《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 18
"Why are you so excited to go home? Your New York nigga must be waiting on that ass." Calvin smirked. I secretly wished that I've never asked Clementine about them because he would still be hidden and he wouldn't be here right now. And this is why I hate being so fucking nosey at times. This been a whole week and half of torture. Legacy and Clementine laughed while I zipped up my purple Nike duffle bag closed. "In fact he is and I can't wait til I pay for his bus trip so he can beat that ass." I lied while rolling my eyes and Legacy looked my way with a mug. But oh well everything was so funny with Calvin, so its now my turn to be the comedian. "Ohhh I'm scared." Calvin spoke while making his hands shiver. "Why can't this boy choke on a big dick and die?" I whined looking up at the ceiling. Everyone started laughing again, but I was so serious. "What I tell you about talking like that?" Legacy nudged me. "What did you tell him about talking to me? Do he listen? No. So I don't want to hear anything!" I spat while rolling my eyes. Legacy chuckled and wrapped his arm around me before kissing my cheek. "And what did I tell you? Ignore him right?" He whispered in my ear. "Yes but--- and Legacy quickly cut me off. "Am I talking out loud or whispering to you?" He asked in a whisper. I looked his way and rolled my eyes. "Why do I have to whisper in my room? You and your friend could leave if anything." I snapped really tired of Calvin. Fuck him and his cuteness, he wasn't even that cute to be that fucking annoying. Matter of fact where the hell was Roman and Kaiden asses at ? I was so more than ready to go home and enjoy my little three day vacation. Already dressed in my black bombers jacket, black Bape shirt with the pink print, black skinny jeans and my pink twelve's. My hair was straightened out which I plan to take this out so I can be natural for a good two weeks or so. My hair needed a break from this heat and tight ass braids anyways. "Oh yeah?" Legacy jerked his head back. "Yes Legacy that's exactly how I feel. Every time I complain about Calvin, you always say ignore him. But when I say something, you always tell me to watch my mouth. So you and your best friend could get out of my room!" I rolled my eyes. "My bitch here so I'm not going nowhere." Calvin smiled only to be slapped by Clementine. "Now you could leave. What did I tell you about that word?" She asked him. He held his face in shock while I mentally smiled. Clementine should've gave his ass a combo smack, a extra one for me. Legacy stood up and grabbed my hand. "Come here real fast mean ass." He said. "What?" I stood while leaving my bag and phone on the bed. We left out of the room and kept on walking towards the window. "Why do you always feel the need to snap so easily?" Legacy asked taking a seat on the window seal. "Because obviously no one else is going to do it, so Kaylee will." I shrugged crossing my arms. "Well with me you don't have to do that okay mama?" He asked grabbing my hands again. "Whatever Legacy. You are always defending your water mouth best friend even when he's wrong. Clementine even defends me before you do. So save me the bullshit." I sucked my teeth. He just tried to feed me bullshit right off the baby spoon. He chuckled and shook his head. "You don't think when we're alone I don't tell him about himself?" Legacy asked. "No and why does it half to be alone? I'm not your--- and he quickly cut me off. "You better not say that shit Kaylee and I'm not even playing with you." He mugged me. I rolled my eyes. "Okay so are you going to tell him to watch his mouth or what?" I asked ready to go back inside. "Yeah I got you." He stood up and pulled me closer. "Just stop talking so recklessly like that okay?" He stared down at me. "Maybe." I smirked and we started laughing. "Hard headed ass." He chuckled licking his lips. "I'll take that title with pride, but I'm serious Legacy." I said to him. "Aight I got you." He said before pulling me into a hug. "You better keep your word." I mumbled. "I got you." He said. "Kaylee, your main nigga is downstairs." Calvin called out to us. I looked up at Legacy mentally daring for him not to say anything. "Yo bro leave her alone, that's her best friend." Legacy said making me smile. Well I didn't think that would be any sooner. Calvin frowned then went back inside of the room. "Thank you." I smiled and kissed Legacy's cheek. "Told you so." He smirked. We got back inside of the room, I grabbed my bag then said goodbye to Clementine. They were supposed to be on their way home as well. Legacy walked me to the elevator. "Don't you go to New York city acting brand new." He stared at me. "What? This Kaylee twenty four seven, I act like this everywhere." I laughed at his statement. "Aight you heard what I said." He said. "No you better not go back to Miami and catch something." