《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 17
*Two weeks later*
Checking the time once again, I sighed lowly as I paced back and forth through Daisy Duke's. My shift was coming to a end and I was more than ready to go home. "You might as well grab your bag girl." Avant said fixing the rack next to me. "Yeah right! So Marisol can jump on my back and tell me I'm not going anywhere?" I retorted making him laugh. "You right!" He clapped his hands. "I know.... Look at her already blocking the door." I whispered to him and we started laughing. Besides me, three other people were about get off of work as well. "Uh uh look at her!" He laughed at Marisol resting his hands on hips. She looked our way and we both acted as if we were working. "She's a creep." Avant whispered making me laugh at him. Hearing the doorbell ring, we all looked towards the entrance. Legacy walked in looking around while squinting his eyes. Who the hell brought this boy here ? "Mmmm ain't that's that eye candy from our school?" Avant asked staring Legacy down. Avant started to fix his oversize high waist jeans then pulled down his black mesh shirt that was under his plaid green crop button up. I always loved the way he dressed, since the first day of school. "Yeah, I think he's here for me though. I'll be back." I laughed and walked away from a blushing Avant. Legacy was still looking around looking lost as hell, but daddyish at the same time. He was dressed in his vintage Anaheim Mighty Ducks starter jersey, his dark Robin Jeans that slightly hung off his hips but was held up by his black Ferragamo belt and his high top turquoise Vans. His curls were spilling out of his snapback which was turned to the side, his gold chain hung slightly out of his jersey and his watch stood at full attention sitting on his wrist. And I could already smell his Nautica cologne that he just brought himself. "I know you did not come here for me." I smirked crossing my arms. He started smiling and looked me over. "Nah I came here to pick up my best friend." He smirked as his eyes twinkled. "Liar she gets off at ten and its going on eight." I laughed checking my watch. "I did, she's going to lunch actually." He smirked making me laugh at him. "Yeah you right about that." I said before trying to walk away, but he grabbed my hand. "I'm playing. I came to get you." He chuckled. "I thought you didn't?" I tilt my head to the side. He shrugged and licked his lips. "Let me go clock out and I'll be back. Don't get lost." I said before walking away to the back. All eyes were on me as I walked towards the back, Legacy and that damn popularity of his. But I should be use to this being they do the same thing when Roman stops by. "Boyfriend hmm Kaylee?" Marisol winked at me. "No Marisol, just friends." I laughed while clocking out and grabbing my Louis Vuitton bag. "Oh yeah that's right Roman is your man." She smiled. I shook my head and kept on walking. "See you tomorrow." was all I said. "Later boo!" Avant yelled. "Later baby!" I waved at him. Walking up on Legacy, him and Clementine were talking. "The lady of the hour." She teased turning my way. "Don't start Cle and I'll see you at home." I winked at her. Legacy scrunched up his face at us. "What? That's my wife." Clementine joked as we hugged each other. "Gay asses, but you ready?" Legacy asked me. "Yeah come on, later Cle baby." I said. "See you Kay and ya should come pick me up if y'all still are together when I get off." She smiled. I looked over at Legacy with a smile. "Please can we come pick her up?" I begged him. "Please!!" Clementine begged as well. "Aight but ya better not start ya shit." He pointed at us. "We won't!" We both laughed. "Okay get out before I get fired." Clementine joked. We hugged once more before Legacy and I left the store. "Nah ya are really close yo." Legacy chuckled. "That's my baby." I cooed. "That's nice to hear." He spoke sarcastically. "When I really stop talking to you, you're going to miss me so don't get used to this." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "And then what?" He asked. "What?" I smiled looking his way. "I'm saying and then what?" He smirked. "I'm confused, so whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Are you hungry?" He looked down at me. "Between you and Roman, I don't know who's trying to always feed me. Are you guys trying to make me out of shape or something?" I frowned at him. That's there favorite question to ask me when I'm around them and how was my day, but not more than am I hungry. Do I be looking like I'm hungry around them or something ? Cause I clearly just ate two hours ago, I should be fine until later on. But no they insist on stuffing me up. "No but I am trying to see that ass get a little thicker." Legacy smirked. "Been thick, go head with them childish ass words kid." I spun around. He know he see what this body is working with, he better quit playing. Legacy chuckled and shook his head. "So are you hungry?" He asked. "No Legacy, I'm fine thank you." I smiled. "We're not doing this again, you're going to eat with me." Legacy grabbed my hand and started walking into Domino's. There was no line so Legacy got to order his three pizzas and get them within ten minutes. "Come on." He said. So I held the door open for him and we walked back to his car. Getting inside, I put on my seat belt and sat back. "Them shits smell like art." Legacy spoke more to himself. I laughed and shook my head. Fat ass. "Shut up." He chuckled and pulled out of parking.
