《victon imagines》seungwoo - cloak-and-dagger


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• genre: mafia au

• 4974 words

• published: 07/08/20

• warning: slight use of profanity + killing: homicide


Seungwoo's POV

From my black leather office chair, I sat as I looked at the wide city beneath me. Just as I had peace on my own, I heard a knock on the door.

Turning around, I face the door. "Let them in," I told the subordinate. He nods, following the order as said. He opens the doors, revealing my trusted supervisor, Sejun.

"Any reports for the month?" I already had him before he could answer with his agenda. "Boss, there has been an issue with one of our debtors. But the other transactions have gotten through," He reports.

"Who is it?" "Lee Chansol," He answers, the name unsurprisingly familiar. "Owner of the nightclub downtown?" I asked, making the latter nod.

"Not surprising at all," I comment, looking down at the ground. "Have you sent our people there?" I questioned. "Yes, sir. Although I haven't received any update on their task at the moment," He replies.

"Please do tell me when you receive an update. For now, good job," I said, looking up at him. "Thank you, sir," He bows and leaves.

Chansol's POV

From inside, I notice familiar faces crowding outside. Han Seungwoo thinks he could approach me like this, but this time, I came prepared.

I couldn't lie to his face and make-up excuses. Additionally, the nightclub hasn't been getting enough funds so I couldn't pay the debt. It's not like I could pull out money from anywhere at the moment.

My bodyguards were recently conversing with the people. Out of nowhere, one of my bodyguards threw a punch to one of the people. And soon, a fight arose.

I folded my arms and observed the chaos happening. In the middle of the fight, the latter group scurried away.

It looks like I've won this time. But I know he's coming back for me. And surely, I'm ready for it.

Seungwoo's POV

Dawn came, awaiting a heads up on the issue. As if on cue, I hear eager knocking at the door. "Open it," I order, folding my arms as I crossed my legs.

"Boss, it looks like he was prepared," Sejun appears in front of me once again. "What do you mean?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"He had his people gang up on ours earlier. Two were hospitalized and the rest have minor injuries," He explains. By his words, I balled up my fist until my knuckles turned white.

"We're not backing down this easily,"


I walked alongside my subordinates into the foul place. The smell of alcohol permeating the area and loud music booming through loudspeakers. The surrounding was noisy yet it looked empty for a nightclub.

One of my men approached a staff to look for the owner, then we were escorted to a nearby couch. Not long after, the man we've been looking for has appeared.

"Mr. Han, what brings you here?" He asks, acting as if nothing has happened. "How about we talk about our matters in a more secluded place?" I ask, blending in with his enthusiasm with a pairing smile.

"Well, of course. Follow me," He says, smiling as he tilted to the other side. We all stood up, following behind him as we reached a more private room. My men sat at my side while Chasol on the opposite.

"Don't play dumb, you know your fault," I say, speaking up first. "Why would I? Of course, I know. The business hasn't been well so I had to find other methods." He explains, his tone; sickening.


"You know I'd come for you, but you fought back. By now, you know the consequences, right?" I ask, a hint of fright showing on his expression. Two of my men took out their pistols, now threatening the man even more.

"Please, don't! I really have nothing right now. I'll do anything, just spare my life!" He says, both hands in the air.

"Anything, huh?" I ask, scaring him even more. "You're a man of your words. But I'll give you until tomorrow afternoon. If there's still nothing, I won't act so kindly," I threaten, standing up as my subordinates follow.

"Thank you so much!" I hear him from behind as we exit the room. "Boss, why did you spare him?" Sejun asks, knowing my decision is unusual.

"I know he couldn't make it tomorrow, not even a month. It would take a miracle for him to do so. And as desired, we'll play dirty if he doesn't." I say, explaining as we walked out.

the next day...

"Any update?" I ask Sejun as I slouched, crossing my legs. "Not yet, sir," He replies. "I won't be expecting him to do so anyway," I say folding my arms.

"How long until six?" I ask him, making him glance at his watch. "Two minutes, sir,"

In that short span of time, nothing went through as we expected. "Still nothing?" I ask, Sejun nodding in reply.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get down to business," I say, standing up as he follows from behind.


