《victon imagines》seungwoo - cloak-and-dagger [part 2]


• genre: mafia au

• 3695 words

• published: 07/30/20

• warning: slight use of profanity + arranged crime



I tapped my fingers on the table as I waited for him to arrive. Soon later, I heard the door chimes sound. I looked up and saw the person I awaited. I wave my hand for him to see, he notices and comes my way.

"Oh, hey! What did you call me for?" Chansol asks as soon as he took the seat in front of me. "I just wanna talk about a few things. And I apologize, I might have disrupted you today." I started.

"It's fine, I wouldn't have agreed if I was busy. And it's not like my presence is much needed at the club at the moment," He explains. "Anyway, I'm sorry about what I said the other day. I wasn't in my right mind at that time," I apologize, acting shy.

"But was it true?" He asks. "What was?" I ask, acting clueless. "The confession," He continues. "Oh, that. It true, but it doesn't apply right now," I explain, following a shaky laugh.

"Why do you ask?" I ask him. "I was just curious, that's all," He says, making me nod. "So what did you want to talk about other than this?" He questions, almost making me forget.

"When did you guys break up? You know, you and Junhwa." I ask. "Well, after senior year, she told me she wanted to study abroad. So she did and left the country. We couldn't keep a long-distance relationship so we broke up." He explains.

Nice try. Your stories can't faze me. He's so good at it he could write a novel.

I nod as if I believed him. "Why are you bringing it up, though?" He asks. "I was just curious. She never actually reached out to me after that year. Not a single call from her, maybe she left the country without me knowing." I say, going with his story.

"I thought you guys were close? How come she didn't tell you?" He asks. "I wonder too," I reply. "Anyway, is there anything else you want to talk about? I might be busy for the next few days," He asks.

"Not really, that's all I wanted to say," I say, smiling. "If that's the case, I'll get going," He says, standing up.

I can't believe him. What can I say? He took the life of his so-called girlfriend.

Which made me think. Now that my task is to make him fall in love with me, I'm knocking on heaven's door.


"So have you done it?" Seungwoo asks. "What do you mean? It's only been a few days," I replied. "It's not like I'm giving you all the time in the world for this, loans are monthly," He explains.

"It's not like I can make him fall in love with me overnight. We just met after so long," I say in defense. "As I said, that's better. You know each other, at least a bit," He says.

"You don't get it, he killed my friend who was his girlfriend. And if he does fall for me, he could do the same with me," I told him. "You don't have to worry about that. Just do what we agreed on, it's just like saying you agreed to me in exchange for your soul. So no one can take your soul." He explains.


"It's not like you can stop him from doing so. You don't even keep an eye on me," I say. "Who said so?" With his statement, my eyes widened. "Not like that! You know what I mean," He replies.

"Anyway, just do what we agreed on. The sooner the better," He said, scurrying me away.

After leaving the place, my mind wandered off to think of how I'm supposed to do it. I never dated anyone before since I wasn't interested.

In between thoughts, I heard my phone ring in my pocket. "Seungwoo? I just left, what do you need?" I ask.

"Are you still thinking about how to do it?" He asks as if he knew what I was thinking from meters away. Well, it's not surprising, I've been giving him hints that I'm stuck.

"Uh, yeah. But I'll figure it out somehow-" "Go back here," He says. "Why?" "What do you think? I'll help you out," He offers.

"You made a deal with me, so you're not supposed to," I replied. "It's just the start, you'll be the one to execute it anyway," He explains. "Okay, fine. Thanks," I said monotonously.

"Don't thank me, I just pity you," He says, ending the call before I could reply.

Wow, what a choice of words

Thankfully, I haven't gotten far and got there in just a few minutes.

I arrive back in the same room, immediately seeing Seungwoo. He sat on his desk, yet feet still flat on the floor. "So what did you have in mind?" I ask him as I closed the door behind me.

As soon as I stepped forward, he stands up from his previous position. It made me stop in my tracks.

"Wait," He says. I raise my eyebrows in question. Suddenly, with a strong force of his arm, he pushes my shoulder.

It made a loud thud as my back touched the cold door. In the process, he locks the doorknob which was beside me.

