《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 19
"Thank you Jessica." I smiled paying her sixty dollars. She took out my weave then gave me a silk press with a wash n set. So I was feeling all types of brand new right now. "You welcome girl and who's been doing your hair so I can fight them?" She asked slipping the money in her pouch. "One of my friend's mother that owns a salon by the school. Why, is she messing up my hair?" I frowned. Jessica and her sister Judy laughed at my concern. "No, it's nice. I'm jealous." She rolled her eyes making me laugh. "I wish I could keep running to you when I needed these naps done." I laughed standing up and slipping on my red Zara jacket. It had gotten much colder than before. So before I leave I needed to take all of my coats with me. "I know Kaylee, just don't let that ho get comfortable now get out before I go find her store." She frowned making me laugh at her. "Stop Jess and I'll see you whenever I come back." I giggled giving her a hug. "Mhm take care baby and send me them grades too!" She said. "Okay and see you later Judy." I hugged her as well. "See you later baby and take care like Sissy said." She cooed hugging me. "Thank you." I smiled before walking out of the hair salon and went to meet Roman in his uncle's barbershop. "Is that my real pretty niece Kaylee?" Uncle Joseph asked. "Yes its me, hey Uncle Joe." I smiled walking in as all eyes fell on me. "Turn ya heads niggas! She's no way near available and if I catch ya looking again ya either getting out or getting fired!" He yelled making everyone turn their head. "I see where Roman get his craziness from." I giggled and hugged him. "That's right, he better." Uncle Joseph smiled. "Anyways what's up Kay?" Roman smiled. "Hi Ro dog!" I squealed jumping into his lap and hugged him tightly. Uncle Joseph was about to pull out the clippers. "What's up?" Roman chuckled letting me sit there. "Nothing. I have so much to tell you, I don't even want to go home." I sighed. "Damn run Roman run!" Uncle Roscoe yelled, that's another one of Roman's uncles that I loved. They're both from his mom side, his dad was the only child. "Uncle Roscoe don't start!" I laughed while he hugged me then kissed my forehead. "How you been? Staying away from them boys in college right?" He asked mugging me. "Roman wouldn't even let me breathe in the same air as them." I laughed making them all three laugh. "That's right nephew, keep this princess safe. You can never let the ponds or jokers take out your princess." Uncle Roscoe nodded while giving Roman a fist bump. I playfully rolled my eyes while shaking my head. "But let me tell you about him and that boy Kaiden." I said making them laugh. "We already know how that goes, Lisa always telling on them both." Uncle Roscoe laughed mentioning, Uncle Joseph's sixteen year old daughter. She's a hot mess her damn self so how is she telling on them ? She need to tell them that she isn't no virgin anymore, that's what she needs to tell. "Soon block her." Roman faked a cough which we all laughed at. "Niecey that's all you hanging from that cap?" Uncle Roscoe squinted. "Yes." I smiled taking off my hat and swinging my hair. "Nah you added clips on." He said making them laugh at me. "Don't you have hair to cut?" I asked making them laugh some more. "She's right." Uncle Joseph chuckled nodding towards the line of boys waiting for their hair to get cut. "I'll get back to you." Uncle Roscoe pointed at me before walking away. "I ain't scared!" I teased while he laughed. That man was going to torture me the next time he had a chance. I turned back around easily so I wouldn't mess up Uncle Joseph doing Roman's hair. "Why did you take the weave out? Even though that looks nice." Roman smiled while rubbing his fingers threw my hair. "Thank you." I smiled then shrugged. "I want to be natural for a while then braid this stuff back up with a curly weave." I smiled making him furrow his eye brows. "That's dope... I guess." He slightly shrug. "No you're supposed to say that's nice." I said making him smile. "Oh and we're going out tonight, you coming right?" Roman asked. "Just us?" I smiled. "Nah Kaiden, Brandon, Zaine, Lucas and a couple other niggas, but you know there's no fun without with my best friend. So you coming right?" He asked. "Yeah I'll come after I beat Brandon and Zaine's ass, but yesss let's turn up tonight!" I cheered making Uncle Joseph and Roman laugh at me. "How Mrs. Graham is though?" Roman asked as Uncle Joseph finished up on his hair. "She's good." I smiled wanting to save the stories for later. "That's what's up and mommy wants for you to stop by tomorrow." He said digging in his wallet. "If you don't get your nappy headed ass out of here trying to charge me! I'm your blood uncle." Uncle Joseph said signaling for the next guy to get his hair cut. "But my hair got cut Unc." Roman chuckled. "Just keep them grades up like you do." He tapped his shoulder. "Good looking but I'll leave a tip." Roman smirked and slid ten dollars on the mirror stand. I stood up then Roman got up. "I better see you before or after dinner Niecey." Uncle Joseph said as we hugged. "You will, I might even sleep over." I smiled. "Oh I'm not staying that long!" He said making us laugh at him. Roman began talking to him while I walked over to Uncle Roscoe. "Bye fat man." I