Upon reaching the entrance of the place, people were slowly filling up the place. Without hesitation, my men and I enter the place. Some of them forcibly pushing away the bouncers in the process.

As soon as we got in, I shot a warning shot in the ceiling with one of my double uzis. The loud music stopped and people froze in their spots. At the end of the area, I noticed a familiar face pop out.

My attention immediately directed to Chansol, stopping him at his tracks. He attempted to step forward, but I pointed my gun at him and shot somewhere near him. As soon as I did, his expression changed from frightened to a wide smile. Soon, several armed men rushed in whom I assume are his people.

He could've just prepared his payment instead of this lame idea.

People started rushing out of the club, screaming. They all left until our men were the only ones left in the place. "Looks like you prepared something else rather than the payment," I say, eyeing him boldly.

"Obviously," He plainly answers, raging me slightly. "Enough talking. You want me to pay?" Chansol asks, pointing his pistol at me.

From the side of my sight, I notice my men point their guns at the man. "Looks like a new payment method-" He pulls the trigger without warning, missing me only by a few inches.

Because of his shot, the two sides started spamming shots. I kick down one of the tables and took cover. Coming out occasionally and firing at the latter group. The place filled with bullets firing and seldom reloading of magazines.

In just a short span of time, there were men on the floor, but I'd care less. Then I noticed he was far more prepared than me. I got furious, dropping my recent weapon and picking up a submachine gun.

I come out from hiding and pulled the trigger non-stop, making sure not to miss my target. Then, I got shot in the arm, resulting in dropping the weapon.


Even earlier, I got shot multiple times but not as severe as the one on my arm. By this time, I couldn't seem to go on, and neither do my men. Without anyone noticing, I flee from the building, holding onto the area where I got shot. Soon, my men followed as we got into the van.

Looking around, only some of them were conscious while the majority were down. I sighed, thinking,

I can't believe I lost over a debted man.


"What kind of fucking men did you send?! They weren't any help," I angrily questioned Sejun, his head down. In a split second, I pushed away all the items on my desk with only one arm since I am unable to use the other. I screamed in anger, kicking my seat down.

"We can't back down easily, what's your plan?" I boldly eyed him despite his face staring at the ground. "I- I don't know-" "Well you better have one!" I screamed, startling him. "Just, leave before I could pull a trigger," I say, sighing. Sejun hurriedly bows and excuses himself.

I stood for a while, calming down myself before I sat back down. The contents of my desk now took space on the floor. While I was scanning the room, an idea sparked in my head.

I must be a genius.


While hanging my apron in its place, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Looking at the caller ID, I got suspicious about it. Nevertheless, I picked it up out of curiosity.

"Seungwoo? It's been so long since you called me. How's business?" I ask, taking my stuff, about to exit the establishment I work at. "That's not important right now. Can you come over? I have a favor to ask." He replies.

"I couldn't even remember how long it's been when we saw each other and now you're asking for a favor?" I say, walking down the sidewalk.

"It's immediate. I can't talk it through the phone. It's not like I'm asking it for free, of course. There will be something in return." He says, making me stop in my tracks.

"Be thankful my shift is over. I'll be right there," I reply. "Thanks," He half-heartedly says, ending the call immediately as if he's in a rush.


"So, what's the favor?" I say, putting both of my hands on my hips as I stood in front of him. "Seduce someone for me," He says, making me choke on my saliva.

"The audacity- out of everything you could ask of me, this is it?" I say, receiving no reaction from him. "I told you, I'll have something in return," He replies, standing up from his seat.

"And, what would that be?" I cross my arms, waiting for an answer. He picks up a briefcase and places it on the desk. He opens the case and spins it to show its contents.

"You're a loan shark, how could I trust you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I looked at the stacks of bills. "I'm a loan shark, not a scammer," He replies.

"You can't lure me like this. I'm not eager nor am I dumb," I say, making him sigh. Out of the blue, he takes out a handgun and points it to me. "You made me," He says, tilting his head to the side.