"W-what-" I look at him, my eyes shaking. "I'll give you ideas," He says with a pairing smirk. I felt his slender hands trail through my hair.

It sent tingles to my body, and I didn't understand why. His hand softly landed to the back of my neck, then to my hips.

Slowly, he motioned his face forward, disclosing a distance between our faces. I tried moving my face backward but I had limited space.

"Wait, stop!" I unintentionally screamed. I noticed his face was quite surprised. With all force, I push him away from me.

He did move away, yet he immediately moved forward once again. Pulling me with my hips, our chests touching each other.

"Just follow my lead, nothing to be scared of," His sentence was fierce yet his tone was calming for some reason.

Without warning, he places his lips on mine. Instead of reacting oppositely, I decided to go with the flow. But not too much.

Not long after, he pulls away. I thought he'd make it longer, but I'll thank God he didn't.

"Did you learn anything?" He asks with a huge smile shown on his face. I was at a loss of words at how it escalated quickly.

"Hello? Are you still there?" He playfully asks, waving his hand in front of my idle face. I blinked several times and shook my head.

"Did I hit your head too hard a while ago?" He asks, checking the back of my head. I immediately removed his hand. "I'm fine," I reply, slightly thinking it's mysterious that he cares about my well-being.


"Why do you suddenly care for me?" I ask him. "Your soul is in my hands, remember?" He replies. "So why do you care about my soul so much?" "Our soul," He answers.

I just roll my eyes in annoyance. "I think I should get going. Time's running," I said. "Yeah, sure," He says before I left.

Chansol's POV

While I was driving, I received a message from an unsaved number.

Hey Changsun, it's Sejun. Vice president of our class during senior year, in case you don't remember. Our class is having a reunion on Saturday. It's optional if you don't wanna go, it's not official anyway.

Sure, i can go. How did you get my number though?

I have connections, haha

Oh, okay. See you on Saturday.

It's not like I'm a hundred percent interested in joining, but it wouldn't be so often to see my senior year batch mates, right?


I arrived at the location we agreed on; a small cafè on the second floor with a balcony view. There were familiar faces as soon as I stepped in.

"Hey, Changsun!" Sejun notices my presence from afar. He comes to me, a hand in the air signaling a high-five.

"It's been so long," He says as I accepted the high-five. "Oh, by the way, it's Chansol," I said.

"You changed your name?" He asks, making me nod. "Why though? Changsun sounds decent," He says.

I scratch the back of my neck, thinking of a made-up excuse. "I just... wanted to," I said.

"Why don't we sit first?" He asked so I accepted. We approached the long table surrounded by several seats.

"Oh, Chansol!" I hear someone call my name from not so far away. Y/N waves her hand for me to see. "Have you met lately? She knows you're not Changsun anymore," Sejun asks, hinting.

"Uh, yeah. But not so long," I reply and he just nodded. I awkwardly sat beside Y/N, Sejun following on my right.

"You guys met recently?" Y/N asks a similar question to Sejun and me. "We just met up in person just now," Sejun explains, following a small chuckle.

"How about we catch up on each other while we're waiting for the others?" Y/N suggests. "I don't see why not?" Sejun agrees, and so do I.

We were deep into the conversation that we didn't realize how time flew at a quick pace. More people filled the place.

I then noticed we were the only people at the moment. "Is it just I or our class are the only ones here?" I ask Sejun.

"It's just us," Y/N answers my question. "We have the whole place reserved for us," Sejun continues. "Really? Who did?" I ask in shock.

Sejun then looks past me, to my left. I look at the direction he was looking for. "Y/N?" I hint, making him nod. "You didn't tell me you were rich," I say.

Y/N's raises an eyebrow on confusion. "Did you say anything?" "You rented this whole place for us?" I ask.

"What? No! All I did was suggest the place, but I wasn't the one who paid for it," She explains, making me nod. "So who did?" As soon as I asked, both of them shrug in unison.

A lot of things happened during the time we were there. Team games, drinking, eating, and all that. Even confessions that were never told before.

Nevertheless, most of us had fun. At first, I thought it would be a waste of time. But I guess it wasn't too bad.