said patting his back. "Now I'm fat? No get your scrawny ass out of here!" He said making me laugh at him. "Whatever". "You coming to Knucklehead's house right?" He asked talking about Roman. "Yeah I'll be there." I said. "Okay so I'll see you then, stay good brat." He said and we hugged. "I will ugly and you stay fat." I giggled while Roman walked over to us. "Aight I'm out fat man." Roman slapped him a five. "Yo you see how my niece and nephew treats me? Their skinny asses don't know anything about that good cooking because all they eat is cheeseburgers." He spoke to the customer that sat in his chair. "No you know we love you Uncle Roscoe!" I giggled while hugging him. "Hmm but ya stay good and stay off of Snapchat." He snickered making us laugh at him. "We will." We both laughed while walking out of the shop. Pulling out my phone, I went straight to Snapchat. "You don't listen I see." Roman joked making me laugh. "Just a little, but look how good we look snap. That's my best friend! That's my best friend!" I cheered while Roman smiled. "You love that shit." He chuckled unlocking his car. "Its addicting especially my favorite doggy filter." I laughed as we hopped in his car then drove off.
"Hey baby! And oh my god is that your hair?!" Ms. Angela gasped making me shyly smile at her. "Angie stop acting so surprised! You knew that girl always had a head full of hair, she just grew up and wanted to cover that beautiful hair with that long colorful stuff." Grandma Pam said making me laugh. "Hi Ms. Angela and Grandma Pam. How you ladies been?" I smiled as I hugged and kissed their cheeks. "We've been fine. How about you and that school?" Grandma Pam smiled. "Its nice. I like it way more than I did here." I sighed making them smile at me. "That's good. Now the boys, how are they?" Ms. Angela asked. I looked over at Grandma Pam and she didn't have the mean mug she would usually have when Ms. Angela asked me about boys. So I looked back over to Ms. Angela and smiled. "They're cool but did you know that your son and god son scared them away from me?" I smiled making them both laugh at me. "As we should." Roman said walking back out of his room shirtless and in a pair of basketball shorts. "So why aren't you scaring away them fast girls? Don't let them give my baby anything!" Ms. Angela said making us laugh at her. "I won't but Roman you hear your momma." I laughed some more. "That's right." She scolded him. "Ma nobody want them girls." He smirked lying right through his teeth. I chucked but kept my eyes on the TV. Ms. Angela almost caught on, but Grandma Pam started laughing. "I don't know what are you two are waiting for". We both looked at her with the 'what are you talking about?' look. "Oh don't go looking at me like that! You two belong together and as much as ya say ewww grandma we're practically related." She mimicked us which made us laugh. We do always say that when she mention how much we belong together. Yeah she's another one who thinks we belong together. "I know someone is lying." She said then walked off to the kitchen. "Roman is lying." I joked while Ms. Angela laughed. We did always let Grandma Pam to get us to argue, but a pointing fingers argument. Nothing too serious. "And why do I have to be the one who's lying? Kaylee you don't even have a type so it might just be you." Roman smirked. "And you do so that gives you an excuse?! Do you know how many people married someone who was never in their type range? So stop it with the "ain't my type" excuse." I swung my hair making Ms. Angela laugh even harder. But she stood up as well and went into the kitchen. "I can tell you this though...." Roman said. "What?" I crossed my arms at him. "I love you big head." He said making me smile. "Awwwe I love you more, you still want me though." I joked making Roman laugh with me. "Yeah aight. Keep letting them gas your head up." He mumbled making me laugh. "Nah that's what I got your friends for!" I bragged and before I knew it Roman was bending my arm while pinching it as well. "Ouch Roman!" I laughed. "Who you got for what?" He asked twisting it some more pinching tighter. "Your friends Ro!" I laughed breathlessly trying to ignore the pain. "Say that again, just one more time." He said making me yelp. "Okay! Okay! Okaaaay! I don't have nobody gassing up my head! Not even your friends, just let me go!" I cried out loud making him drop my hand and take a seat next to me. "Better learn who you're talking to little girl." He playfully mushed me. So I jumped on him and started beating him up, even though that only lasted for a good fifteen seconds. Roman quickly threw me off of him and went to pin me down, but here came Ms. Angela cursing us out as always. "Not in my damn living room! Hell no!" She yelled while we laughed breathlessly on the floor. "Get up!" She yelled at us both. "Ms. Angela I can't breathe." I laughed holding my stomach. "Oh yeah? I'll be back. Mommy!" She yelled. So we quickly hopped up and ran to Roman's room. Grandma Pam would've whooped us without a warning then made us separate from each other like if we were really fighting. "Lock the door Ro!" I laughed falling onto his bed. He quickly locked it and fell on the bed after. We laughed for a good ten minutes straight. And this how great our friendship is back home. No worries about girls nor boys.
