《victon imagines》chan - my mistake, or yours?


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Chan's POV

"Chan, this has been the third time you left your textbook, you know what that means," The teacher scolds me as I put my head down. I nodded in reply, my head still down. "Sit down, let's meet after class," I nodded and sat down.

I still couldn't get a new textbook and it's been three days since. If only I brought an umbrella that day, my textbook wouldn't have gotten wet. The rain was pouring hard that day that I couldn't use it anymore.

While my head was still slightly down, I noticed something in front of me. I looked up a bit and noticed Y/N passing her textbook to her seatmate from behind. She hurriedly put her hands on her desk as if she did nothing suspicious.

While the teacher was walking around, he noticed something off. "Y/N, where's your textbook?" He asks, putting his hands behind him.

"Sir, I left it," She stands up and replies. "Again? You know this is the third time," He scolds. I noticed her seatmate looking tense, unable to focus on the reading activity. "Yes, I know, sir. I'll be in detention later," She replies, not feeling shy at all.

"Good, you know," He replies and resumed on walking around the room. She sat back down and was laid-back. Unlike me, she was carefree about it. I found it suspicious but I just let it slide.


The door creaked as I slowly swung it open. Yesterday, I was alone so I wasn't in many worries. But this time, I forgot about someone else being here as well.

Y/N was on her phone, both feet resting on another seat. Not very lady-like if you'd ask me. She took her eyes off her phone and looked me as I entered.

Her eyes widened and immediately pushed the seat in front of her and sat up. "Uh, it's okay. Just ignore me," I said and took the nearest seat to me which was right in front.

Like always, I plugged in my earphones and turned on my playlist on shuffle. Sitting back, I just looked around to keep myself distracted. After listening to a few songs, she broke the peaceful atmosphere.

"It isn't like me, right?" I heard her ask. My volume wasn't so loud so I managed to hear her. I paused the song that was recently playing and pulled out the earphones. "What do you mean?" I turned around and asked.

"You know, getting into detention. And this," She says, pointing at her current position, still not taking her eyes off her phone. "I don't mind, why should I judge?" I replied.

She finally puts down her phone and looked at me, quite in shock. "Aren't you surprised I'm acting like this?" She asks, knowing it's different from what I see in the classroom. "No, because you're not like that," I replied, shocking her even more.

"Aren't you tired of acting like the bad person? You always try to save others, what about you?" I asked as she put her head down. "At least you know," She replies.

I stood up and sat beside her. She felt my presence so she shifted her feet off the seat. "You don't belong here. You're innocent," I reply. There was a long moment of silence, it wasn't awkward rather comfortable.

"How about you?" She asks, looking up at me. "My textbook got wet and I haven't bought a new one," I explained. She nods, understanding my side. "Wanna buy one later?" She offers.


"Oh, it's okay! I was about to do it on my way home," I insisted. "Then we can do it together. If you don't mind," She says, making me think about it. "If you say so," I replied, making her smile.


We entered the establishment, the smell of books wafted through the air. Both of us started looking around, not leaving each other. "Is there a search log?" She asks as she looked around. "There," I replied, pointing at the monitor beside a pillar.

We went to it to search for the book. I grabbed the mouse to move the cursor, but just as I was about to do so, her hand laid on mine. Both of us looked at each other, then to the mouse.

"Uh, you can do it," She says, immediately removing her hand which was on top of mine. I just slightly nodded and proceeded to type in the textbook's title. My hands were trembling, causing me to have a lot of typographical errors.

Nevertheless, I typed it and saw the book. I showed it to her and we both went to the section it was found. We were unnecessarily silent the whole time we went to look for it.

I noticed Y/N checking her phone, probably gotten a message. She followed beside me as I looked around. I finally found it and took one of the copies.

Not long after, I paid for it and left. We walked side by side on the sidewalk. Seldomly, our shoulders would get in contact when there are other people coming from the other way. It makes both of us awkward about it. After reaching the end of the block, we parted ways.


I walked into the pub and went to the usual place I'd meet him. "Oh, Y/N. You're here," Seungwoo says, looking as I went to him.