"Look at you. I thought you weren't hungry?" Legacy teased as I stuffed my face with some pepperoni and sausage pizza. "Isn't the TV right there?" I asked pointing at his TV. "Yeah but I can't concentrate with the constant smacking in my ear. Feel me?" He smirked. I laughed then stuck up my middle finger at him. "It keeps on getting stuck in my braces so I have to suck it out." I said then bust out laughing. I already knew it was coming. That's all Roman and Kaiden do is call me out with their dirty minds. They be like woaaah or pause bro! Last time they even tried to charge me five dollars for saying they sucked something. "Wow! Watch your mouth young lady!" He yelled while we laughed uncontrollably together. "You're so nasty! I wasn't even saying it like that." I playfully slapped his arm. "Mhm yeah whatever I'm going to take your ass to church." He chuckled and grabbed another pizza. "And I'm going to take your ass to school." I said. We stood quiet for a minute before busting out laughing. "Yo you're so corny!" He laughed then took a big bite out of his pizza. "Damnnn Legacy!" I laughed. "What?" He asked with his mouth full of chewed up pizza. "That big ass bite you just took! Like how aren't you choking?!" I laughed. "You gotta watch your mouth yo." He shook his head. I laughed and finished my pizza crust. "Nah you have to get your mind out of the gutter." I said before wiping my mouth. Legacy shrugged and grabbed the two empty boxes. "Calvin greedy ass is going to be mad hype." Legacy chuckled placing a box of pizza on his bed. "I should squish that shit." I rolled my eyes. "Why?" Legacy laughed as he threw away the empty boxes. "His mouth is horrible! You didn't hear him in Denny's?!" I asked. Legacy smirked then shook his head 'no'. "Of course you didn't, but he was like that I missed my spot or some rude shit like that." I said rolling my eyes again. Legacy started laughing as he laid on his bed. "That nigga mind isn't screwed on right, but I'll make sure he apologize to you." He chuckled resting his hands behind his head. "I mean he don't have to because I didn't want no fucking spot from you, hell I don't even want to be your girlfriend. So spots aren't a thing to me." I shrugged but was quickly snatched up by Legacy with the only mug on his face. "Stop saying that shit aight?! Cause its obvious that you want to be something to me." He snapped. I jerked my head back and started smiling. "Does that hurt your feelings?" I smirked. Legacy was still mugging me while I held the only smirk on my face. "Awwwe you want me to be your girlfriend?" I giggled and pinched his cheek. Legacy let me go and laid back down ignoring me. I didn't even mean to make him mad, but can you hate me for telling the truth ? "And after today don't say shit to me either." He spat. I giggled and shrugged. "You feeling yourself Pa, but that's very understanding." I slid off of his bed and put on my Flu Gang twelves. Standing up I fixed my pants and grabbed my leather jacket then put it on. "Where are you going?" Legacy stood up. "Home, you said don't say anything to you know more." I shrugged grabbing my bag and my phone. "I said after today." He said making me laugh. "Same difference my nigga, excuse me." I said now that he was blocking the door. "No you complain and accuse Calvin for having a smart mouth when its you. Like who asked you that if you wanted to be my girlfriend? Nobody my nigga, yet you feel the need to say it. So how am I wrong?" He stared at me. I think this boy was crazier than Roman is and that's beyond crazy. Like he was just kicking me out and now he doesn't want for me to leave. "Um you just told me after today not to speak to you, that's how you're wrong Legacy." I laughed but not a damn thing was funny. "Okaaaay I'm sorry, I was lying." He whined making me laugh some more. "How old are you?". "Twenty." He smirked. "That was a rhetorical question." I muttered while taking a seat on his bed. "So are you staying?" He asked leaning against the door. "Don't talk me." I said untying my sneakers. "Yes." He chuckled and walked over to me. "Now you're mad at me?" He chuckled wrapping his arms around me. But I ignored him and sat back on his bed with my legs crossed. "Stop it Kay." He faked a whine and kissed my cheek. Turning up the TV, he started laughing and kissed my cheek again. "You'll be aight". Rolling my eyes as I smiled, I hated that I could only stay mad at him for but