《victon imagines》seungsik - faux pas



Seungsik's POV

"I'm surprised you have time to hang out with me today," Chan says. "Why? Is there anything wrong with hanging out with you?" I asked.

"You know Y/N. She's eager to have you by her side," He replied. "Oh, she's with her friend today, so I found time to visit you at least," I said, and he nodded.

"Aren't you thinking of proposing to her? You've been dating for five solid years already." He asks all of a sudden. "I don't know, it never crossed my mind," I answered, making him shocked.

"What kind of boyfriend are you? I'm single but like honestly though, how did you never think of doing that anytime soon?" He asks. "I think I should," I replied.


Like what Chan said, I've decided to keep my word. I looked at the ring in its case and looked at it in awe. As much as I'm impatient to give it, It's also nerve-wracking.

I kept it for now and walked through the empty streets. Y/N and I agreed to meet at the 24/7 supermarket.

As much it sounds odd to propose after midnight shopping, she would appreciate it. She enjoys the simple things and that's what I love about her.

I smiled at all the thoughts in my head, making me ecstatic while I was walking. I got to the entrance and went in.

Not long after I got in, she arrived whilst I was waiting near the rows of carts. "Have you been waiting long?" She asks and I shook my head.

"Why are we here at an hour like this though?" She questions. "You said you always wanted to go midnight shopping with me," I told her with a smile.

She smiles at me widely, showing the excitement in her expression. I took a large cart and went off, Y/N following beside me.

"Why'd you get the bigger cart?" She asks again. "Get anything you want, I'm paying," Her eyes widened in excitement. She didn't ask anymore and started running around like a child.

It didn't matter since there weren't many people at near midnight. And the only staffs there were probably the cashier and guards.

Expectedly, she took her most favorite snacks, beverages, and everything else. Of course, I took a few things for me as well.

"Hold up, is anyone here?" She halts me when we got on the long path beside the isles. "No, why?" I answered in confusion.

Without warning, she got in the cart. I was alarmed and helped her in. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She turns around and looks at me.

"Nothing," With all my energy, I pushed the cart as Y/N rode. I was kind of worried that the items might break or something considering that she was sitting on them. But I didn't mind and continued.

We reached the end and I breathed heavily. "Again!" She screams happily. "Hold on," I replied in between breaths.

"I'm just kidding," She says which made me laugh. "Round two?" Without even waiting for her answer, I immediately turned the cart around.

"Did you hear that?" She suddenly asks. I abruptly slowed down. "Heard what?" I looked around.

"It was like a metal- nevermind," She replies and I shrugged it off as well. I continued to push the cart until we got back to where we were.

"That was fun," She says and got off the cart. "You can rest, I'll push the cart," She says, taking the cart. I smiled at her and walked alongside her.


While we walked around the place and talked a bit. During our conversation, I wanted to check on the ring again to be sure.

Whilst trying to find it, I started panicking after I couldn't find it. She noticed I was acting weirdly.

"What's wrong? Did you lose something?" She asks, looking at me. I didn't want her to know, of course, so I had to make up an excuse.

"I found it! I couldn't find my phone a while ago," I lied, following a shaky laugh. She just nodded and continued taking a few things from the isle.

I tried remaining calm on the outside but I was mentally panicking and had no solution at the moment.

I wasn't regretful about losing the ring for the sole reason that it cost me quite a lot. But I was more regretful about not carrying out my plan like how I wanted it to.

We reached the checkout counter, and that still clouded my mind. Since she bought a lot of things, it might take a while. So I excused myself and told her I was going to get something.

I hurriedly ran around the place, eager enough to find for it. I would be catching lightning in a bottle if I get to find such a small item in a huge place.

I thought I've been running around for too long so she might suspect something. So I just went back, empty-handed.

"Didn't you get anything?" She asks. "They don't have it here," I replied, getting into the act. She just nodded and went back to what she was doing.


