinet." He said rubbing my hair. I shook my head and sighed softly. "So is it broking? Because I really need both of my arms--- I was cut off by the nurse. "Stop that crying girl. You're perfectly fine. Well your arm isn't, but that'll be over with in a month or two. It depends on how your arm reacts to the cast. Okay?" This short curly head brown skin lady smiled at me. She was dressed in a purple scrub that had all kinds of cartoons all over the top. I nodded my head. "Can I sit up?" I asked wanting to get off my back badly. "Sure. Help me young man, but be very slow." She spoke to Roman. "Yes ma'am." He nodded his head. So they helped me up and slowly put on my sling. "Ouch!" I whined. The nurse chuckled and softly pinched my cheek. "Pretty lady. I gave you just the right medicine for your boo boo. Okay?" She teased making the boys laugh at me and Kaiden dangled the bag. I only nodded my head because if I spoke, I would've cursed this lady out. She don't even know how much pain I'm in right now yet she wants to make sarcastic jokes. But after twelve years old, I was raised with manners so I mugged them. "Thank you." I mumbled. "Here's your princess." The nurse stepped back with a smile. I slid off the bed and started walking ahead of them with a eye roll. Just when I was about to ask about my phone, it began to ring in my right sweater pocket. Digging it out with my left hand, which I obviously sucked at, I slid over answer put the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Kay where are you? You got my ass panicking all over this place looming for you!" Clementine yelled making me smile.
"I'm in the hospital, but I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" I assured her. But of course she wasn't going to let me hang up just that quick.
"Hospital?! For what Kaylee?! Are you okay?! What happened?!" She yelled as her voice began to crack.
"I banged up my arm trying to fight Roman. Oh and by the way I punched Cassandra in her face too." I shrugged while she sighed like a worried parent.
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