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and shook his head. "Been through them girls already." He smirked making me hit him in his chest. "I'm playing and look here's the elevator." He chuckled before pulling me into a hug again. "See you later Legacy and I wasn't joking you better behave yourself." I smiled as we broke the hug. "Me either nigga. But enjoy your weekend." He winked at me. "You do the same." I smiled as the elevator door close. I slouched against the elevator until it opened. "You said goodbye to your boyfriend?" Roman asked leaning against his car as I walked out of the girls dormitory building. I'm guessing I wasn't the only one who dressed up to go home. Roman was dressed in a black bombers jacket, Bel air jersey, dark True religion jeans, his Timbs and his black dad cap. "Yeah, he's upstairs." I smirked. Legacy was literally upstairs though, but he was waiting for their bus time so they all can go home together. "Yeah aight." Roman said unlocking the door for us. "Did you say bye to your girlfriend?" I smirked climbing in the front seat. Kaiden was in the back with the only hang over in his pajamas still, poor baby. He let Cassandra drag him to bar and battled who could drink the most without getting drunk. Roman called me dying of laughter when they both stumbled into the house in a full blown argument. "Hi Kai!" I yelled on purpose. "Fuck you Kay." He groaned making us laugh at him. "You do know your mom is going to kick your ass right?" I giggled putting on my seatbelt. "She ain't going to do shit, you better watch out for your sisters that's planning to kick your ass." He muttered making us laugh at him again. I laughed and stuck up my middle finger up at him. "That was low Kai". But I'll fix his hungover ass. I leaned forward and turned the music up to one hundred.
"Later ugly ducklings but I better get a text, a call or something for Thanksgiving." I hugged Roman then patted Kaiden's thigh. He was peacefully sleeping now. After all the throwing up trips and stuffing his face with some Checker's. "I got you, if Kai was straight we would've came inside but enjoy your day back home." Roman smiled. "I know that just gives me another reason of wanting to beat Cassandra's ass, even more but later guys." I said before hopping out of the car and going to the doorstep. Knocking on the door, a few seconds later someone was at the door. I'm surprised they even heard someone knocking because the music was blasting. "Who?" Brandon must've asked. "Kaylee." I said and Roman drove off as the door opened. But it wasn't Brandon at the door, it was his favorite cousin Zaine. "Oh shit what's up Kay Kay?!" He smiled pulling me into a hug. "Hi Ugly boy!" I cheered hugging him back. He chuckled and closed the door. "So you about that college life now?" He smirked as his dimples deepened, that used to be my favorite feature of his. I know things are about to get weird, but Zaine was my first crush of all crushes that I had in my whole entire life. Like I even learned how to play basketball just so I can be in his presence even though he was a couple of years older than me. Lucas didn't have nothing on Zaine the way I felt for that boy, Lucas wouldn't even been noticed if Ms. Michelle didn't move them away for the summer when I was fifteen. But I swore up and down that he would look past this adoption thing and make my young ass his girlfriend, but he always seen me as his favorite little girl cousin. I used to even tell Roman all about Zaine and how I learned basketball for him. So one week Roman slept over to see how "cool" was Zaine and didn't like him one bit; until he got older. "Yeaaaah boy!" I bragged making him laugh. "So how them grades looking though?" He smiled showing them pearly whites again. "Excellent, you know your aunt didn't raise a dummy." I smiled making him smile. "That's right, she didn't even raise you at all." Malaysia scoffed while walking by. "Bitch and you would think she didn't raise you at all." I smiled making Zaine shake his head. "Ya still fuck with her? That shit always been played out, let's go say hi." Zaine shook his head while taking my duffel bag for me. "Thank you." I smiled. Twelve through fifteen year old Kaylee would've fainted by now, but I'm a big girl now. I could handle this especially with all the boy attention I've been getting at school. "Look who's home!" Zaine cheered making everyone look my way. Which was only Gloria, Gina, Kamira, Brandon, Ms. Michelle; Zaine's mother and his younger sister Paris. "Put me down Gloria! Put me down!!" Kamira yelled fighting her. "My child is home." Brandon smiled walking over to me. "Don't even start." I smiled while playfully rolling my eyes at him. "Hey