"You lost it?!" Chan asks in shock. "I have no idea, it just magically disappeared," I sarcastically said. He just sighed with a thoughtless expression.

"Did you do anything not so typical? Something causing the loss of the ring." He asks. It made me think, of course, there was something.

When I thought of it, I scratched my head, shy about telling it to him. "Well, Y/N got on the shopping cart and asked me to drag her around with it," I explained, making him chuckle.

"That's kind of cute though. But losing the ring isn't cute," He replies, earning a small laugh from me. "Hold on, that's probably it! It might've flown out your bag while you were pushing the cart." He guesses.

"Should I go and check there again?" I suggested. "I think we should," He agreed and we went back there together.

"Now that we're back at the crime scene, retrace your steps," He orders. "Yes sir," I sarcastically replied while we walked.

We got to the long path alongside the aisles. I explained to him every single detail that we did on that path.

"So first, we started here," I pointed at the area in front of the first aisle. "Then, I pushed the cart until... here," I fast-walked until the end while he followed right behind me.

"After this, she told me to do it again, so I turned quickly-" "Here?" He asks. I nodded in reply. He started to inspect the area.

"Oh, I remember! She said she heard a metal sound when we turned around." I said, slowly getting a spark in my thoughts.

"That must've been it!" He says, looking around more. "No shit sherlock, let's start looking around, then," I said and helped him out in finding.

"Seungsik?" I heard a familiar voice call me. Chan and I turned around and saw Y/N with her friend.


"Oh, hey! Why are you here?" I asked her, trying not to sound suspicious. "I found this place interesting after we went here last time, so I thought of bringing my friend here with me as well!" She enthusiastically answers.

"How about you guys?" She asks. "We're finding ingredients for a dinner gathering tonight! My parents are going to visit me. Seungsik offered a helping hand and even introduced me to this place too." Chan saves me, making up a story.

"That's cool, good luck then," She replies and went off with her friend. "Phew, that was close. Thanks too," I high-fived him.

We continued searching but still found nothing. "Someone probably already took it. We've been looking for a while now," He says.

"You're right. I'll just buy a new one. So much for my wallet." I said, dishearted. "Don't worry, I'll help you buy a new one," He says.

"Really?!" I asked, quite shocked. He enthusiastically nodded, making me hug him. "Uh, you can let go now," He says, getting awkward. "Oh, sorry," I apologized.


I heard the door unlock and looked. "Oh, you're home!" I said to Y/N, excitedly running up to her and pecked her cheek. "You didn't tell me you're dropping by. I almost had a heart attack." She sarcastically says, making me laugh.

"Looks like you took long," I said, looking at the bags of groceries she was holding. "Yeah, my friend got a raise so she thought of treating me," She says while I helped her out carrying the other bags.

"You're getting lucky these days," I replied, making her agree. "Oh! look what I found at the supermarket a while ago!" She suddenly shows her hand in front of my face.

Wait, it can't be. I can't be mistaken.

"Don't tell anyone I stole it, I couldn't take my eyes off it. It's just so pretty!" She compliments the ring. "It is pretty!" I replied, getting into the act.

At least now I know that she likes it.

"I won't tell anyone. Where'd you get it though?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. "Oh, I was picking out bread and found it below the shelf." She says while she unpacked the groceries she bought.

"Can I go to the bathroom for a while?" I asked for permission. "Yeah, go ahead," She replies.

As soon as I got in, I dialed Chan to tell him about all the news. "Oh hey, what's up?" He greets from the other side of the line.

"You won't believe what I just found out," I said, slightly whispering so she couldn't hear. "What is it? Your tone is making me uneasy." He replies.

"So we were trying to find the proposal ring I lost a while ago, right?" "Uh-huh,"

"When Y/N got home, she showed me a ring that she found at the same supermarket," I explained further. "No way, are you kidding me?" He replied, not believing my words.

"So you're saying that the ring she found was the one you lost?" He asked, still unsure. "Exactly," I said, earning a gasp from the latter.

