《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》The First Day Of School


I was nervous new school new people. What was I supposed to do with no one to talk to. I'll figure it out I can do this case thought to himself. Oh who am I kidding I won't be able to do this. You over thinking this case take a deep breath and here we go. MOM case screamed I'm ready.

I walked into the office and was greeted by Mrs. Johnson. She gave me my schedule and I headed to Math class (1st hour). I walked in and met my Teacher Mrs. Dolan. She sat me next to a kid named Jonas Bridges. Hi he said. Hi I said back. You want to be friends he said to me. Sure it'll be nice not being alone on my first day. Don't worry we'll get along just fine. Cool I said. How old are you he said 12 I'm turning 13 on February 25th. Oh he said. How old are you I said to him 14 I'm turning 15 March 20th he said back. Oh so we're like 2 years apart not that far. Yeah he said so you do want to be friends he said. Yes I was hoping to make new friends today and goal accomplished.

I turned to talk to my friend Nathan and I look back....... There two of you I said to Case. Yeah I'm a twin this is Cole. Jonas meet Cole Cole meet Jonas. Hi they both said. Today is getting weirder and weirder. Case, Cole this is my best friend Nathan Triska. Hi the 3 of them said we all can be friend now they all said. I'm super happy to have friends now I didn't know I would actually make friends Case said to all of us. Well your pretty cool and we like making friends I said to him.


We are back from break and there is a new.......

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