college girl." Ms. Michelle smiled. "Hey Ms. Michelle." I smiled as Kamira ran into me. "Hi auntie! Hi auntie ! Hiiiii!" She cheered squeezing me. I laughed while picking her up. "Hi baby! Look at you already growing on me!" I cooed while tickling her. "I missed you!" She hugged me while resting her head on my shoulder. "Awwwe I missed you too." I smiled while I hugged Brandon as well. "Why are ya stealing my favorite cousin?" Zaine asked taking a seat at the table. "Lies that's my favorite cousin and only favorite." Paris smiled making me smile. And that's what I didn't get about the muskasluts, if your own family could love me why couldn't ya ? Even though I don't care, but still that didn't make any sense to me. "I'll question you down later since your niece is being stingy." Brandon chuckled while tickling Kamira. "That's Mira for you." Ms. Michelle laughed. Everyone knew how much Kamira loved me. "Let's go to grandma room so I can say hi " I spoke to Kamira. "Okay, but Pop Pop is at work." She shrugged. "As always." I giggled. We walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to Mrs. Graham's room. "Come in." she cooed after I knocked on her door. I twisted the doorknob and walked into her room smiling. "Kaylee!" She cheered hopping up off of her bed and over to me. "Hi Mrs. Graham." I giggled hugging her back. "How you been baby? I missed you so much!" She ranted making smile. "I missed you too." I smiled until I noticed that she was crying. "Mrs. Graham what's wrong?" I frowned. "I didn't think that you would've wanted to come back home." She sniffle while forcing a smile. "Mrs. Graham even though I don't call you mommy, but without a doubt you are my mother. No ifs or buts about it." I smiled at her. "Thank god." She let out a shaky breath. Awwwe she really thought I wasn't going to come back, I thought while mentally smiling. No way I already needed a break from that school anyways. "You seen that Zaine is downstairs?" She smirked. Mrs. Graham knew about my old crush on Zaine and that's only because she walked in on Roman and I talking about him. "Yeah he just defended me against Malaysia." I smiled. "I'm not dealing with that this week, I'll be whooping asses." She said wiping her face dry. "I swear its not me." I said as Kamira laughed. "What's funny?" I tickled her some more. "Grandma is going to whoop people butts." She giggled. "Say it again baby, grandma will be whooping some butts." Mrs. Graham said as we made it downstairs. "Kaylee someone at the door for you." Brandon said with a mug in his face. "Who is that?" I scrunched my face up. He shrugged and took Kamira out of my arms. Opening up the door some more I started smiling. "Why are you here Lucas?". "I knew you would be back in town." He smiled then licked his lips. I shook my head while smiling. Looking back to see if Brandon and Mrs. Graham was still there, they weren't so I closed the door and I took a seat on the swing. So he followed behind me and sat next down. "How you been after the Halloween party?" He asked sliding his hands in pockets. "Good. You?" I asked while smiling. Mr. Graham was just pulling into the drive way, he's about to give Lucas a run for his money. "That's Mr. Graham?" Lucas asked and we started laughing. Mr. Graham always bothered Lucas whenever he was around. Even though that was only a few times because I gave Lucas the cold shoulder before leaving to school. "Mr. Graham!" I squealed running off the porch and jumping into his arms. He laughed while hugging me back. "How's everything? And I see that nappy headed boy is back around." He nodded in Lucas's direction. "Yeah he goes to a school nearby mine." I giggled while he shook his head. "So is he still just a friend?" Mr. Graham asked as we began to walk. "Yes! All of my friends like him and you know how that goes." I shook my head. "Them nappy headed girls and speaking of hair Jessica has stopped by a few times." He said making me laugh. "Yeah I actually set up a appointment with her." I giggled. "Hmm. So Mr. Lucas you stopped by to see my daughter huh?" Mr. Graham asked while staring at him. I giggled while standing by his side. "Yes but not like that." Lucas nervously chuckled. Oh he's such a punk. Legacy ass probably would've stood tall with his conceited ass. "Hmmm so you both say. Happy Thanksgiving." Mr. Graham said before unlocking the house door. "Happy thanksgiving sir." Lucas smiled and sat back down with me. "Punk ass." I nudged him. "Nah that nigga is huge no homo." He said making me laugh even more. "Oh whatever you sound just like Roman and Kaiden annoying asses!" I laughed. We sat outside for the next two hours talking about completely nothing. But it felt good to be home and I guess cooling things with Lucas. Even though we already became cool at the Halloween party.