"So what do you think should I do?" I asked him. "Looks like you always ask advice from me now. Do I look like an advice machine to you?" He jokingly asks.

"Maybe?" I replied, making him chuckle. "Hmm... My advice is simple. When she's sleeping, or in the shower, take the ring. And when she asks where it is, propose to her and explain. And that's it!" He explains.

"Easier said than done. But I'll try," I replied. "Good luck then, I'm rooting for you!" He cheers. We said our goodbyes and ended the call.

I went out and spotted her, still unpacking the groceries. It will take her quite a while to unpack all those, so I decided to help her out.

After minutes of arranging, we were finally done. "Thanks. If I did that alone, it would probably take me an hour or so." She says.

"No problem," I replied and smiled. "Anyway, I'm exhausted. I'll go take a shower first." She excuses herself.

This is it. I can take this chance.

"Oh wait, it's getting late. Aren't you going yet?" She turns around. "Have you eaten yet? I can make dinner for you." I offered.

"Can't say no to that!" She replies, making me smile. With a few things that she bought today, I made a simple meal that I'd know she'd like.

I decided to make stir-fried pork with noodles. I couldn't do much so this is what got to my mind. And it wouldn't take too long to make.

While I let the water boil for the noodles, I didn't forget about the plan. I went up the stairs, just in time.

"Oh, hey. Do you need anything?" Y/N asks as she was about to get in the bathroom. While she had her towel in her hand, I notice the ring still on her.

"Do you have soy sauce?" I randomly asked, trying my best to not be awkward. "Uh, yeah. It's at the shelf above the sink." She answers and I just nodded.

"Aren't you going to remove the ring? The color might wear off." I asked. "It's fine, I'll just take it off before I shower," She says and went in.

I just sighed and went back to the kitchen. The water was already boiling so I started cooking the noodles.

It looks like she fell in love with the ring too.


"That looks delicious," She compliments as she went down the stairs. "Thanks," I thanked her and smiled.

She sat across me and ate a spoonful. "As always, the quality doesn't falter," She compliments, making me smile widely.

"Aren't you going to have some?" She asks. "I'm fine, I already ate," I politely declined. "If you say so," She replies, enjoying the meal.

"Aren't you going yet?" She asks, standing up after she finished eating. "I guess I should," I replied, knowing she always worries about me.

"I'll get going then," I said and stood up. Before I went out, I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and said goodbye.


While I washed the dishes, I heard him leave when the door shut close. I sighed for no reason that even I don't know why. I thought about why, but something else crossed my mind.

I looked at the ring while I was rinsing one of the plates. It made me think,

When will he propose to me?

It's been five years since we started dating. And I personally think it's been a time long enough. It's not that I'm mad about him not proposing yet, I just felt like it was the right time.

Seungsik's POV

As soon as I left her place, I immediately contacted Chan to inform him about a few things.

"Oh hey, what's up?" Chan picks up. "I don't think she's going to let go of the ring easily," I informed, making clear sense to him.

"At this point, I don't know if I could have any advice," He replies. "Oh, actually it's fine. Thanks anyway," I said, ending the call before he could say anything.

A sudden thought came to mind. I've always been asking Chan for help everytime I have an issue. Even if this thought was so sudden, it's practical to think about.

We've been helping out each other and it's not like I take him for granted. It just feels wrong to ask help from someone who had nothing to do with the situation. I started this problem so I'll have to solve it on my own.


"Surprise!" I cheered as I switched the lights on. Her face's emotion switched from stressed to mesmerized. Her eyes lit up as she looked at the couch piled up with pillows and blankets.

"Did you plan this?" She curiously asks. "Not really," I replied truthfully. "You texted me earlier that you were tired today, and I know by this time you'd be on your way home. So I thought of this to you know, cheer you up." I said, slightly shy in my tone.

