《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》Dani's Sister


I read the letter then fell to the floor crying. Then Jonas and Case came running in the room. What's wrong Dani Case said. Well first off good news or bad news. Let's go with bad news first Jonas said. Well my parents are in the hospital. Oh wow I'm so sorry to here that. No worry I just don't know if they'll make it out this time. Now what's the good news Jonas said. My sister is coming home from LA tomorrow. You have a sister. Well yeah I haven't seen her since she ran away from home when she was 10. Well I can wait to meet her. Well it's getting late you guys can crash here I have a guest room and one of you can sleep in my room. Okay let me text my mom Case and Jonas said at the same time. Okay they said it was okay. I'll sleep in the guest room Jonas said. I'll sleep in your room I guess. Alright if you need anything I'll be down here. Alright see you in the AM Jonas said. *10am*

Case walked downstairs and saw Dani sitting on the couch watching 13 reasons why. Hi he said. Oh hey you can come sit down. Alright he said. So what's up she said. Nothing much I just have a really big question to ask you he said. Spill she said I can listen for hours. Well I was wondering will you go out with me I have had a really big crush on you since I met you. Omg YESSSSS OF COURSE ILL GO OUT WITH YOU she screamed. Yay he said. Then Jonas came down and said what's with all the screaming he said. She said Yes. Nice going bro. Now we might want to head to school. What we have school today. Well of course I'll drive Jonas said. Okay well I'm dresses and I gotta stay home for about another hour waiting for my sister. Okay well see you and school Case and Jonas said. Bye love you Case Dani said. Love you too.


*At School*

I was walking down the hall and I see Dani standing at her locker. I walked over and said Hi. "Hi Dani" Jonas said. She turned around so fast. Hi but I'm not Dani she replied. I'm Danei Dani's sister she told me she'd meet me here instead. Oh well are you girls like twins or something. Yeah I don't know how people get us messed up. Well your both very beautiful and you look the exact same. Well thank you your very cute too Danei said. Thank you Jonas replied. No problem hey wanna be friends. That would be great. Great I'm. making new friends already and it's only my first day. Well tonight me and can hang like to to a movie and get pizza or something. That sound great. See you at 6:30p.m. Bye Danei said. Bye Jonas said.

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