"I kinda got late, sorry," I apologized, placing down my things. "It's fine," He replies. "So what happened today?" I asked him.

His cheery expression changed to downcast. Just by reading his expression, I knew what it meant. "Did you break up with your girlfriend?" I asked. He started sobbing and just nodded.

He picked up the bottle of beer, about to pour a shot but I snatched it from him. I poured him the drink instead, him drinking the shot in one go.

I just watched him as he let out his sorrows. "So did she dump you?" I asked. He wiped away the trail of tears before answering. "I did," His reply shocked me a bit.

"Then why are you sad? Do you regret it?" I question. He shook his head in disagreement. I was waiting for an answer while he cleared his thoughts.

"You know, you can't really change your feelings. And I didn't know why but my love for her just died down," He explains, no sign of cheering up. I nodded and understood his side.

"We've been friends for so long, eventually being lovers. And now that we broke up, not only did I lose her as a lover, I also lost her as a friend," With that, tears started rolling down once again.

I poured him a shot once again, pouring one for me too. Raising my glass, I signal him to clink our glasses. He receives the signal and clinked our glasses, drinking our shots together.

After a while, we decided to leave. It's been a weekly thing for us to go to the pub. Sometimes nothing really happens and we just go here for no reason. That's why we're used to drinking as well.


Seungwoo did quite have a lot of shots but he said he can manage. He didn't want to burden me if I helped him go home. Upon reaching the exit, I met someone unexpectedly.

"Chan? What are you doing here?" I asked him as he looked alarmed. "Uh, I was gonna grab a drink, why?" He answers and I nodded. "Really? I never thought of you being the type to drink," I said.

"Was that a compliment?" He asks, making me shake my head in disagreement. "It's up to you. But never mind, I shouldn't judge a book by its cover," I said.

"Oh, I saw you with your boyfriend. You guys look cute together," He remarks, making me chuckle a bit. His face filled with confusion because of my actions.

"Silly, he isn't my boyfriend. He's just my friend," I explained, making him nod, nervous laughter coming out of his mouth. "Oh, sorry. I assumed too immediately," He said, slightly covering his mouth due to his mistake.

"I have to go now," I told him, pulling up my backpack's strap. "Oh, okay. Get home safely," He says. "Bye, you too," I reply before I left off.

As I walked, I heard his footsteps disappear in the distance. From what I remember, he said he was going to get a drink. But he went on a different route. I shrug, assuming he forgot or just changed his mind.


"Hey uh, I still don't have my book. Can I-" "No," I replied, leaving her speechless. "I've helped you enough so don't ask for more," I replied, making her stay back.

I was slightly scared since she might get mad at me or something. And also, I'm not the type to be cold. But thankfully, she just sat back and didn't ask further.

Someone taps on my shoulder, making me look back. Chan looks at me with a smile, both thumbs up. I just smiled and faced in front again.

Later on during class, my seatmate got a verbal warning for not having a book. I didn't say a word, and neither did she. And that alone made me relieved. Since she might tell a lie and frame me for it to get revenge.

She looks like it, but who am I to assume?

"Look who finally brought their textbook. Good job," Our teacher says, patting Chan's shoulder. I smiled at him and he smiles back.

That warmed my heart.

After the class hours passed by, it was finally lunch. Before exiting the room, Chan gave me another thumbs up with the matching smile. I chuckled at his expression and just waved at him as he went with his friends.

"Who's that guy? A new partner in crime?" Heejin asks me with a smirk across her face. "What do you mean?" I said, trying my best not to scream at her.

"You know... that," She says, copying what Chan did just a few seconds ago. "Stop! That's cringy!" I said, playfully hitting her.

"So why didn't you cringe when he did it? You even smiled!" She says, making me hit her harder. "Tell me when you guys become a thing!" She says, jokingly (I hope).

"Just stop! I'm hungry," I change the topic, walking away. "Okay I'll stop, I'm hungry too," She says from behind, following me.


Chan's POV

"Hey uh, can you hold my phone for a while?" Y/N asks, making me look up at her. "Yeah, sure," I replied, taking her phone. "Thanks," She thanks, running back to the group project.

