In Serial

Routing in the three-dimensional space

8 171 36
Author: Type:Male

Dear citizen,
Are you dying to know all the secrets of service in our glorious Space Armed Forces?
Have you always wondered, what exactly it takes to become a military astronaut?
Were you curious about the quirks and features of legendary MID-type vessels?
Ever dreamed of uncovering the conspiracy of "Regicide of Vertikal Sector"?
Keen to get behind the veil of secrecy looming on the biggest event of our century, "War for Survival"?

Well, dear citizen.
All your questions, and even some extra, are answered in this book.
The man himself, Commodore Lis von Kai, is going to guide you through events of historical magnitude by the means of his memoirs.
Commodore of the legendary KSV “Raven” at the time, will bring you on a journey from a green space cadet to the Commodore of Space Armed Forces, from an ordinary belowlander to the hero of civilized space!

If you want to follow in the footsteps of the heroes and build your own legend, just visit any K-SAF draft point!

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