"So, do or die, literally," I reply, sighing. "Fine, I'll do it," I answer, having no other choice. He puts down the weapon, leaning on the desk. "For what, though? I don't see how this could have any relation to your business whatsoever," I said, thinking about it thoroughly.

"Why would you be curious?" He asks. "Why would I do something when I don't know why I'm doing it?" I reply, making him nod. "Fine," He sits down as if he's about to tell a lengthy story.

"In this business, if you don't meet my standards, there's a higher price waiting." He says, appearing to be poetic. "Get straight to the point," I say, pissing him off. "One of the debtors decided to rebel," He incompletely answers.

"So what? Isn't there a 'higher price'?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. All I received was a sigh, getting a bad feeling about it. "I'm reticent about it-" "Just say it," I interrupt, rushing him.

"He apparently won over us," He says, hesitant. "And what's my role in this conflict?" I ask, still not getting it. "That scum, Lee Chansol. He may be lacking fortune but he knows how to work his ways. I hate to say it but it's the truth." He says, slouching on the seat.

"Looks like you're the opposite of him," I comment, making him furious. "I feel like actually shooting you," He sarcastically says. "Then you won't have anyone else to do the job," I reply, making him give up.

"You know, you've changed a lot," I suddenly change the topic, making him look up at me. "What do you mean?" He asks, wondering what I aimed to tell him.

"We've been friends for God knows how long. And I know you too well at this point in time," I say. "Come on, where's the old Seungwoo I know?" I say, showing a smile. He just looks at me with no emotion.

"He's gone. The old me is gone and you won't see him again," He soullessly replies, making the smile on my face disappear. "It was just like yesterday when you were whining about having a loan shark as your dad. And now, you became the thing you swore to destroy," I said, folding my arms.

"It's none of your business anymore. Just forget about everything that happened before," He blatantly says, as if he was ordering me. "Fine. Just tell me what to do with this Chansol guy," I say, getting his attention back.

"He's an owner of a nightclub downtown. Your role is simple, get him to fall in love with you. And leave the rest to me," He explains, making me nod. "So you're saying, I'm the bait?" I ask. "Uhuh," He replies.

"Easier said than done," I comment. "It's hard to make someone fall in love with you. Additionally, he's a nightclub owner. He probably has a ton of girls around him no matter what he looks like," I explain.

"He's different. Even though he owns the nightclub, he prefers staying clean. It might be easier than we think," He replies. "I guess I'll try-" "You can't try, you have to. No matter what," He strongly states.

I'm getting paid anyway.


I walked in the place, dressed opposite than how I typically would; tight, showy. But blending in is part of my scheme after all. Walking up the bar, I notice a few eyes landing on me, which made me slightly uncomfortable. Yet I have to act naturally on the outside to avoid suspicion.

Looking at the choice of liquor, I was unsure. I had to pick out something least alcoholic to avoid getting drunk. Because this would be the worst time to get drunk, even though I'm good at drinking. Additionally, I can't stay here without buying anything.

When I got the drink, I sipped on it slowly as I looked around the place. My eyes landed on a familiar face. The person headed somewhere in my direction so I tried getting their attention.

"Lee Changsun?" I call, making his face turn to me. He comes forward to me with a neutral expression. "How do you know me?" He asks, unsure of who I am. "I'm Y/F/L! We were in the same class in the senior year." I explained, his eyes lighting up.

"Oh, I remember! You aren't quite the kind to be at a place like this. Well, that's how I knew you." He says, leaning on the island. "You know, people change," I say, trying to think of a cover.

"I forgot to tell you, I'm not Changsun anymore. I changed my name to Chansol." He explains, making me frightened. "Oh, so you're Lee Chansol now?" I ask, making him nod.

No, he probably just has a similar name. Don't jump into conclusions yet.

Before we could continue the conversation, someone else interrupts. "Boss, when are the deliveries coming?" The barista asks, drying a glass.

Wait, boss?

I waited for them to finish conversing, sipping my drink in the process. "Did he call you boss?" I asked, making him look at me again. "Of course, I own this club," He replies, sitting down.

Uh oh.