The event ended and we all left. Upon reaching the exit, I notice Y/N still standing at the front. "Why are you still here?" I ask, making her face me.

"I couldn't find a taxi if there was it would be occupied," She explains her situation. "How about a ride?" I offer.

"Oh, it's fine! I'll just wait a few minutes," She insists. "Come on, you'll save a bit of time at least," I offered.

"If it's okay with you," She says. "Of course, let's go," I reply, walking to the direction of my parked car. I hear her footsteps follow from behind.

At first, the ride was awkwardly silent, we didn't know how to spark a conversation despite meeting occasionally. So I decided to ask first.

"Hey Y/N, can I ask something?" I ask. "Yeah sure, what is it?" From the rearview mirror, I see her head lookup. "Do you still have feelings for me?" I question, eyes still fixated on the road.

She didn't answer immediately, probably too shocked about my sudden question. "It's okay if you can't answer-" "It's true," She says.

"But does it still apply right now?" I ask her again. "I..." She stops halfway. "I'm not sure," She replies with an empty answer.

"What does that mean?" I added, still wanting a direct answer. "You know you can't ask anyone directly if they like you, you have to prove it." She suggests. "Keep your secrets then," I replied.


After his questions, the only talking we did was just the directions to my house. I'm quite surprised that he first asked me and even asked that particular question.

We arrived at my house so I got off the vehicle, Chansol following. "Your house isn't far from the club," He comments.

"Yeah. And thanks for the ride," I thanked him. "Sure, no problem," He says smiling. Before he got back in the car, I halted him.

"Wait, aren't you hungry?" I ask, hoping my plan gets carried out. "I noticed you just ordered a frappe but it's already afternoon," I add.

"Come to think of it, I kind of am. I'll drop by a restaurant when I get back. Thanks for reminding me!" He says, opening his car door.

"I mean..." I stutter. He looks up, leaning on the car door. "You can eat at my place! You're here anyway, and think of it as an exchange for taking me home." I say

"Doesn't sound too bad, I'm down for it," He answers, making me mentally heave a sigh.


We finished up the short meal we had together. I felt nervous yet giddy thinking about the scheme I plan to execute.

"Thanks for the meal. I won't lie, it was delicious," Chansol comments with a smile. "Thanks, I don't cook for people too often," I reply. "You should, you got potential," He compliments.

"You think so?" I ask, making him nod. "Anyway, I'll get going," He said, pointing behind him, directing towards the door.

"Not so fast," I say, making him stop in his tracks. He slowly turns around, taking a few steps forward. "What's the matter-"

I held him by his shoulders and pinned him onto the wall. Our faces were inches away, yet he didn't move a bit. His expression was quite startled.

He then smirked, making me feel suspicious about him. "What do you want?" He asks in a serious tone. "Tell me the truth," I start.

"You like me, don't you?" I ask, slowly disclosing the space between our faces. Unexpectedly, he holds me by my waist and turns over.

My back was flat on the wall as he places a hand on the wall right beside my head. I was breathing hard at the sudden twist of events and I do think he could hear it as well.

Without warning, he places his lips on mine. I respond to the kiss, placing my arms on his broad shoulders. I felt one of his hands trail down the rows of my hair.

We slowly pulled away and looked at each other in the eyes for a few moments. "Does that answer your question?" He asks.

"Of course," I reply, plastering a smile on my face. Afterward, he made his way out. As soon as I heard the door close, I heaved a sigh as if I held my breath the whole time.

For all I knew, everything I did was just to dupe him. But somehow, a part of me thought of it to be genuine.

a month later...

Chansol's POV

Staring outside the wide glass windows, I awaited her arrival. The trees were swaying while the summer breeze blew. It is quite a windy day, and I was feeling good for no apparent reason.

Although I'm not fully satisfied with my recent relationship. They all thought I'll change after being locked up. But now that I'm free, I feel like committing more crimes before the law comes for me.

If only I had kept the wealth I had, I wouldn't be suffering right now. Nevertheless, I have numerous connections just so my crimes wouldn't be publicized in any way.

They'd always ask why I committed these crimes, but I'd never say anything. But the answer is simple; the suffering of others is my delight.

