《victon imagines》seungsik - wedding day


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Seungsik's POV

Upon entering the store, the door's chimes sounded. "Oh, you're back again! It's been a while," Y/N says, directing her attention to me while she arranged some flowers.

"Yeah, it has been a while. But I'm back on track," I replied. "So what's the event?" She asks, knowing my usual agenda.

"A wedding," I replied, making her look at me in shock. "That's nice to hear! They pay well at weddings, don't they?" She asks. "Not gonna lie, because it's true. It's for a friend too," I said.

"As long as they don't ask for a discount," She says jokingly, making both of us laugh. "So who's this friend of yours?" She asks after wrapping up the arrangement she just finished.

"The bride," I replied. "If that's the case, I have the perfect one! Come with me," She enthusiastically says, making me follow.

"How about this?" She asks, picking up a petite bouquet of a white flower, bounded with a twine ribbon. "It's a magnolia bouquet. It symbolizes purity and nobility. Almost any woman would love these!" She explains, looking at the flowers in awe.

"If you approve of it, then I'll take it," I said, making her smile.


"Congratulations, Jiyoon!" I congratulate her as I offered the bundled flowers. "Wow, thanks Seungsik! These are so pretty," She thanks me as she accepts the flowers.

"I'm so lucky to have an amazing singer for my wedding," She compliments, quite flattering me. "Thanks, don't mention it," I replied with a hint of shyness.

"It's been a while since we met, huh?" She says. "Yeah, you don't say," I said, reminiscing about our days in high school.

"Anyway, are you married yet?" She asks, making me choke on my saliva. "Well, no," I plainly replied, clearing my throat. "Oh! You have a girlfriend," She guesses which still isn't true.

"Uh, no. I'm single," I answered, making the atmosphere silent for a while. "But... you're so handsome and all of that talent! How can you be single?" She asks, complimenting through the lines.

"I'm just... not interested," I replied. "Maybe you should try to be interested," She says. "I don't know, I'll think about it," I answered.


On my way home, I thought about Jiyoon's remarks. My classmates from high school are now either getting married, fulfilling their dreams, and reaching their goals in life.

What about me? A freelance singer performing anywhere for a living. But I do part-time jobs whenever I could, which gives me extra income. With all these thoughts, I gave myself a self-reflection.

Sure I'm living, but I seem too contented. Maybe it's better to hope for more while you can. But where can I start? By this time, I was arguing with myself in my head along my way home.

Sometime after I got home, a close friend of mine calls me. "What's up, Hyeongbin?" I asked as soon as I picked up.

"Oh hey! I heard you live nearby and you work freelance. Do you have any time for a part-time job?" He asks, getting my attention.

"Recently, I'm available. So I don't see why not?" I replied. "What's the job though?" I asked.

"You know my dad runs a restaurant. We recently got a motorbike so we thought of doing deliveries," He explains.

"I'm cool with that. When can I start?" I asked. "You can start tomorrow if you want," He says. "Really? I'm in," I agreed, getting the job with no difficulty.


Not really what I expected, but I guess I can start small. Who knows? This job might give me a better opportunity someday.

I've been doing a fairly decent work here in my new job. In all honesty, it's pretty simple so it would be unlikely to screw up. But I'm not even going to wish for it.

I got to the apartment I was going to deliver to, a plastic bag on one hand and my helmet on the other.

I rang the doorbell and stood there for a while. Not so long after, someone finally answers the door.

"Here's your delivery- Y/N?" I said, noticing the person. "Oh! Seungsik?" She was shocked as well.

"I can't believe we'd meet like this," I said, making her nod in agreement. "Oh anyway, here's what you ordered," I said, handing over the plastic bag.

"Thanks," She thanks and pays. "Keep the change, it's your tip," She says, smiling. "Oh, thanks," I thanked her.

"Oh wait, you aren't at the flower shop?" I asked before she closed the door. "Well, I got sick so someone's taking over my shift. That's why I was so excited when you guys were open for deliveries." She explains.

"Oh, really? You don't look like it. Kidding aside, hope you get well soon!" I said waving my hand. "Aw, thanks," She says and smiles before closing the door.


"Looks like you're feeling well today," I said as I entered the shop. She lifts her head from the counter and spots me.

"I sure do. Thanks to your delivery the other day," She replies, smiling. "Anyway, what brings you here?" She asks, coming to me.

"I just thought of dropping by. I'm free today anyway," I said. "That's thoughtful of you," She compliments, making me smile.

"Come to think of it, we haven't exchanged numbers yet. It's been so long since we've met," She says, making me realize as well.