"Oh, I didn't know that," I say, following a shaky laugh. "It's fine. It's your first time here?" He asks making me nod. "It's nothing to worry about. Not everyone in this place would have any clue I'm the manager anyway." He says.

"To be honest, you don't look like it. You look to clean to be owning the entirety of this place." I commented. "Thanks for the compliment, I guess," He says, acting quite shy. "What happened to you and Junhwa? Are you guys still together?" I ask, making him shocked.

"Aren't you guys friends? You should've known first, unless she didn't tell you," He says, making me flash a face of confusion. "We broke up after senior year since she found someone else," He said.

"I shouldn't have brought it up," I said. "It's okay, I've gotten over it. Come to think of it, you're somehow like her." He comments, shocking me. "Oh, you think so?" I asked, making him nod.

I couldn't seem to carry on with the conversation, so I took out my phone acting like I'm checking the time. "Oh, it's getting late. I gotta go," I said, standing up as I fixed my bag strap on my shoulder.

"Wait, can I have your number?" He asks, stopping me at my tracks. "Oh, sure," I replied and we exchanged numbers. "Call me anytime," He says, smiling before I could exit.


"Isn't that better?" Seungwoo enthusiastically comments. "What do you mean 'better'? This is catastrophic on my side!" I argue, opposing his statement. "It's not your business anymore when something bad happens to him. Were you even close?" He asks.

"Uh, no. But he used to be my friend's boyfriend," I reply. "They broke up," At this point, I gave up. "It's not like you're going to kill him with your own hands. I told you I'm going to take care of the rest." He said, leaving me dumbfounded.

"We made a deal and you can't do anything about it," He adds. "Yeah, I know. Let's just stop arguing," I say, folding my arms. After the argument we had, I heard my phone ring. "Who is it?" Seungwoo asks, curious.

"I'll just take the call outside," I say, not even seeing the caller ID yet. "You can just answer it here, I won't be interested anyway," He says. While he talked, I checked the caller.

Changsun- no, Chansol? I expected him to call me tomorrow or some other day. But just after a few hours of meeting each other?

"It's Chansol," I say, looking at the screen. "Now I'm interested," He says, resting his elbows on the desk, placing his head on his hands. I just took the call since he might think it's off if I don't answer.

"Oh, hey. Why'd you call?" I answer first, waiting for a reply. "Hey uh, can you come over?" He suddenly asks, sounding strange to ask. "I just got there a while ago and we literally just met after so long," I reply.

"I just wanna ask a small favor, nothing much. It's okay if you can't come today, you might be busy." He says. I look over to Seungwoo who was eavesdropping the conversation since I turned on the loudspeaker option.

Seungwoo nods, signaling me to come over. "I'm not busy, I can come over," I reply, my facial expression opposite from what I replied. "Meet you in front of the club," He says, ending the call.

"This is your chance, don't ruin it," He says, motioning his hands to scurry me away. I just roll my eyes and exit the room, going on my way. I hate doing this, but I'd rather do this than getting killed because of his petty request.


Arriving in front of the said place, I notice Chansol already in front of the club. "Have you been waiting long?" I asked him upon arrival. "Not at all," He replies. "What did you call me for?" I ask.

"Let's go inside first. It's a personal matter," He explains, worrying me slightly. "Okay then," I reply, following as we entered the place. He led me to his office, looking quite neat.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask him as soon as we got in the room. "I have a small favor to ask of you," He answers, still incomplete. "And... What is it?" I ask, eager to know. He goes behind his desk and picks up an item. "Something about this guy," He shows me a picture.

"Han Seungwoo?" I ask, shocking him. "You know him?" He asks, surprised. "Yeah, he's a childhood friend of mine. We haven't met after senior year," I say, hiding the fact that we met recently and even made a deal. Or else, it may spark suspicion.

"Interesting. Could you kill him for me?" He asked, rushed. "That escalated quickly," I commented, my mind, blank. "Are you up to it?" He asks, coming closer, now standing in front of me.

"Of course I won't do this for free. What do I get in return?" I ask, conditioning. "Anything you want," He says, taking a step closer, making me step back. "What does that mean?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking.

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