There was complete silence for a good few seconds. After that, she hugged me and whispered; "This is why I love you," before jumping onto the couch. I joined her and sat beside her.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, changing the topic. "I was, but your love for me made me full!" She enthusiastically jokes, pulling me into a hug again. I'm satisfied that she hasn't changed over the years.

She has always been the Y/N I knew from the start. Caring, loving, and understanding. She likes the simple and enjoys the little things. Also to mention her childishness, which isn't bad at all yet something I love.

"So what are you planning with these?" She asks as she wraps herself in one of the blankets. "I don't know, I never really thought about it," I replied, scratching the back of my neck. "Wanna watch a movie?" She suggests, making me nod.


It's probably been an hour already and I was getting deep into the storyline of the movie. We just randomly went to a movie channel and found an interesting one. But I didn't think I'd get so emotional about it.

After some time, I noticed Y/N fast asleep on my lap. Both of us were under the sheets, our heads covered. I smiled at her and scanned her features for a while. My gaze averted to her hand, specifically on the ring.

This was it, I didn't want to waste this chance. I cautiously bent forward to her hand freely hanging off the couch. I managed to slip it off her finger without waking her up. For the meantime, I kept it in my pocket.

I looked back at the screen and noticed the credits were already rolling. I leaned back and stretched my arms, causing the blanket to fall off from my head. She probably felt this, and slowly sat up.


I opened my eyes, seeing the television screen flashing the credits. I soon realized I slept while watching the movie. I sat up from my previous position and rubbed my eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" Seungsik asks. "Sorry, I guess I got really tired today," I apologized. "I understand, why don't you wash up and go to bed now?" He suggests, making me nod.

When I stood up, I felt like something was missing. I looked around myself, noticing the ring on my finger was now gone. "Have you seen my ring?" I asked him as I started looking around the couch.

"No, why?" He asks while I was looking around. "I think it fell when I was asleep," I replied. "I'll help you find it," He answered and started looking around as well. "Oh!" I heard him say while he was searching behind the coffee table.

"Did you find it?" I asked, looking up from behind the couch. He nodded, making me rush to him. Before I could retrieve it, he extends his arm in the air while he held the ring. I was trying to reach it, but I was too short.

"Hey, stop it! Just give it," I said in an annoyed tone. "Get it, then," He said and started running around the house. I chased him around from the living room to the kitchen.

"Wait," He said as he stopped on his tracks. Instantly, I stopped too and wondered what was on his mind. "Hm?" I hummed. Slowly, he turned around and looked at me in the eyes.

He bent down on one knee, not removing his gaze from me. "Will you marry me?" He asks, making me smile at him. "You're joking, right? That's literally my ring, why would you-" "It's not," He answers, making me look in confusion.

"Remember when we went midnight shopping? That was the day I was supposed to propose to you. I happened to lose the ring in the store. When you went out with your friend the next day, you found Chan and I as well. We were searching for the ring that time, but we didn't get to. Little did I know that out of everyone who goes to that store, it's you who found it." He elaborates, making me think about it.

"Are you sure you didn't make that up?" I reassured, making him shake his head. At first, I looked at him as if I wasn't trusting him, but I immediately changed my expression to a huge smile.

I noticed he was worried when I looked dead serious. Even his expressions made me chuckle. "If it's true, why would I say no?" "Yes, of course!" I replied, stretching out my hand to him.

He happily slid the ring onto my finger and stood up. He hugged me tightly, making me hug back. "I still can't believe you went through that much. And how I found this by chance," I said, looking at the ring.

"So you believe me?" He asks as we pilled away. "Do you want me to not believe it, then?" I teasingly asked. He shook his head and pecked a kiss on my lip, making my eyes widen at how sudden his action was. He just laughs, making me laugh as well.


hi so um i asked a question and i took ur answers in consideration. i decided to keep writing the typical imagines (long ones)

maybe i would make short imagines but not so often as the long ones.

anyway tysm for ur opinions everyonee!! stay healthy wuv u all ♡

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