《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》The Hang pt. 1


Dani I made a new friend his name is Jonas and he's really cute. Wow have you met Case and Nathan well no but I'm going out tonight. I'll introduce you to Case and Nathan. CASE, NATHAN Dani yelled then I see two boys appear around the corner and Jonas is with them too. Case Nathan this is my twin sister Danei. Nice to meet they both said at they same time. Nice to meet you too I said. So I take it as you met Jonas already. Yes I have I said Blushing. Alright see you later I said with a wink to Jonas. Dani come here I need to tell you something. Okay bye guys. What was that wink about Danei? What do you mean. I mean why did you wink after you said see you later to Jonas. That's what I need to talk to you about. Okay well what is it. Okay so remember when I told you that I'm going out tonight. Yeah so. Jonas and I are hanging out tonight and I think I like him. Really like for real. Yeah for real. Well then tonight ask him out. Well I just met him. So I had just met Case yesterday we hung out they stayed the night and he asked me out in the morning. Whoa Whoa Whoa what do you mean they stayed the night. I mean I stayed up all night in the living room Jonas took the guest room and Case took my room. Oh okay. Then at 10 am Case came down we talked for a bit then he asked me out. That's cool so where are mom and dad. They're in the hospital and I don't think they're gonna make it this time. Well everything happens for a reason right. Yeah well we gotta head home okay I'm gonna drive my bike. What bike. My electric scooter it's black and teal. That's cool see ya at home sis. Byeeee.


Danei just got home Jonas, Nathan, and Case are all here. She walks in the living and says Hi. Hi Danei didn't know you were here Jonas said. Yeah I just got here she replied. Hey Jonas can I talk to you for a second Danei asked. Yeah sure be back soon guys. Alright don't keep him forever then we'll have to file a missing persons report Case said. I won't PROMISE Danei replied.

So I told my sister something at school today Danei said. Yeah and what did you say Jonas asked. I told her that I had a crush on you Danei replied. Then what did she say Jonas asked surprised. She told me to ask you out. Oh Jonas said happily. So will you go out with me. Omg yes I will go out with you Jonas screamed. YAY Danei yelled. (Is everything okay in there Case said laughing.) We're good Jonas replied. I'm so happy you said yes Danei said with relief. Why wouldn't I, I mean I asked you to hang out tonight I'm just glad you asked before I had to tonight. Wait you were going to ask me out tonight. Yeah at the movies but now I don't have to. True I'm going to go get changed then I'll be back. Okay don't take to long sweetie Jonas said. I won't.

Jonas POV

Danei walked downstairs in a beautiful pink dress with a black jacket and black flats. Danei you look amazing I said to her. Thank you you don't look to bad yourself. Well now that we're all set let's head out. Okay before you two love birds leave I need to speak with Jonas Nathan said.

Jonas I bought this ring for Dani but now that she's with case I don't need it anymore. Okay what do you want me to do with it. Give it to Danei. Okay thanks bro see you later.

Bye y'all Danei and Jonas said. Bye everyone replied. See you all later. Then they walked out of the house got in the car and drove off. Wonder what Jonas has planned for tonight guess we'll have to find out later.

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