so long. "Do I see those pretty white teeth?" Legacy asked leaning on me. "Didn't I say don't say anything to me?" I laughed looking his way. He shook his head 'no'. "Nah for real for real Kay, why do you always mention that shit?" He stared up at me. "Mention what?" I asked. "That you're not my girlfriend, I mean we're just enjoying each other's company so I'm cool with that." He shrugged. "Just need to make things clear, you be doing boyfriend stuff." I shrugged and he laughed. "Like what?" He licked his lips. "Kissing me, holding my hand, picking me up from work, just now kicking me out then making me stay and always texting me even though you're still under 646." I laughed making him laugh as well. "You're so damn mean." He chuckled and sat up. "And I do whatever I feel like, problem?" He asked mugging me. I giggled and nodded my head 'yes'. "That's why I have to remind you, I can't be having my hoes thinking we're something." I joked. I didn't have any hoes to save my life, I've been stopped talking to Zeus in that way. And that's because that boy have too many girls, I mean you can have your share of fun. But not when you have to only call girls baby or honey just so you won't get their name wrong. Hell no that's when its my turn to back up. His wild ass even tried to call me one of those names, but I curved that pet name so quick you would've thought he asked me to marry him. "What hoes do you have? Roman and Kaiden scared all of them little niggas away." Legacy laughed like that was the funniest thing her heard all day. "Not all of them." I smirked making him suck his teeth. "Okay young lady, slide over." Legacy tapped my thigh. "No you move to the back." I said and moved up some more. So Legacy climbed over me but kept on acting like he was falling with his heavy ass. "If you squish me too death I'm going to kick your ass." I laughed pushing him. He plays too much. "How sis how?" He asked and we started laughing. "Whatever." I giggled. Legacy rested his head on my thigh and started watching the TV again. So I put my phone down and followed his lead.
"Awwwe you guys actually stood with each other all day?!" Clementine cooed as she walked out of Daisy Duke's. "Sadly." I sighed making Legacy mug me. "Best friend can you tell her to leave me alone? She's been messing with me all day." Legacy faked a whine. I sucked my teeth and looked the other way. "He's a cry baby Cle." I mumbled. "Nah she dead got a smart ass mouth Cle." Calvin mimicked me. I forgot to mention that this asshole came home and tagged along with us. Maybe or maybe not, but I think Calvin and Clementine low key are a thing. That's probably the only girl that he talks almost decent to. "And he's just been holding my dick in his mouth as well." I sighed mugging him. "Kaylee!" Clementine yelled making me laugh. "That's not nice and ya better leave my baby alone! Did they bother you all day Boobie?" Clementine pouted my way. I nodded my head with a pout. Clementine raised her bag and whacked both of them in their arms. "Ya better leave her alone, especially you Calvin. Legacy already know what time it is." Clementine threatened them. "Thank you." I smiled then mugged Calvin. "You welcome. Now where we eating at? Cause I'm starving." Clementine asked. "Checkers sounds great." I cooed. "But you never want to eat with me." Legacy looked at me sideways. I laughed and looped my arm with Clementine's. "Can you stop crying?" She asked, taking the words right out of my mouth. "Thank you! Say that again!" I giggled. "Shut up Brace Face." Calvin said and I rolled my eyes. "Don't say anything to me". "Heard the side chick." He chuckled. So I slapped the shit out of him and went to grab his hair, but got snatched up. "Yo why did you do that?" Legacy laughed in my face. "His mouth is ridiculous yo." I said mugging him. "You was about to fuck me up? Little ass." Calvin chuckled. "Alright enough is enough Calvin. What do you have a crush on her?!" Clementine snapped on him. "Exactly always on my dick." I scoffed. "Aye stop talking like that." Legacy shook me softly. "So tell him to leave me alone." I whined. "I got you, just keep quiet aight?" Legacy asked me. "I'll try." I mumbled as he let me go. Throwing his arm around me we began to walk ahead of them. He's lucky I'm not even supposed to be with Legacy or I would've made Kaiden whoop his ass. Roman would just kill him and me for not listening, so I'll just keep this to