While they were filming, I got curious and turned on her phone. I noticed she doesn't have a phone lock so I decided to play with it. I opened her gallery and set one of her memes as her lock screen.

I giggled at it before turning it off again. After her part in the filming, she went back to retrieve her phone. I gave it back, holding back my laughter. She opens her phone and her expression was unreadable.

"Did you change my lock screen?" She asks, showing it to me. "Huh, what? No," I reply, acting innocent. "Don't lie, you're the only one who held my phone," She judges, not taking her eyes off mine.

I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore and blurted out a series of laughter. She playfully slaps my shoulder, making me stop laughing.

Because of this, it became a habit of mine. Whenever I'd have the chance to hold her phone, I'd jokingly do it.

She was probably annoyed by this so she finally put a lock on her phone. With that, I halted my acts, knowing she might lose it one day.

It's been a while since I stopped doing this. Both of our friend groups got together in a cafe since we met by chance. So we thought of sitting altogether, and both groups seem to get along.

Y/N stood up to help get the orders and out of curiosity, I wanted to check her phone. I took it, which was laying on her seat beside me.

When I clicked the power, the lock screen flashes. And I did not expect what it contained. For a while, I spaced out thinking about her lock screen.

"Here they are!" I heard her say from the distance. Speedily, I put down her phone at its original position and looked up.

Why would she use the picture of the two of us? The only picture we took together.

With that, an idea sparked in my mind.

2 months later...


"Why don't you confess to him?" Heejin suddenly asks, making me throw a pillow at her. "Don't you like him?" She asks, pulling the sheets nearer to her.

"What do you mean-" "Stop denying it. I've known you for so long and you can't hide that from me," She says. And I know, she's right.

"Fine, you caught me," I replied, putting both of my hands in the air as a sign of surrender. "There you go!" She says.

"But why should I do it? Isn't he supposed to be the one doing it?" I asked. "Stop being so stereotypical! Yeah, sure the boys should do it but what if he makes a move only when your feelings already died down for him?" She asks, making me feel challenged.

"Maybe you're right," I replied. "That's the spirit! Emotionally and mentally prepare yourself. I'll take care of the rest," She says, determined.

"Wait, are you telling me we're doing this immediately?" I asked, quite shocked. "Well, yeah. You agreed to it," She says.

"Fine. I'll just get this over with," I said.


After a few talks with Heejin at her place, I went to the pub where I'd occassionally meet Seungwoo. And to my surprise, he wasn't there yet.

I sat at our usual place and ordered the usual things we would get. He was taking longer than usual, knowing I already had a few shots of beer. So I decided to contact him.

After a few rings, he picked up. "Where are you? I've been here for a while," I said. Silence filled the other line, making me frightened for a while.

"Hello?" I asked again. "H-help me," I hear him say in a slight whispering voice. "Seungwoo?! Where are you?" I asked, standing up.

"At h-home," He breathily replies before ending the call. Without second thoughts, I ran out the pub.

Chan's POV

When I got there, I noticed something off. Y/N was on her phone while she stood. Her expression was quite alarming. In a split second, she ran out of the place.

I wanted to catch up but it looked important. My hand which held the bouquet of flowers now fell to my side.

I guess this isn't the right time..


Sweat filled my face as I reached Seungwoo's place. Thankfully, his door was unlocked so I didn't have much difficulty getting in.

As soon as I reached the living room, his pale body was on the floor with his phone still on his opened hand.

I bent down and looked at him. "What happened?" I asked, shaking his weak body. His mouth was moving, but he couldn't produce a sound.

Not so long after, he passed out. My entire body was shaking but despite that, I immediately called 119.

While I waited, I had no idea what to do. It's not like I was a doctor. And I'm not even thinking of doing CPR. I looked around and noticed a spilled pill container. I sighed, disappointed at his choice of actions.

Because of that, tears started rolling down my cheeks. I had no other thoughts but his well-being. I just remained there by his side until the ambulance finally came.


"I've heard about what happened to Seungwoo. Is he okay?" Heejin asks as we walked along the hallway.