"Well, I don't see why not," I replied, exchanging each other's numbers. "That reminds me, now I could contact you if I'd ever had a client. I'd mostly have customers going to events," She sparks an idea.

"That's a great idea! I never thought about that," I said. "If you get a lot of requests, you won't have to do your part-time job anymore," She says, raising my interest.

"I like what you're on," I replied.


It's been long since Seungsik and I have gotten closer. Not just on business matters, but socially as well.

Right now, I'm on my way to meet him. He said that recently, he wanted to talk to me. But I'm not quite sure why.

I got to the place he told me to go to. From a distance, I notice him sitting alone on a bench. Even if it's already nighttime, his silhouette is too familiar to me.

"Hey, Seungsik!" I said, waving at him as I approached him. "Oh, you're here," He lifts his head as he notices me.

"What'd you want to talk about?" I asked as I sat beside him. At first, he just stood quietly, but I didn't bother and patiently stood there. Before speaking up, he took a deep breath.

"I don't have anyone to talk to except you," He starts off. "There's something that has been bothering me lately," He continues. "What is it, then? Tell me anything," I replied.

"I've personally known several people for the past years. At some point, I'd get to see them again. They would talk about what's going on with their lives. Most of them were successful, and it made me realize something. At this age, I never actually knew what I want to do with my life. I'm not jealous or anything, I just feel like it's just a sign that I have to do something with my life." He says, unusually in detail.


So unusual, it's as if he knew what I also have in mind. "I don't know if I could give any advice," I replied. Why? Because it was also my problem.

"You don't need to. Just stay beside me," He plainly says, staring into the night sky. With that, I also looked up and admired the stars in the sky.

"My mom once told me to get a decent job one day. When she knew I started working at a flower shop, she was disappointed. But I wasn't, rather satisfied. I always loved studying flowers that my heart desired to be a florist. For the first few years, I was enjoying it. But now that I've thought about my choice, I knew I could do something better than this. It's just that I love my passion so much, I couldn't seem to find a way out of it." I said, still staring into the dark sky.

From the side of my eye, I notice him glance at me. "Really? Never would I have guessed," He says. Out of nowhere, he stands up and walked somewhere. I just looked at him while I sat.

He squatted down and picked up something. He came back to me, his expression was still blank. "I hope we find our own solutions," He says, placing down a purple flower on the palm of my hand. After that, he left without another word.

Hm, a purple lilac?


"Welcome! What are you looking for, sir?" I asked the customer who just came in. "You see, I want to confess to a girl I like," He says.

"I have the perfect one for you! Come this way," I say, exiting the counter to one of the shelves. I reach out to one of the custom-made bouquets.

"Here's a bouquet of purple flowers. It's slightly different from the traditional roses. There's still purple roses and a few lavenders. There are also purple lilacs around it, which symbolizes love," I enthusiastically explain, and he seems quite interested.

"That's perfect! I'm taking it," He replies, making me smile. While we were at the counter, I notice him looking tensed. "Are you okay?" I asked the boy, who looked alarmed.

"I'm worried she might not like me back," He says, making me lose the smile on my face. "Don't say that. Now go get that girl!" I said, handing over the bouquet and uplifting him.

"You're right. It's now or never," He replies, confidently taking the bouquet, excitedly running out. "Oh, thanks too!" He says before exiting the shop. I smiled as I watched him through the glass walls, running until he was gone in the distance.

Since there weren't any customers coming at the time, I decided to go back to the counter and rest for a while. I stared at the small purple lilac Seungsik gave me yesterday.

Would this mean the same meaning I have in mind?

"Hey, Y/N!" My train of thought got disrupted upon hearing my name. Immediately, I looked up to see who it is.

"Oh hey, Seungsik!" I greeted him, covering the flower under a piece of paper as I stood up. "I have great news," He says, reaching the counter.

"Tell me!" I excitedly reply. "I've been getting a lot of clients recently, thanks to you!" He says. "See? I told you it'd help you," I reply.

"Oh, here," He places down an envelope. "What's this?" I asked, looking at it. "A present. But open it later," He replies, smiling.

"Okay then," "What about your other job?" I followed up. "Oh, I quitted that. My friend said he found someone to replace me so it's okay now." He explained.

"That's nice to know," "I have to get going now," He says, pointing outside. "Yeah sure, go ahead," I replied.

"Bye!" He waves before leaving. I wave back as he left off. Before looking into the envelope, I checked if he was gone.

Out of much curiosity, I opened the small white envelope. I took out its content; a cafe gift certificate.

He knows me well.

Upon throwing the envelope in the bin, something fell from it. A purple lilac.

Seungsik's POV

It's almost a year since I've been sending signs. But she doesn't seem to be realizing them, or at least, reacting to them.