myself. Legacy looked over at me and chuckled. "Fix your face". "No. I'm mad." I frowned. "Will a kiss fix it?" He asked making me look his way. "You see?" I smiled pointing at him. Always acting like someone's boyfriend. "What?" He smiled. "Nothing." I smiled and looked straight ahead again. "No way Kaylee don't have anything to say?!" Legacy faked a gasp. "Whatever I'm not even going to feed into you." I laughed as we walked into Checker's. I think my heart damn near dropped and raced back up in place seeing Roman standing on the line. So I got from under Legacy and quickly covered Roman's eyes. He was in the back of the line anyways. "Who is that?" Roman asked Shante. "They don't want me to say anything." She giggled. That's right be team me Shante. "I'm guessing you know them." Roman sighed and rubbed my arm. Damn I should've moved back my bracelets. "Is this Kaylee?" He asked. "Ah you got me." I laughed dropping my hands and hugged Roman then hugged Shante. "So you didn't help me out for her?" Roman asked pointing at me. "She's adorable." Shante shrugged ever so cutely. "Hmm who you with?" Roman asked looking behind me. "Me! Hey Roman." Clementine quickly answered as my heart slowed down. "What's up?" He nodded her way. "Lucky lady huh?" Clementine smiled at Shante. "The name is Clementine." She smiled holding her hand out to Shante. "Shante." Shante smiled shaking Clementine's hand. Not even realizing, Roman left us talking while he went to talk to Legacy and Calvin. I hope his big headed ass doesn't open his mouth. "So you girls are roomies?" Shante asked us. "Yeah, she's also my child." Clementine joked wrapping her arms around me. "No! She thinks she's my mom, but I do listen to her." I laughed making them laugh with me. Talking all the way until we got to the cash register, we ordered our food then sat at a table to eat. "What were you guys doing up here?" I smiled at Shante and Roman. "We went and watched a movie since I work there." Shante shrugged smiling. "Yessss free movies on you!" Clementine joked making her laugh. "Just stop by and I got ya." Shante laughed. "No they're going to turn that movie theater into a party, especially this one " Roman said pointing at me. "I am so not a party animal." I laughed. Well okay now I am one, but then again. I'm always getting invited, not inviting. "Let you tell it, you should've seen your little Kaylee dancing Friday night." Clementine teased making us all laugh at her. "How was my little Kaylee dancing?" Roman smirked my way. I laughed and shook my head. "Don't listen to her Ro". "Like a bird." Calvin snickered while Roman laughed with him. "Can you rip his lips off and hand them to me Ro?" I whined. "Why?" Roman laughed, well they all laughed at me. Even Calvin laughed taking me as a joke. "Everything that comes out of his mouth makes my skin burns." I said rolling my eyes. "Leave my best friend alone nigga." Roman said but with a laugh. I was serious though, I didn't want him to say anything to me. Like don't even greet me dumb ass boy. "Bet, but one more thing Kaylee." Calvin smirked. "What?" I asked. "I love you sexy." He snickered and everyone laughed with him again. "Go to hell." I fanned him off before sipping on my banana milkshake. "What are you girls doing after this?" Shante asked Clementine and I. "Going to bed." Clementine frowned. "Catch us on Friday." I joked getting a laugh from her. "Okay cool. Its cause I have zero friends. My roomie is mean as hell and I have class with the upperclassmen and they're just how they sound. Well besides Romie." She cooed and rested her head on his shoulder. "Awwwe how cute?!" Clementine and I both cooed. Roman sucked his teeth trying to hide that smile of his. "Well you now have two new friends." I smiled at her. "Thanks girls, I appreciate it." She smiled at us. "Ya better not have girl time just to talk about me." Roman said making us laugh at him. "Trust you won't be the trending topic." I said making them laugh. "Heard the talk host Wendy Williams." Calvin smirked. I couldn't even lie that was funny. So I laughed and stuck my middle finger up at him. "You just won't shut up huh?" I asked while Clementine slapped my hand down. Calvin shook his head 'no' while smiling. Ignoring him we all got up ready to leave. Saying our goodbyes to Roman and Shante, we walked them to his car then got inside of Legacy's and drove off.
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