"He's fine. I took him to the hospital and his friend, Seungsik, looked over him for me," I explained and she nodded.

"What'd he do anyway?" She asks. "Let's just say he had a lot of something he wasn't supposed to," I replied, not wanting to give out the entire context. "Whatever you say,"

"Anyway, are you ready?" Heejin asks. "Yeah," I said, determined. "Guess what I got!" She says, making me look at the item.

She pulls out a heart-shaped box of chocolates and offered it to me. "Don't disappoint me, okay?" "Yeah, sure," I replied.


The school grounds at this hour was empty, which was perfect. Because no other person would see me get rejected. Well, I hope I don't.

I removed all the negative thoughts on my mind and focused. Soon later, he arrived, making me wave at him at the distance. He notices me and waves back.

Every step he takes makes my heart beat faster. When I planned about this, I was so relaxed about it.

It was probably easier said than done.

"What did you want to tell me?" He asks. My hands were fiddling while I held the heart-shaped box behind me. His head tilted at my tensed figure.

"Because I also wanted to tell you something," He says, making me look up at his eyes. "You can go first," I said, knowing if I said what I wanted to say first, he might not get to say whatever he wants to tell me.

"You go first, you were the one who called me here," He says, making me quite down. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I should," I replied, giving a long silence.

"So, it's been a while since I wanted to tell you this," I started off. "I," I took out the box from behind and showed it to him. He seemed surprised, which got me off for a while. But I couldn't stop now.

"I like you," I said, looking up at him. He smiles and starts laughing, making me frozen in my spot.

Was he laughing at me? I might be looking miserable right now.

"Sorry," He says, clearing his throat. "I was actually gonna..." He says, taking out a bouquet of flowers from behind him.

"Looks like we wanted to say the same thing," He says smiling. I was having mixed feelings at the moment that I had no idea what to do.

Without thinking much, I hugged him, burying my head in his stomach. I felt him hug back, patting my head.

"We have a new couple!" I heard someone shout from behind. Both of us looked at the second floor's terrace, Heejin cheering for us. We chuckle at her, Chan pulling me nearer to him.


"Have you ever tried drinking before?" I asked Heejin while we were on the way to the pub. "I did, but not so often. Only on special occassions," She says. I nodded in response.

We got in, and noticed Seungwoo looking at us. "Looks like you brought a friend," Seungwoo says, looking at us.

"She said she wanted to come with me. Is it okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure," He agrees. Both of us sat down, Heejin looking awkward.

"Don't worry, I'm bringing a friend too," He says, shocking me. "Wait, really?" I asked, making him nod in response. "Oh! There he is," He says, making both of us look at the door.

No way.

Seungwoo waves, making his friend notice us. "You're here?" Chan asks, pointing at me. "You know her?" Seungwoo asks.

"What do you mean I know her? She's my girlfriend!" Chan blurts out of nowhere. All of us were frozen, even the barista looked. "Why didn't either of you tell me?" Seungwoo asks, looking at the both of us.

"Well, you were fresh from a break up so..." I said, putting my hand behind my neck. "Wow, what a small world," Heejin comments, making us laugh.

"Anyway, the love birds can sit together," Heejin says, standing up to offer her seat beside me. "You didn't have to," Chan says, but sat anyway.

Heejin takes the seat beside Seungwoo and seemed fine with it. "Hey Seungwoo, you're single right now, right?" Chan asks, making us look at him.

"Yeah, why?" He asks. At this point, I knew what he meant. "Hey Heejin, you're single, right?" I asked a similar question to her.

"Yeah- hold on," She stops as she looked at us with a suspicious look on her face. Heejin and Seungwoo looks at each other at the same time and back at us.

"No!" Both of them say in unison. "Looks like you're saying the opposite of what you want to say," Chan says, putting a smirk on his face.

"You know what, let's just order," Heejin says before we could say anything else. Chan and I just laughed it off and continued.


this kinda took a while,, i had to finish my final output for school but my schedule is cleared now! also can't wait for the comeback!!! i miss them hhhhh

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