I've decided. I guess I should make the move.

"Looks like business is going well," She says, noticing I got in the store. "How can you tell?" I asked teasingly.

"You just look so laid-back that nothing's worrying you," She replies. "Is that so?" I asked, making her nod.

"So do you need my assistance or anything?" She asks. "Not really. I've been here several times," I say, making her smile.

"Feel free to look around, then," She says. I smile back in response. At first, I just looked around. But from the very start, I know what I wanted.

I picked up the bouquet joined with a twine. Smiling, I took it and looked at it. I didn't have any second thoughts before taking it.

I walked up to the counter, Y/N noticing me. "You didn't take so long, didn't you?" She asks, making me smile. "A few weeks ago, a boy got this too. He said he wanted to confess to the girl he likes. I wonder what happened." She says as she was fixing the bouquet's bundle.

"What do the flowers symbolize, then?" I asked. For a while, she looked tense but explained anyway.

"Lavenders symbolize calmness and devotion. There are purple roses, the giver conveys a message that they fell in love at first sight to whoever they'll give it to, like the purple lilacs." She explains, making me nod.

She happily gives the arranged flowers to me after the explanation. "To whom are you giving this to?" She asks, clueless.

"Someone I'm deeply in love with," I reply, making her nod. "Looks like she's lucky. At least you've found someone to be your other half," She says, her face flashing a smile.

"She sure is," I say, smiling. She stretches out her hand, making me take it from her hands. "Where are you headed to?" She asks, more curious than usual. "It's not that far," I reply.

"Good luck," She says, smiling. "Thanks, I'll get going now," I say. I waved upon exiting. I saw her smile and wave at me before I left.


"At least he found someone for him," I say, talking in silence. All this time, I guess I just thought those lilacs had signed. I'm just thankful I didn't show any response to my assumption.

Dusk came, no other person came into the store. Just as these thoughts came up in my head, I heard the door's chime. "Welcome-" I get cut off upon realizing who it is.

"Thank god you're still open," He says, panting. I didn't know how to reply to his sudden appearance. My mind just went blank.

Why would Seungsik be back? He even changed his clothes.

"Oh, you're back?" Was all I could ask. He didn't reply. Instead, he went up to me with a smile on his face.

"Hey uh, what do these flowers symbolize?" He asks as if he never asked it. "You already asked that," I said, coming out from the counter.

"Lavenders, calmness, and devotion. Purple roses and purple lilacs, the giver fell in love first sight to the person they're going to give it." He says, handing out the purple bouquet.

I was frozen in my spot, no idea how to respond. "W-what," I said, looking at the bouquet.

"Haven't you noticed the signs?" He asks, putting down the bouquet to his side. "Was I wrong?" "Wrong about what?" He asks.

"The purple lilac," I replied. "You knew all along," He said. "So what's your answer?" He asks, reaching out to the bouquet once again.

"Well, what can I say? Except yes!" I reply, taking the flowers, hugging him afterward. I was already on my tiptoes but he bent down and hugged back.


The tall doors opened up, revealing the large venue. Looking at the aisle, I had a wide smile on my face. I walked down the aisle alongside my father.

We took our vows and soon, the highlight of the wedding was done. As we looked back, I looked at the venue in awe.

It was beautifully decorated with flowers of choice. And it's no other than lilacs. The majority was purple but we decided to add a touch of the traditional ones.

Even until the reception, the lilacs still made an appearance. Even if it was repetitive, it's what started it all. So, what's there to complain about?

"Hello, miss!" I hear someone say upon entering the shop. I looked up to see who it is. He looks oddly familiar, and it's at the tip of my tongue.

"Do you remember me? Purple bouquet boy?" He asks, sparking up my thoughts. "Oh! I do remember. What brings you here?" I ask.

Before he could reply, someone enters the shop. "Honey!" A high-pitched voice calls out from the doors. We both turn to the direction.

He waves at the girl, the girl approaching him. "So you got her to say yes?" I asked, making the boy nod.

"I guess you're the florist who picked out the bouquet he gave me," The girl insists, making me smile. "Sure, that's me," I say, making the three of us chuckle.

From behind, I felt Seungsik swing his arm across my shoulders. "With that bouquet, I made my girl say yes too," Seungsik confidently says, making me shy.

The other two chuckle at his words, making me laugh as well. "You literally bought it from me," I comment, folding my arms.

"Well, I bought it. It's not like I stole it," He says in defense, folding his arms as well. "Fair point," I give up, all of us laughing throughout the conversation.


while we're at it... wATCH MAYDAY MV FAM :DD (but i bet u already did lmaoo)

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