"What the hell is that Kaylee?" Brandon frowned at me. "Its a outfit." I smiled slowly spinning around showing off my black lace plus sequence bralet, tight black pencil skirt and my black double strap fur heels. "Well I don't like that, take it off." He shook his head while Kamira smiled at me in awe. "Go auntie!" She cheered while snapping her fingers. "Thank you baby. See Brandy? Why can't you act like Mira?" I tilt my head to the side as I coated my lips in my Victoria's secret lip gloss. Them lips had to be shinning in those dim lights tonight. "She don't know what kind of trouble dressing like that causes. So take it off Kay." He said. "But that's so unfair, no one will even talk to me being that I'm going to be with you guys all night. If you're not on my right side, Roman, Kaiden, Zaine or Lucas will. So automatically they'll be like oh shawty got a boyfriend." I explained while slipping on my leather jacket. Brandon thought about it before nodding his head. "Come on Kay Kay and do not, I mean do not leave either of our sides or you'll be going home." He spoke as he left the room. "I love you too chocolate!" I yelled after him before laughing. I grabbed my black long strap clutch then filled it with things I would need for tonight. "Daddy just don't understand." Kamira sighed making me laugh at her. "He doesn't. You want some lip gloss girl?" I smirked while holding my lip gloss. Kamira quickly nodded her head. So I walked over to her then rubbed some lip gloss on her then sprayed some perfume on her pajamas. She always loved smelling just alike someone. "Mhm let me smell." I smiled so she leaned forward. "You smell amazing! Who did that?" I asked while she smiled. "My favorite very cute auntie." She bragged making me laugh. "That's right now let's go let grandma tuck you in." I picked her up and turned off my room lights then closed my door. "Ohhh sexy mama!" Mrs. Graham cheered while I brought Kamira into their room. Mr. Graham looked over at me and frowned. "Kaylee what the hell is that?". I laughed and put Kamira down. "I'm going to be with the boys tonight so I'll be safe." I smiled. "And the twins are going too." Mrs. Graham smiled while taking off guards of me. She's such a pap. "Oh lord if you're wearing that, I don't want to see what they're wearing. Just go have fun and I'll be burning that after the club. So enjoy it while you can." He smiled. I laughed and blew them a kiss. "Thank you". Walking downstairs the muskasluts all had their impatient faces on while Zaine, Brandon and Lucas talked like they had all night. I'm guessing Malaysia got a fake ID or something. But who cares, I won't be around them anyways. "We can go." I smiled while Zaine covered Lucas's eyes. "Stop." I laughed and looped my arm with Brandon's. "Cous you let that shit rock?" Zaine frowned. Brandon shook his head. "Listen I tried, she made a point and then look at these three". We all looked over at the girls and the boys shook their heads. "We look good! Later what for ya talking about!" Gloria flipped her long weave. I smirked and was the first one to walk out of the door. We planned to meet up with Ro and them at the club. Climbing in the Uber car, I greeted the driver before heading to the back and Zaine sat next to me. "Ohhhh Kay Kay." He said making me smile. "What did I do?" I smiled unlocking my phone. My Snapchat was about to be lit tonight. "Came out here trying to steal all of these boys hearts." He chuckled. "No this is just how I dress when I step out." I smiled showing off my braces. "Hmm I gotta speak to Roman." He said as the car got filled up. "Mister can you play some Bryson?" Malaysia asked. "Some who?" He asked looking back at her. "Bryson Tiller." She said with a slight annoyance in her voice. I looked Zaine's way and we started laughing. "Yo you play too much." He chuckled and threw his arm around me. "What did I do?" I asked faking my confusion. "Yeah aight Kay Kay." He said and we started laughing again.