While I let a few thoughts run through my mind, I notice the time and got surprised. "Where is Y/N? She was the one who decided to meet her and she's the one who's late." I said to myself.

I decided to wait for a few more minutes, thinking that something might've happened. But it just made me grow more impatient. About to exit the place, I receive a message from Seungwoo.

I told you I'll be coming back and I'm keeping my word. Bring me the payment and no one will get hurt.

The text says with an attachment. I opened the attachment, shocking me. Y/N's face has been ruined; purple spots with scars and blood scattered on her features.

I had no second thoughts and hurriedly left the place. Unconsciously, I felt a teardrop on my face while the cold wind hit my face.

"Why the hell am I crying?" I ask myself, wiping the tear away.

Face it, there's a part of me that cares. And I hate it.

Thankfully, I had used up the time I had to get the money. I took the duffel bag that filled with cash, I zipped it close and ran to his place.


"I thought you wouldn't show up like last time, I guess you finally had the guts to come here." Seungwoo starts as he held Y/N tightly.

I notice Y/N attempting to get out of his grip. "Look, I have it. So don't touch her," I say, raising the duffel bag, then throwing it across the room.

Another tear falls from my eye, and it's not even fake. Why was I feeling this way?

One of his men opened the bag and inspected the contents. Seungwoo then looks into it as well and nods. He looks back at me, forcibly letting go of Y/N.

She takes a step forward, the head is still down. All of a sudden, the sorrow in her expression disappears replacing with amusement. She laughed for a good few seconds like a psychopath.

"Lee Chansol, I thought you were better than this. You thought we were real?" She asks with a smile across her face. "W-what," was all I could say.

"You killed her didn't you?" She asked. "Killed who?" I ask with a shaky voice. "Don't beat around the bush, you know your sins," She answers.

"Yeah, I did. So what?" I ask, yet my voice was slowly faltering. "Some part of me loved you, but your fault is just unforgivable," She sheds a tear.

Before I could answer, his men point their guns at me. "It's over for you, Lee Chansol," These last words came from Seungwoo. They mercilessly shot me until I fell to the ground.

When they stopped, I looked up to notice Y/N's eyes were bloodshot filled with tears yet her expression was mad.

I guess none of her feelings for me were genuine. I don't deserve anyone's love anyway.

That was the last thought that came to mind before I breathed my last breath.


"Finally," I said as I watched Chansol's eyes close shut. "Get him out of here. And the rest, leave," I hear Seungwoo order, and his men immediately followed.

"Does that include me?" I ask him, turning around. "No," He answers. Later on, the room only contained the two of us.

"So, what now?"I ask him as we awkwardly stood there. "Don't worry, you'll get what you want later," He replied. "That's not what I meant, but thanks," I said.

"That scumbag is going to play games with me until the end," He says as he picks up the bag that I suppose contained the money. I took a closer look and noticed it was all fake.

"Are you okay?" He asks, coming up to me. "You know all of this is makeup," I said, pointing at my face with the made-up scars.

"No, I mean... your eyes are swollen," He points out. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just think that a part of me appreciated him. Although I don't know if his feelings were real." I replied.

"So you grew feelings for him?" He asks. "Of course I did. I'm human so I'd feel at least something,"

"Does that mean I'm not human?" He suddenly asks. "Years ago, I left you hanging without a word. I spent most of my time with you before. Not a single regret came to me when I left you. No one else wanted to befriend me except you. Who would want to make friends with a mafia leader's child anyway? I was dumb enough to not acknowledge you." He says, tears falling from his eyes. And this was the first time I've seen him cry.

"I'm sorry," He comes up to me and pulls me into a hug. I didn't think twice and wrapped my arms around him. "You said the old Seungwoo isn't coming back. Did you lie?" I ask, my head still resting on his chest. I felt him nod as his head lay on my shoulder.

He pulls away, both our faces showed a smile. "Can you let me stay with you again? No agreement or contract. Just asking for permission." He says, making me chuckle.

"Of course," I answer with a smile. "Promise you won't leave me again?" "Promise,"


"Hey Junhwa, have you been well?" I ask, thinking that she's physically there. I looked at the urn, flowers, and the pictures surrounding it. A tear falls from my eye as I smiled.

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