《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》Going Out


He reached his hand out and grabbed my hand. He said I'll hold your hand until we get across the street. Okay I said blushing. We reached the other side of the road and saw Case. Hi Nathan and I said. Hi he replied. Let's go see what's taking Jonas so long. We all walked over to Jonas' house seen him come out. Finally we are all here. Now where are we going Nathan asked. Okay we're going to see a movie then we're going to get something to eat. Okay well what movie are we going to see. Well you have two options Stand By Me or Mean Girls. Well I've seen mean girls so let's try Stand By Me Dani said. Alright after we'll go get pizza. Okay we all said. We all took off walking to the theater Jonas and Case put their arms around my neck then Nathan put his arm around Jonas' neck. I was super happy to have wonderful friends. We finally made it to the theater. 4 tickets to see Stand By Me Jonas said. That'll be all Nathan said. We went in and sat down. The movie started. Jonas and Case sat by my sides and Nathan sat on the opposite side of Jonas.

*The Movie Ends*

That was a sad, funny, weird all at the same time I said. Yes it was weird the part with the leaches Jonas said. Eww that was gross Case said. Omg don't be babies it was only a movie I hope Nathan said. It probably is now let's go get pizza Jonas implied. Okay I'm starving Case said.

*At The Pizza Place*

We all went to the back of the building and were waiting for the waiter to come. when she came to our table she asked what we all wanted. We all said peperoni and a water to go with it. She came back with the pizza it was amazing. well now that we have all eaten lets head home Jonas said. I was walking next to Case then Nathan came up on the other side and said see y'all later. Case and Jonas walked me home. I offered for them to come in and sure enough they came in. I said wait in the living room and i'll be right back. I was going upstairs to grab my phone since i left it home all day. On my way down i saw note from my mom it said



Hi Dani your dad and i are at the hospital if you need anything call and your sister is coming back from L.A tomorrow love you sweetie, Mom.

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