"Okaaaay Kaylee!" Kaiden yelled as we met up with them in the club. "Hey Kai and Ro!" I smiled while I pulled them into a hug. "Hell nah Kaylee. Spin around." Roman stepped back. I laughed taking off my jacket then slowly spun around. "Yesss Kaylee!!" Was all I heard from some girls. I squinted as I look their way, but focused back on Roman. Them fake ass hoes better go ahead. Those were the same bitches that teased me about being parent less. "Told her the same shit bro." Brandon sighed shaking his head. "Exactly!" Zaine tagged along. I started laughing while I flipped my hair off my shoulders. "I don't think its that bad. Right Kai?" I smiled Kaiden's way. He nodded his head with the only smile on his face. "Exactly, but let's go turn up." I winked at Roman. So they all agreed and went to go get the liquor while Lucas stood by my side. "Oh my god Kaylee your glo is real!!" Bianca cooed as they made their way over to me. "Is it?" I asked being very stink. We were never friends, so why fake it like we were ? "Damn Kaylee." Lucas chuckled. I looked over at him with mean glare too. Everyone knew what was up with these girls and their problem with me. Including the three muskasluts. See at least they don't fake their hate for me, that shit is all the way through. "Why are you being so mean Kay boo? Leave that highschool shit behind. We are all too pretty for that!" Denise said making me laugh and shake my head. "Yeah you're right, but we're not about to have a conversation like you bitches always liked me." I shrugged making their mouths drop open. "What happened?" Gina and Gloria asked walking over to us. But I was ready for whatever anyways. I flipped my hair and started smiling. "Being nice aren't we?" Brandon and the boys walked over to us. "I wish Kaylee was." Moniece frowned making me laugh and Brandon look my way. "What are you doing?". "Nothing. Brandy they know they didn't like me right along with your sisters and now all of sudden they want to smile in my face." I shrugged and sipped on the cup he just past off to me. "Alright just come over here with the boys Kay." He sighed. I smiled and walked off. "What happened?" Roman asked me. "Them bitches trying to be my friend." I shrugged and sipped on my drink again. Roman chuckled and threw his arm around me. "Exactly." I smiled as Uber everywhere began to play.
Nawfside cooling, shorty, yeah that's where I stay
Heard you was a lame boy, get up out my face
And my ex keep calling, swear that she be in the way
And I need a thick Redbone shorty where I lay
Bad bihh in LA tell me that she'll make the trip
Shorty bad as hell, yeah, with them Kylie Jenner lips
Uber every fucking where, pre-rolls in my VIP
Canada jawn, yeah I think that bitch from the 6
Roman and I rapped along with Madeintyo as the song played. Finishing my drink, I grabbed another one and by the time I realized it I already drunk four glass cups. But I didn't worry because I was surrounded by my brothers, cousin and best friend; it was safe to do so. "I think I'll lie for you!" I sang while whining my hips. "I think I'll die for you!" I sang to Roman while he recorded me on snap. Yeah I was feeling nice with this liquor in my system. "Let's go to the dance floor." I grabbed Roman's hand. "Yeah right." Brandon pulled me back. I laughed and leaned on him. "You act like mean ass Legacy!". "Who's that?" Brandon asked and I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to dancing. They all laughed at me while I grabbed one of Roman's friends from highschool, yeah I never associated with any of them fucks. But I still wanted to dance. "What's your name again?" I squinted at him. "Let him go." Lucas laughed at me. "Why? He don't wants me to. Right boy? What's your name again?" I asked making him laugh at me. He looked over at Brandon making me laugh now. Everyone is so scared of his teddy bear ass. "She's drunk just let her talk her shit." Brandon waved me off. "So what's your name?" I smiled. But he wouldn't answer with his scary ass, so I let him go and walked over to my best friend. "Who wants my real cute best friend? He knows how to cook and dance! Show them your moves Ro!" I cheered grabbing his hand. "Who gave you your cups?" He chuckled ignoring the girls looking his way. "Me! I was like yesssss pour it up! Pour it up!" I cheered while twerking and dropping low then hopping back up. "Whaaaaat?!" Zaine said shocked as hell. "What fine ass?" I rolled my eyes, but no one heard me except Roman. He laughed and shook his head. "You still like him?". "No he has a girlfriend." I rolled my eyes. My drunk mind was planning to be so mean to her tomorrow. Hearing Back That Ass Up play, I ran away from them and started twerking in the middle of the floor. "Go Kaylee!!" Denise and them yelled. But I ignored them and kept on twerking until I was picked up off of my feet and was taken back to the boys. I know they were all about to curse my ass out, maybe except for Lucas. He kept on smirking while watching me. His ass probably think he have a chance with me, but he'll kindly get turned like everyone else was getting all night.
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