《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》He Catches You Singing


You're holding down the fort at b/f/n's house while her family is gone on vacation. You're bored, so you decide to play some music. You don't sing very often because you know you have a bad voice, but you just can't resist today.

You flip through the music on your phone and eventually settle on "Lightning" by Cash Cash. You turn the volume up as far as it will go and start singing along.

"I was all you thought you ever needed,

So you said.

How'd I let this slip away?

On the floor, cold and barely breathing..."

You stand up and start dancing as you get into the song. You're so busy singing and dancing that you don't notice when the door opens and Jay walks into the apartment. At least, you don't notice until he says, "I love this song!" and starts singing and dancing right along with you.

You're a little embarrassed at first, but you relax when you realize that Jay's even more off key than you are. Pretty soon, you're both singing at the top of your lungs and trying not to laugh while you compete to see who can do the craziest dance move.

"Now I can feel your pulse

Kick-starting this lifeless soul.

Like a lightning bolt to the heart,

You woke me up (you woke me up)..."

The sound of slow clapping interrupts your dancing. You both freeze and look over at Zane, who's standing in the doorway.

You grab your phone and pause the music, red-faced. "What are you doing here?"

"Why did you stop?" Zane asks. "That was most adorable."

"How many times do I have to tell you that it's not nice to sneak up on people?" Jay demands. "Is there an emergency or something?"


Zane raises his eyebrows. "Did you not sneak up on y/n just a few minutes ago?"

"Well, yes, but that's not the—wait, wait, how long have you been there?!"

Zane looks back and forth between you and Jay. "On second thought, I have an urgent errand somewhere else." Zane backs away quickly. You hear his footsteps retreating down the hall.

You look at Jay. "Wait a minute. Can he...you know...record stuff?"

Jay's eyes widen. "Yeah, I think he can."

You and Jay share a horrified look, then sprint out of the apartment. Zane waves at you two from the end of the hall and then steps into the elevator. You and Jay both smack into the elevator door a few seconds after it closes.

You jab the button angrily. "Dang it, Zane! ZANE!"

Jay leans against the wall and puffs, "So help me, I'm gonna remove his funny switch if it's the last thing I do."

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