《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》New Student



The one on the left is the new student.

Three Weeks Later

There Is a new student a girl she I drop dead gorgeous. I wish I could make her mine but she's new let me hold back for a while Case thought. I went to first hour and my seat next Jonas was taken by the new girl. He was talking to her and she was laughing. I was a little hurt then I went and sat down next to her. Hi I'm Dani she said. I'm Case Walker nice to meet you. So I see you and Jonas have met. Yeah he's really cool. Nice so do you guys want to go to the movies with me and Nathan. Who's Nathan she asked confused. Oh right Jonas said. NATHAN Jonas yelled. I look up to see a very cute boy walking towards us. Is that Nathan I asked. Yes they both said. Wow he's cute I said out loud. They looked at me funny. What I'm not lying am I. They just rolled their eyes. Nathan walked over making me blush. Hi I'm Nathan he said shaking my hand. Hi I'm Dani I said shaking his hand. Nice to meet you we both said at the same time. Well now that we all know each other who wants to go out tonight Jonas asked. That sounds like fun. Count me in Case, Dani, and Nathan all said. Okay see you all at 7:00p.m. Okay see you then. Since we all live by each other we all rode the same bus. We all got off Nathan went next door Case and Jonas went across the street. Then we all yelled see you at 7:00. 6:55 rolled around so I went outside. I wore my favorite jeans with my maroon shirt and baige scarf. I saw Nathan he was wearing a blue shirt and jeans. He was walking over to my house and I said hi. He gave me a hug so I hugged him back. Wonder where were going I said it'll be fun I bet. He reached his hand towards me and........

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