"So when is your little girlfriend coming over?" Gina smirked while staring at Zaine. We always sat around having family time, even though it always ended with me arguing with one of the girls. Like it seriously never failed, but today I wasn't having that shit with them. And neither was Brandon, he already cursed Gloria out for trying to tell Kamira that I'm not her biological aunt. But Brandon seriously put Gloria in her place right in front of their parents. "Girlfriend?!" I asked as my head snapped his way. Mrs. Graham laughed as she walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. "Oh yeah, your boy is taken." He smiled while I slowly frowned. Why was my future husband in a relationship ?! And why was I getting mad ? "Can I see her?" I asked making Mrs. Graham continue to laugh. "What's the joke?" Mr. Graham asked. I slightly shrugged while side eyeing Zaine. He was scrolling through his pictures smiling at all the pictures he have of his girlfriend. "Look, this her." He smiled passing me his iPhone 6s. I took the phone and started smiling. She was very pretty and I guess he's happy being that he can't wipe that stupid ass smile off of his face right now.
"She's pretty. What's her name?" I asked. Zaine began to smile even harder then chuckled. "You wouldn't even believe it." Brandon laughed as well. "What?" I asked looking puzzled. "Jaylee" Gina, Brandon and Zaine announced at the same time. I laughed and shook my head. "There's no need to lie unless that's not even your girlfriend." I laughed while unlocking my phone. "Nah that's really her name Kay Kay." He chuckled and showed me their text messages. He saved her name under "Jaylee ✨👑💍💖". "So when are we going to meet her?" I smirked, I was more than ready to meet her. "She's coming tomorrow." He said and slid his phone into his pocket. I was about to say something, but my phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I asked walking out of the living room, it was Legacy who called me.
"I miss you ugly." He sighed.
"Why? Your little girlfriends aren't around?" I asked while closing my room door. I didn't need anyone thinking I was being "fast" in college.
"Nah they said go call your new college girlfriend." He said making me laugh.
"So why am I on the phone? Where's Nivea?" I asked being funny.
"Ah man here we go. How about you really tell me that you miss me?" He sighed making me blush.
"Cause I don't, I miss Calvin more than anything. He's the only one who gives me my undivided attention." I rolled my eyes as I laid across my bed.
"Oh that nigga home or probably with Clemmy." Legacy sighed.
"No he's home because I was on the phone with Cle for like three hours since we were both bored." I said making him chuckle.
"So everyone didn't miss you either huh?" He asked.
"Oh no they did even my favorite cousin is here even though it was forced, but yeah that's my cousin." I giggled.
"What do you mean forced?" He asked.
"I used to be his biggest fan when I was younger until I realized that's really my cousin by papers and Mrs. Graham nor is Mr. Graham is giving me back so that'll be my cousin until forever." I shrugged sighing.
"You liked that nigga?! I thought young Kaylee was a good girl?!" He laughed.
"I was, if you was a girl you would understand. But you're not so whatever. What's going on in Miami? How's them beaches looking?" I asked.
"They cold as fuck now but Miami looking like family time even though niggas hitting the club up tonight." He chuckled.
"Owww you better snap that!" I cheered making him laugh some more.
"Yo you crazy, really miss you." He said making me blush again.
"Really? You probably just want to get some booty. So I'm not even going to respond to that." I sucked my teeth while Legacy laughed.
"Nah you really crazy! Its not even like that. Why can't I miss your mean ass?" He asked.
"I don't know, but I know there's something behind that I miss you." I squinted as if he could see me.
"What? That I really miss my friend. Wow you can't even miss friends anymore." He sighed making me smile.
"Okaaaay I miss you too! After I shower can we face time each other?" I asked easily giving in. I missed his little hugs and him sneaking kisses on my cheek.
"Yeah but I might be in the club." He chuckled.
"So you miss me right? Don't be mixy! I knew that miss you was fraud as fuck. I should've kept my mouth shut!!" I yelled making him laugh at me.
"What I told you about the defensiveness Kaylee?" He asked catching his breath from laughing.
"To stop it, but listen to your response." I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't find it bad, I was just warning you pretty girl." He said making me smile.
"You get on my nerves." I sighed as Zaine walked into my room smirking. My heart stopped, but started beating again once he took a seat at the edge of my bed.
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